John McCloy | Washington State University (original) (raw)

Papers by John McCloy

Research paper thumbnail of Partitioning of rare earths in multiphase nuclear waste glass‐ceramics

International Journal of Applied Glass Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal properties of sodium borosilicate glasses as a function of sulfur content

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Pertechnic Acid

Inorganic Chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Frontiers in natural and un-natural glasses: An interdisciplinary dialogue and review

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of greigite (Fe3S4) particles via a hydrothermal method

AIP Advances

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and experimental determination of physical properties of Gex-Gay-Se1-x-y chalcogenide glasses I: Structure and mechanical properties

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and experimental determination of physical properties of GexGaySe1-x-y chalcogenide glasses II: Optical and thermal properties

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemometric analyses of XANES data collected on 99Tc bearing silicate glasses

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Method Development for High Temperature In-Situ Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Glass Crystallization on Cooling from Melt

MRS Advances

A glass-ceramic borosilicate waste form is being considered for immobilization of waste streams o... more A glass-ceramic borosilicate waste form is being considered for immobilization of waste streams of alkali, alkaline-earth, lanthanide, and transition metals generated by transuranic extraction for reprocessing used nuclear fuel. Waste forms are created by partial crystallization on cooling, primarily of oxyapatite and powellite phases. In-situ neutron diffraction experiments were performed to obtain detailed information about crystallization upon cooling from 1200°C. The combination of high temperatures and reactivity of borosilicate glass with typical containers used in neutron experiments, such as vanadium and niobium, prevented their use here. Therefore, methods using sealed thick-walled silica ampoules were developed for the in-situ studies. Unexpectedly, high neutron absorption, low crystal fraction, and high silica container background made quantification difficult for these high temperature measurements. As a follow-up, proof-of-concept measurements were performed on differen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of short range order on crystallization of tectosilicate glasses: A diffraction study

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural dependence of crystallization in glasses along the nepheline (NaAlSiO 4 ) ‐ eucryptite (LiAlSiO 4 ) join

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of defects, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and shape anisotropy on magnetic structure of iron thin films by magnetic force microscopy

AIP Advances

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Research paper thumbnail of High Temperature Physical and Chemical Stability and Oxidation Reaction Kinetics of Ni–Cr Nanoparticles

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis and characterization of iodosodalite

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Spectroscopic and neutron detection properties of rare earth and titanium doped LiAlO 2 single crystals

Journal of Luminescence

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Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Method for Optically Transmissive Body

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhenium solubility in borosilicate nuclear waste glass

Environmental Science and Technology, Apr 21, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural model of homogenous As-S glasses by combined Raman and XPS techniques

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of metal on the formation of multispectral zinc sulfide

Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, May 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Ferromagnetic Resonance on Micro- and Nanoferrites in Millimeter Waves

Aps Meeting Abstracts, Feb 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Partitioning of rare earths in multiphase nuclear waste glass‐ceramics

International Journal of Applied Glass Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal properties of sodium borosilicate glasses as a function of sulfur content

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Pertechnic Acid

Inorganic Chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Frontiers in natural and un-natural glasses: An interdisciplinary dialogue and review

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of greigite (Fe3S4) particles via a hydrothermal method

AIP Advances

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and experimental determination of physical properties of Gex-Gay-Se1-x-y chalcogenide glasses I: Structure and mechanical properties

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and experimental determination of physical properties of GexGaySe1-x-y chalcogenide glasses II: Optical and thermal properties

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemometric analyses of XANES data collected on 99Tc bearing silicate glasses

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Method Development for High Temperature In-Situ Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Glass Crystallization on Cooling from Melt

MRS Advances

A glass-ceramic borosilicate waste form is being considered for immobilization of waste streams o... more A glass-ceramic borosilicate waste form is being considered for immobilization of waste streams of alkali, alkaline-earth, lanthanide, and transition metals generated by transuranic extraction for reprocessing used nuclear fuel. Waste forms are created by partial crystallization on cooling, primarily of oxyapatite and powellite phases. In-situ neutron diffraction experiments were performed to obtain detailed information about crystallization upon cooling from 1200°C. The combination of high temperatures and reactivity of borosilicate glass with typical containers used in neutron experiments, such as vanadium and niobium, prevented their use here. Therefore, methods using sealed thick-walled silica ampoules were developed for the in-situ studies. Unexpectedly, high neutron absorption, low crystal fraction, and high silica container background made quantification difficult for these high temperature measurements. As a follow-up, proof-of-concept measurements were performed on differen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of short range order on crystallization of tectosilicate glasses: A diffraction study

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural dependence of crystallization in glasses along the nepheline (NaAlSiO 4 ) ‐ eucryptite (LiAlSiO 4 ) join

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of defects, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and shape anisotropy on magnetic structure of iron thin films by magnetic force microscopy

AIP Advances

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Research paper thumbnail of High Temperature Physical and Chemical Stability and Oxidation Reaction Kinetics of Ni–Cr Nanoparticles

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis and characterization of iodosodalite

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Spectroscopic and neutron detection properties of rare earth and titanium doped LiAlO 2 single crystals

Journal of Luminescence

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Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Method for Optically Transmissive Body

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhenium solubility in borosilicate nuclear waste glass

Environmental Science and Technology, Apr 21, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural model of homogenous As-S glasses by combined Raman and XPS techniques

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of metal on the formation of multispectral zinc sulfide

Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, May 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Ferromagnetic Resonance on Micro- and Nanoferrites in Millimeter Waves

Aps Meeting Abstracts, Feb 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of magnetic signatures and microstructures for heat-treated ferritic/martensitic HT-9 alloy

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Abstract There is increased interest in improved methods for in situ non-destructive interrogation of materials for nuclear reactors in order to ensure reactor safety and quantify material degradation (particularly embrittlement) prior to failure. Therefore, a prototypical ferritic/ martensitic alloy, HT-9, of interest to the nuclear materials community was investigated to assess microstructure effects on micromag-netics measurements (Barkhausen noise emission, magnetic hysteresis measurements, and first order reversal curve analysis) for samples undergoing three different heat treatments. Microstructural and physical measurements consisted of high precision density, resonant ultrasound elastic constant, Vickers microhardness, grain size, and texture determination. These were varied in the HT-9 alloy samples and related to various magnetic signatures. In parallel, a mesoscale microstructure model was created for a-iron and the effects of poly-crystallinity and the demagnetization factor were explored. It was observed that Barkhausen noise emission decreased with increasing hardness and decreasing grain size (lath spacing), while coercivity increased. The results are discussed in terms of the use of magnetic signatures for the non-destructive interrogation of radiation damage and other microstructural changes in ferritic/martensitic alloys.

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