Tomasz Gralak | University of Wroclaw (original) (raw)

Books by Tomasz Gralak

Research paper thumbnail of T. Gralak ARCHITECTURE, STYLE AND STRUCTURE

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture, style and structure in the Early Iron Age in Central Europe. (Second edition)

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Research paper thumbnail of Osadnictwo z późnego okresu wpływów rzymskich i początku okresu wędrówek ludów na stanowiskach Polwica 4 i 5 oraz Skrzypnik 8, Archeologiczne Zeszyty Autostradowe, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, Zeszyt 21. Wrocław.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence from the Danubian Zone of the Barbaricum on the Territory of Poland in Late Antiquity.  Archaeological Studies. Wrocław 2012. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

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Papers by Tomasz Gralak

Research paper thumbnail of Per commercia tradunt – próba rekonstrukcji modelu ekonomicznego środkowoeuropejskiego Barbaricum

Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses, vol. 58, 2022

The article analyzes the socio-economic relations in the Central European Barbaricum. Ancient wri... more The article analyzes the socio-economic relations in the Central European Barbaricum. Ancient written sources were confronted with archaeological data. An attempt was made to define the general principles of the economic model. The method of access to the means of production, distribution of goods, and the resulting structure was examined. Equivalents of exchange and the type of emerging trade relations were recognized. The nature of economic and political relations with the Roman Empire was also indicated.

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The result of the military, political and economic activity of the Huns in Europe was the depopul... more The result of the military, political and economic activity of the Huns in Europe was the depopulation of vast areas, massive ethnic changes, and the destruction of many previous political organisms. The question arises as to why they were so successful. They had knowledge and skills that were alien to the European civilization of that time but perfectly known among the nomadic population of Central Asia and China. Therefore, their activity can be seen as a confrontation of different cultural models. In this sense, it was a clash of civilizations-almost in a sense proposed by S. Huntington.

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Research paper thumbnail of The beginnings of pottery technology in Vietnam based on finds from the Xom Trai Cave in the Hoa Binh Province

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2023

In the caves of South East Asia, artefacts from the Pleistocene period known as the Hoabinhian cu... more In the caves of South East Asia, artefacts from the Pleistocene period known as the Hoabinhian culture are found. They also include the oldest evidence of using pottery technology in this region. The adoption of the new technology can be seen as a deeper specialization within the hunter-gatherer economy. The use of pottery facilitates and accelerates the thermal processing of food (i.e., cooking or possibly roasting). In addition, some foods require prolonged or repeated cooking; otherwise, they may be toxic or difficult to digest. The article analyzes vessels fragments from the XomTrai Cave and additionally from the Hiem Cave – both in Hoà Bình Province in Vietnam. Based on physical characteristics, four formal and
technological groups were distinguished, corresponding to three phases of use. The first is related to the decline of the Hoabinhian communities – the so-called Dabutian (the Da But culture), the second with the early Neolithic Phung Nguyen culture (or horizon), and the third with the early
Bronze Age Go Mun culture.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Early Holocene Hoabinhian (8300-8000 cal BC) occupationfrom Hiem Cave, Vietnam

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2023

This paper presents a case study from the Hiem cave (Hoà Bình province, North Vietnam) showing ho... more This paper presents a case study from the Hiem cave (Hoà Bình province, North Vietnam) showing how a multidisciplinary approach in archaeological research can develop knowledge on the everyday life of the hunter-gatherer Hoabinhian groups occupying the cave during the early Holocene (8500-8200 cal BC). The archaeological analysis presents the characteristic Hoabinhian artefacts and their usage, while archeozoological, malacological and archaeobotanical research throw light on the way of life, including plant and animal elements of a daily diet as well as the settlement seasonality of the cave.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kto wyrzuca pieniądze przez okno – czyli potlacz w archeologii, Who throws money out the window – or the potlatch in archaeology

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2022

The article analyses various archaeologically perceptible methods of withdrawing goods from circu... more The article analyses various archaeologically perceptible methods of withdrawing goods from circulation. This phenomenon is known as potlatch. Its social and economic context was considered on the basis of various prehistoric cultures in Central Europe. It is pointed out that this is a phenomenon typical of a peripheral economy and a hierarchical
social structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza metrologiczna reliktów zabudowy drewnianej grodu ludności kultury łużyckiej w Biskupinie (Metrological analysis of the timber building remains from the Lusatian culture fortified settlement at Biskupin)

V SPRAWOZDANIE BISKUPIŃSKIE, ed. by J. Kopiasz, H. P. Dąbrowski, A. Grossman, W. Piotrowski , 2017

Metrological analysis of selected buildings from the settlement in Biskupin showed that in all th... more Metrological analysis of selected buildings from the settlement in Biskupin showed that in all the identified building phases a specific and repeated measure of length was used. It was found that two units were used for the layout of the buildings – the first one had a value of 0.620 833 m and the second was half as long and measured 0.310416 m. Due
to the existence of measurements of similar length in the Mediterranean world and in other parts of Europe, they were defined as the Biskupin ell and foot. The proportions of the sides of the buildings also suggest that the inhabitants of the Biskupin fortified settlement used the duodecimal system for their measurements. It was also noticed that to determine the right angle, the so-called Pythagorean triangles were used, that is right triangles with sides expressed by integers: 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15 and in one case with a slight inaccuracy: 4, 7, 8.0622. Probably the basic tools used for measuring were a rope and measuring stick.

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Research paper thumbnail of Podstawy społeczne i ekonomiczne powstania fenomenu złotnictwa wielbarskiego, Slavia Antiqua, 63: 7-40. (The social and economic bases of the Wielbark goldsmithing)

Slavia Antiqua , 2022

In the early first century AC, in the north of Poland (predominantly in Pomerania), the Wielbark ... more In the early first century AC, in the north of Poland (predominantly in Pomerania), the Wielbark culture developed with its group of specific features. Among them were numerous items of jewellery. It seem that their use was related to an extended social hierarchy and distant interregional trade contacts. The raw material used by the jewellers was most probably obtained from melted Roman coins. Amber exports were at the economic basis of obtaining the coins. The most frequent forms of trinkets: snake-and adder-inspired bracelets, reverse pear pendants, S-shaped buckles and others, are of entirely foreign origin. Their prototypes can be traced back to the pre-Roman areas along the Danube occupied by the Thracians and the Dacians or the La Tène culture population.

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[Research paper thumbnail of 2020/2021 Kultura materialna  – realizacja idei czy schematów poznawczych? [w:] B. Gediga, S. Nowaczyk, H. P. Dąbrowski, M. Olszta-Bloch (red.) Od archeologii przedmiotów do archeologii idei, 89-116. Biskupin-Wrocław.](

Analysis of Bronze Age material culture artefacts reveals a striking stylistic difference between... more Analysis of Bronze Age material culture artefacts reveals a striking stylistic difference between ceramic and metal objects. This phenomenon is characteristic of almost all cultures from that period. Vessels were adorned mostly with rectangular and triangular ornaments, while various circular motifs were dominant among decorations on bronze objects. It would seem that this division is a result of different sources of inspiration for each category of objects. As one might suspect, ceramic vessels imitated forms of those made of organic resources, often manufactured by weaving. This also applies to patterns (ornaments) that decorated them. In case of metal objects, their most characteristic feature – shine, made them resemble other shining phenomena. This would probably involve astronomic objects – stars, the Moon and above all else the Sun. This association might have been the reason behind various circular and spiral motifs. It seems plausible that it was a way of imitating shapes and movements of celestial bodies. This leads us to the question: to what extent did material objects reflect ideas, and to what extent they illustrated very simple beliefs about the workings of the world. Characteristically, the same beliefs pertained to very different fields (cosmos and bronze objects, weaving and ceramics). Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that these activities were a realization of cognitive schemas.
This would seem to project an altogether pessimistic view of the nature of cognition and ways of creating culture. The picture outlined above would suggest that as humans we have a tendency to be caught up in our own limitations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nietypowy czworokątny obiekt rowkowy z cmentarzyska w Domasławiu, stan. 36

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2015

The aim of the study is to analyze the cultural and chronological attribution of the grave locate... more The aim of the study is to analyze the cultural and chronological attribution of the grave located into rectangular ditch feature from Domasław 36 district Wroclaw. The formal comparison with other such constructions from the La Tène and Roman Period was conducted. Metrologycal analysis was made also. It showed that for during construction rectangular ditch was used repeat-able unit of length-0,3575 m. It was pointed out that the analogical similar measure was used in the architecture of the Przeworsk culture's and Elbian circle's population. Based on these data, it was found that this rectangular ditch feature is dated to the early Roman Period.

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The economy of any community depends on the values which are considered to be the most important.... more The economy of any community depends on the values which are considered to be the most important. Social organization and technologies are subordinated to their implementation. In traditional societies, including people of the La Tène culture, the most significant issues concerned the status of individuals and the resulting interpersonal relations. The position in rank was manifested and gained through participation in military expeditions. The economy was subordinated to military action. Nonetheless, new technologies and financial solutions created opportunities for military success. This, however, has its price in enormous social inequalities and almost permanent war.

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In Tyniec nad Ślęzą was excavated a burial ground from the beginning of the Migration period. Ten... more In Tyniec nad Ślęzą was excavated a burial ground from the beginning of the Migration period. Ten inhumation graves were discovered.
Amongst them were recorded partial burials, reopened graves as well as graves covered with stelae. In terms of ritual and grave goods they
correspond to the horizon of inhumation graves occurring from the Black Sea areas via the Danube region to Silesia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zwierzęce szczątki kostne z wielokulturowego stanowiska archeologicznego w miejscowości Górzec, stan. 13, pow. strzeliński, woj. dolnośląskie, Polska

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Rytm przemian kulturowych w pradziejach i średniowieczu", Biskupin, 07-09 lipca 2010 / Tomasz Gralak

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2010

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[Research paper thumbnail of Die Beile in Polen III", Jerzy Kuśnierz, Stuttgart 1998 : [recenzja] / Tomasz Gralak](

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Research paper thumbnail of Gdzie pieniądz tam władza - czyli o teoretycznych możliwościach rozpoznania lokalizacji Gaju Lugijskiego, Slavia Antiqua 62, 19-48. (Power follows money: the theoretical possibility of identifying the location of the Lugii Grove)

In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas a... more In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas accompanied by accumulation of goods, capital and weapons. Within the Przeworsk culture, the areain question encompassed the basins of the Prosna and the Warta. It remains uncertain if the area can beassociated with the so-called Lugii Grove, a centre of political and religious power described by Tacitus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cynophagia in the Púchov (Celtic) Culture Settlement at Liptovská Mara, Northern Slovakia

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2013

ABSTRACT This paper deals with the remains of butchered dogs from the La Tène and Early Roman sit... more ABSTRACT This paper deals with the remains of butchered dogs from the La Tène and Early Roman sites in northern Slovakia. A large settlement revealed at Liptovská Mara was inhabited by the Celtic tribe of Cotini, representing the so-called Púchov culture. The long-term excavation of the site has yielded one of the largest collections from that time in Slovakia. During archaeozoological analysis, the skeletal remains of dogs were identified. Interestingly, a large portion of the specimens represent the cranial skeleton, and the majority of mandibles bear distinctive marks of butchery. On the basis of their placement and similar characteristics, the authors conclude that they resulted from tongue-removal procedures. Moreover, their frequent occurrence clearly supports the idea of the use of dog flesh at the site. The authors argue that cynophagia occurred mainly for economic reasons; however, it might also have been part of the rituals documented in the sanctuary of Liptovská Mara.

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Research paper thumbnail of T. Gralak ARCHITECTURE, STYLE AND STRUCTURE

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture, style and structure in the Early Iron Age in Central Europe. (Second edition)

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Research paper thumbnail of Osadnictwo z późnego okresu wpływów rzymskich i początku okresu wędrówek ludów na stanowiskach Polwica 4 i 5 oraz Skrzypnik 8, Archeologiczne Zeszyty Autostradowe, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, Zeszyt 21. Wrocław.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence from the Danubian Zone of the Barbaricum on the Territory of Poland in Late Antiquity.  Archaeological Studies. Wrocław 2012. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

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Research paper thumbnail of Per commercia tradunt – próba rekonstrukcji modelu ekonomicznego środkowoeuropejskiego Barbaricum

Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses, vol. 58, 2022

The article analyzes the socio-economic relations in the Central European Barbaricum. Ancient wri... more The article analyzes the socio-economic relations in the Central European Barbaricum. Ancient written sources were confronted with archaeological data. An attempt was made to define the general principles of the economic model. The method of access to the means of production, distribution of goods, and the resulting structure was examined. Equivalents of exchange and the type of emerging trade relations were recognized. The nature of economic and political relations with the Roman Empire was also indicated.

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The result of the military, political and economic activity of the Huns in Europe was the depopul... more The result of the military, political and economic activity of the Huns in Europe was the depopulation of vast areas, massive ethnic changes, and the destruction of many previous political organisms. The question arises as to why they were so successful. They had knowledge and skills that were alien to the European civilization of that time but perfectly known among the nomadic population of Central Asia and China. Therefore, their activity can be seen as a confrontation of different cultural models. In this sense, it was a clash of civilizations-almost in a sense proposed by S. Huntington.

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Research paper thumbnail of The beginnings of pottery technology in Vietnam based on finds from the Xom Trai Cave in the Hoa Binh Province

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2023

In the caves of South East Asia, artefacts from the Pleistocene period known as the Hoabinhian cu... more In the caves of South East Asia, artefacts from the Pleistocene period known as the Hoabinhian culture are found. They also include the oldest evidence of using pottery technology in this region. The adoption of the new technology can be seen as a deeper specialization within the hunter-gatherer economy. The use of pottery facilitates and accelerates the thermal processing of food (i.e., cooking or possibly roasting). In addition, some foods require prolonged or repeated cooking; otherwise, they may be toxic or difficult to digest. The article analyzes vessels fragments from the XomTrai Cave and additionally from the Hiem Cave – both in Hoà Bình Province in Vietnam. Based on physical characteristics, four formal and
technological groups were distinguished, corresponding to three phases of use. The first is related to the decline of the Hoabinhian communities – the so-called Dabutian (the Da But culture), the second with the early Neolithic Phung Nguyen culture (or horizon), and the third with the early
Bronze Age Go Mun culture.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Early Holocene Hoabinhian (8300-8000 cal BC) occupationfrom Hiem Cave, Vietnam

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2023

This paper presents a case study from the Hiem cave (Hoà Bình province, North Vietnam) showing ho... more This paper presents a case study from the Hiem cave (Hoà Bình province, North Vietnam) showing how a multidisciplinary approach in archaeological research can develop knowledge on the everyday life of the hunter-gatherer Hoabinhian groups occupying the cave during the early Holocene (8500-8200 cal BC). The archaeological analysis presents the characteristic Hoabinhian artefacts and their usage, while archeozoological, malacological and archaeobotanical research throw light on the way of life, including plant and animal elements of a daily diet as well as the settlement seasonality of the cave.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kto wyrzuca pieniądze przez okno – czyli potlacz w archeologii, Who throws money out the window – or the potlatch in archaeology

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2022

The article analyses various archaeologically perceptible methods of withdrawing goods from circu... more The article analyses various archaeologically perceptible methods of withdrawing goods from circulation. This phenomenon is known as potlatch. Its social and economic context was considered on the basis of various prehistoric cultures in Central Europe. It is pointed out that this is a phenomenon typical of a peripheral economy and a hierarchical
social structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza metrologiczna reliktów zabudowy drewnianej grodu ludności kultury łużyckiej w Biskupinie (Metrological analysis of the timber building remains from the Lusatian culture fortified settlement at Biskupin)

V SPRAWOZDANIE BISKUPIŃSKIE, ed. by J. Kopiasz, H. P. Dąbrowski, A. Grossman, W. Piotrowski , 2017

Metrological analysis of selected buildings from the settlement in Biskupin showed that in all th... more Metrological analysis of selected buildings from the settlement in Biskupin showed that in all the identified building phases a specific and repeated measure of length was used. It was found that two units were used for the layout of the buildings – the first one had a value of 0.620 833 m and the second was half as long and measured 0.310416 m. Due
to the existence of measurements of similar length in the Mediterranean world and in other parts of Europe, they were defined as the Biskupin ell and foot. The proportions of the sides of the buildings also suggest that the inhabitants of the Biskupin fortified settlement used the duodecimal system for their measurements. It was also noticed that to determine the right angle, the so-called Pythagorean triangles were used, that is right triangles with sides expressed by integers: 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15 and in one case with a slight inaccuracy: 4, 7, 8.0622. Probably the basic tools used for measuring were a rope and measuring stick.

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Research paper thumbnail of Podstawy społeczne i ekonomiczne powstania fenomenu złotnictwa wielbarskiego, Slavia Antiqua, 63: 7-40. (The social and economic bases of the Wielbark goldsmithing)

Slavia Antiqua , 2022

In the early first century AC, in the north of Poland (predominantly in Pomerania), the Wielbark ... more In the early first century AC, in the north of Poland (predominantly in Pomerania), the Wielbark culture developed with its group of specific features. Among them were numerous items of jewellery. It seem that their use was related to an extended social hierarchy and distant interregional trade contacts. The raw material used by the jewellers was most probably obtained from melted Roman coins. Amber exports were at the economic basis of obtaining the coins. The most frequent forms of trinkets: snake-and adder-inspired bracelets, reverse pear pendants, S-shaped buckles and others, are of entirely foreign origin. Their prototypes can be traced back to the pre-Roman areas along the Danube occupied by the Thracians and the Dacians or the La Tène culture population.

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[Research paper thumbnail of 2020/2021 Kultura materialna  – realizacja idei czy schematów poznawczych? [w:] B. Gediga, S. Nowaczyk, H. P. Dąbrowski, M. Olszta-Bloch (red.) Od archeologii przedmiotów do archeologii idei, 89-116. Biskupin-Wrocław.](

Analysis of Bronze Age material culture artefacts reveals a striking stylistic difference between... more Analysis of Bronze Age material culture artefacts reveals a striking stylistic difference between ceramic and metal objects. This phenomenon is characteristic of almost all cultures from that period. Vessels were adorned mostly with rectangular and triangular ornaments, while various circular motifs were dominant among decorations on bronze objects. It would seem that this division is a result of different sources of inspiration for each category of objects. As one might suspect, ceramic vessels imitated forms of those made of organic resources, often manufactured by weaving. This also applies to patterns (ornaments) that decorated them. In case of metal objects, their most characteristic feature – shine, made them resemble other shining phenomena. This would probably involve astronomic objects – stars, the Moon and above all else the Sun. This association might have been the reason behind various circular and spiral motifs. It seems plausible that it was a way of imitating shapes and movements of celestial bodies. This leads us to the question: to what extent did material objects reflect ideas, and to what extent they illustrated very simple beliefs about the workings of the world. Characteristically, the same beliefs pertained to very different fields (cosmos and bronze objects, weaving and ceramics). Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that these activities were a realization of cognitive schemas.
This would seem to project an altogether pessimistic view of the nature of cognition and ways of creating culture. The picture outlined above would suggest that as humans we have a tendency to be caught up in our own limitations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nietypowy czworokątny obiekt rowkowy z cmentarzyska w Domasławiu, stan. 36

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2015

The aim of the study is to analyze the cultural and chronological attribution of the grave locate... more The aim of the study is to analyze the cultural and chronological attribution of the grave located into rectangular ditch feature from Domasław 36 district Wroclaw. The formal comparison with other such constructions from the La Tène and Roman Period was conducted. Metrologycal analysis was made also. It showed that for during construction rectangular ditch was used repeat-able unit of length-0,3575 m. It was pointed out that the analogical similar measure was used in the architecture of the Przeworsk culture's and Elbian circle's population. Based on these data, it was found that this rectangular ditch feature is dated to the early Roman Period.

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The economy of any community depends on the values which are considered to be the most important.... more The economy of any community depends on the values which are considered to be the most important. Social organization and technologies are subordinated to their implementation. In traditional societies, including people of the La Tène culture, the most significant issues concerned the status of individuals and the resulting interpersonal relations. The position in rank was manifested and gained through participation in military expeditions. The economy was subordinated to military action. Nonetheless, new technologies and financial solutions created opportunities for military success. This, however, has its price in enormous social inequalities and almost permanent war.

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In Tyniec nad Ślęzą was excavated a burial ground from the beginning of the Migration period. Ten... more In Tyniec nad Ślęzą was excavated a burial ground from the beginning of the Migration period. Ten inhumation graves were discovered.
Amongst them were recorded partial burials, reopened graves as well as graves covered with stelae. In terms of ritual and grave goods they
correspond to the horizon of inhumation graves occurring from the Black Sea areas via the Danube region to Silesia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zwierzęce szczątki kostne z wielokulturowego stanowiska archeologicznego w miejscowości Górzec, stan. 13, pow. strzeliński, woj. dolnośląskie, Polska

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Rytm przemian kulturowych w pradziejach i średniowieczu", Biskupin, 07-09 lipca 2010 / Tomasz Gralak

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2010

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[Research paper thumbnail of Die Beile in Polen III", Jerzy Kuśnierz, Stuttgart 1998 : [recenzja] / Tomasz Gralak](

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Research paper thumbnail of Gdzie pieniądz tam władza - czyli o teoretycznych możliwościach rozpoznania lokalizacji Gaju Lugijskiego, Slavia Antiqua 62, 19-48. (Power follows money: the theoretical possibility of identifying the location of the Lugii Grove)

In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas a... more In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas accompanied by accumulation of goods, capital and weapons. Within the Przeworsk culture, the areain question encompassed the basins of the Prosna and the Warta. It remains uncertain if the area can beassociated with the so-called Lugii Grove, a centre of political and religious power described by Tacitus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cynophagia in the Púchov (Celtic) Culture Settlement at Liptovská Mara, Northern Slovakia

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2013

ABSTRACT This paper deals with the remains of butchered dogs from the La Tène and Early Roman sit... more ABSTRACT This paper deals with the remains of butchered dogs from the La Tène and Early Roman sites in northern Slovakia. A large settlement revealed at Liptovská Mara was inhabited by the Celtic tribe of Cotini, representing the so-called Púchov culture. The long-term excavation of the site has yielded one of the largest collections from that time in Slovakia. During archaeozoological analysis, the skeletal remains of dogs were identified. Interestingly, a large portion of the specimens represent the cranial skeleton, and the majority of mandibles bear distinctive marks of butchery. On the basis of their placement and similar characteristics, the authors conclude that they resulted from tongue-removal procedures. Moreover, their frequent occurrence clearly supports the idea of the use of dog flesh at the site. The authors argue that cynophagia occurred mainly for economic reasons; however, it might also have been part of the rituals documented in the sanctuary of Liptovská Mara.

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Research paper thumbnail of The nature of artistic expression of the Únětice culture's people

Studia Hercynia XXIV 1/2020, 2021

The analysis of the artistic expression of the population of the Únětice culture was carried out ... more The analysis of the artistic expression of the population of the Únětice culture was carried out assuming that the style is expressed through various media. Due to different materials, their properties and methods of treatment, the effects must differ in obvious ways. However, the idea remains common. Comparing subsequent elements of a culture, we can expect to perceive a set of repeatable features-the paradigms. Hence, the analytical procedure consisted in searching for and classifying similarities. It was carried out in three fields: architecture, artistic expression, and paratheatrical activity. The results obtained indicate that the artistic activity of the population of the Únětice culture was a harmonious whole. Individual types of expression were complementary and in part also resulted from each other.

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Research paper thumbnail of O działaniach parateatralnych w epoce brązu

Przegląd Archeologiczny

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Research paper thumbnail of Zwierzęce szczątki kostne wilelokulturowego stanowiska archeologicznego w miejscowości Górzec stan. 13, pow. Strzeliński woj. Dolnośląskie, Polska

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Research paper thumbnail of Communication Routes and Territorial Development of the Pomeranian and Przeworsk Cultures

Long distance trade in the Bronze …, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of TOMASZ GRALAK FULL BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Research paper thumbnail of THE ORIGINS OF POTTERY  ORNAMENTATION;  28th EAA Annual Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, 31 August - 3 September 2022

The oldest ceramics were discovered in southern China and eastern Asia. In the beginning, pottery... more The oldest ceramics were discovered in southern China and eastern Asia. In the beginning, pottery was used by
Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. It was an innovation particularly useful in a cold climate. The acceptance of the new
technology was also an intellectual process. This aspect will beanalyzed – from the cognitive point of view. The
vessels were given a previously chosen shape and covered with specific ornaments. It was already noted that the
newly developed pottery technology referred to previously functioning forms of vessels made of organic materials.
This phenomenon (skeuomorphism) was also noted in the case of Neolithic ceramics in Europe and was recorded in
many prehistoric cultures. This is the reason why pottery surfaces may imitate wooden bark or lather. Another issue
is the connections between pottery and basketry. It seems that these relations were of fundamental importance for
creating the geometrical ornamentation covering the vessels. Characteristically, this type of ornamentation was
created on stone and bone objects from the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods in Europe. Thus, transferring
wickerwork patterns to products from other raw materials is a long-lasting process over huge areas. As an example
of the phenomenon of skeuomorphism, we can also consider vessels covered with impressions of a cord. Characteristically, this surface treatment method was known in large areas of northern Eurasia. Its appearance may be
associated with the widespread pottery technology in the early Holocene among hunter-gatherers. Lately, this type
of ornamentation was used by neolithic populations. Another issue is the meanings given to ceramic ornaments and
the vessels themselves.

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