Jakob Wallinga | Wageningen University (original) (raw)

Jakob Wallinga


Papers by Jakob Wallinga

Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Kokkinopilos: Middle Pleistocene radiometric dates for stratified archaeological remains in Greece

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Unravelling the Quaternary era; optical dating of sediments up to 2.6 million years old

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Research paper thumbnail of Abrupt climatic events during OIS-3 recorded in terrestrial sediments in the Netherlands: a multi-proxy approach

EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19-24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria http://meetings. copernicus. org/egu2009, p. 12567, Apr 1, 2009

Abrupt climatic changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3 or Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial) ... more Abrupt climatic changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3 or Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial) are revealed in the oxygen isotope records of the Greenland ice cores and in the North Atlantic marine cores. In the Greenland ice cores, these so-called D/O cycles start with a rapid warming of 5-10˚ C within a few decades, followed by a phase of gradual cooling over several hundred to more than a thousand years and often end with a final reduction in temperature back to cold, stadial conditions. On the adjacent European ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment on ‘Causes, consequences and chronology of large‐magnitude palaeoflows in Middle and Late Pleistocene river systems of northwest Europe’by Westaway and Bridgland (2010)

Westaway and Bridgland (2010) present a palaeoflow estimation for the Channel River, partly based... more Westaway and Bridgland (2010) present a palaeoflow estimation for the Channel River, partly based on calculations using input from the Busschers et al.(2007) Rhine–Meuse dataset. There are flaws in these calculations. Westaway and Bridgland calculate high-magnitude 'bankfull'palaeoflows (Qbf) for presumed critical periods within Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and MIS 6.

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Research paper thumbnail of Human and climate impact on catchment development during the Holocene — Geul River, the Netherlands

Geomorphology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeroing of the OSL signal as a function of grain size: investigating bleaching and thermal transfer for a young fluvial sample


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Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of drift sand dynamics; a reconstruction for the Wekeromse Zand, the Netherlands


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Research paper thumbnail of Clear cutting (10-13th century) and deep stable economy (18-19th century) as responsible interventions for sand drifting and plaggic deposition in cultural landscapes on aeolian sands (SE-Netherlands)


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Research paper thumbnail of Sand and soil dynamics studied by quartz OSL dating


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Research paper thumbnail of Geochronology of initial soils in Late-Holocene polycyclic drift-sand deposits (Weerterbergen, S.E. Netherlands)


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Research paper thumbnail of History of a valley fill balancing between climate fluctuations and human occupation in the last 40 000 years, Northern Negev Desert, Israel

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors influencing OSL signal resetting in fluvial systems; a case study of recent embanked-floodplain deposits

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Research paper thumbnail of Response of the Middle and Late Pleistocene (MIS6-2) Rhine-Meuse fluvial system to Fennoscandian glaciation: imprints of proglacial lake formation and glacio-isostatic crustal movements

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of sedimentation rates in embanked floodplains, a comparison of different methods

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of floodplain sediment dynamics of the embanked river Waal, the Netherlands, for the period 1631 – 1872 AD

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in the Rhine embanked floodplains, using OSL-dating

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in embanked floodplains, a comparison of four methods

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in the river Rhine embanked floodplains (the Netherlands); a comparison of three methods, including OSL dating

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Research paper thumbnail of Optical dating of quartz from embanked floodplains in The Netherlands

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances in optical dating of young fluvial deposits

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL or optical) dating can be used to determine the time of de... more Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL or optical) dating can be used to determine the time of deposition of sediments. Application of the method for young fluvial deposits is difficult due to incomplete zeroing of the luminescence clock, resulting in overestimation of the burial age. Here we present new optical dating methods and ages obtained on two sites in embanked floodplains of the River Waal. Results are in correct stratigraphical order and agree favourably with available age constraints

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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Kokkinopilos: Middle Pleistocene radiometric dates for stratified archaeological remains in Greece

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Unravelling the Quaternary era; optical dating of sediments up to 2.6 million years old

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Research paper thumbnail of Abrupt climatic events during OIS-3 recorded in terrestrial sediments in the Netherlands: a multi-proxy approach

EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19-24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria http://meetings. copernicus. org/egu2009, p. 12567, Apr 1, 2009

Abrupt climatic changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3 or Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial) ... more Abrupt climatic changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3 or Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial) are revealed in the oxygen isotope records of the Greenland ice cores and in the North Atlantic marine cores. In the Greenland ice cores, these so-called D/O cycles start with a rapid warming of 5-10˚ C within a few decades, followed by a phase of gradual cooling over several hundred to more than a thousand years and often end with a final reduction in temperature back to cold, stadial conditions. On the adjacent European ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment on ‘Causes, consequences and chronology of large‐magnitude palaeoflows in Middle and Late Pleistocene river systems of northwest Europe’by Westaway and Bridgland (2010)

Westaway and Bridgland (2010) present a palaeoflow estimation for the Channel River, partly based... more Westaway and Bridgland (2010) present a palaeoflow estimation for the Channel River, partly based on calculations using input from the Busschers et al.(2007) Rhine–Meuse dataset. There are flaws in these calculations. Westaway and Bridgland calculate high-magnitude 'bankfull'palaeoflows (Qbf) for presumed critical periods within Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and MIS 6.

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Research paper thumbnail of Human and climate impact on catchment development during the Holocene — Geul River, the Netherlands

Geomorphology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeroing of the OSL signal as a function of grain size: investigating bleaching and thermal transfer for a young fluvial sample


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Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of drift sand dynamics; a reconstruction for the Wekeromse Zand, the Netherlands


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Research paper thumbnail of Clear cutting (10-13th century) and deep stable economy (18-19th century) as responsible interventions for sand drifting and plaggic deposition in cultural landscapes on aeolian sands (SE-Netherlands)


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Research paper thumbnail of Sand and soil dynamics studied by quartz OSL dating


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Research paper thumbnail of Geochronology of initial soils in Late-Holocene polycyclic drift-sand deposits (Weerterbergen, S.E. Netherlands)


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Research paper thumbnail of History of a valley fill balancing between climate fluctuations and human occupation in the last 40 000 years, Northern Negev Desert, Israel

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors influencing OSL signal resetting in fluvial systems; a case study of recent embanked-floodplain deposits

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Research paper thumbnail of Response of the Middle and Late Pleistocene (MIS6-2) Rhine-Meuse fluvial system to Fennoscandian glaciation: imprints of proglacial lake formation and glacio-isostatic crustal movements

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of sedimentation rates in embanked floodplains, a comparison of different methods

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of floodplain sediment dynamics of the embanked river Waal, the Netherlands, for the period 1631 – 1872 AD

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in the Rhine embanked floodplains, using OSL-dating

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in embanked floodplains, a comparison of four methods

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of recent sedimentation rates in the river Rhine embanked floodplains (the Netherlands); a comparison of three methods, including OSL dating

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Research paper thumbnail of Optical dating of quartz from embanked floodplains in The Netherlands

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances in optical dating of young fluvial deposits

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL or optical) dating can be used to determine the time of de... more Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL or optical) dating can be used to determine the time of deposition of sediments. Application of the method for young fluvial deposits is difficult due to incomplete zeroing of the luminescence clock, resulting in overestimation of the burial age. Here we present new optical dating methods and ages obtained on two sites in embanked floodplains of the River Waal. Results are in correct stratigraphical order and agree favourably with available age constraints

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Research paper thumbnail of The Blake Event recorded near the Eemian type locality – A diachronic onset of the Eemian in Europe

Multidisciplinary analysis including paleomagnetic, sedimentologic, sea-level change, luminescenc... more Multidisciplinary analysis including paleomagnetic, sedimentologic, sea-level change, luminescence dating and palynologic research was performed on a 25 m long orientated core taken at Rutten, close to Eemian key localities in the Netherlands. The main goal of our research was to test a possible delayed onset of temperate conditions in this region compared to Southern Europe, occurring within the Last Interglacial. The sediments revealed the presence of the paleomagnetic Blake Event in ca. 10 meters of lower-deltaic floodbasin sediments that contain a pollen record covering the Eemian. The position of the Blake Event in relation to the pollen stratigraphy concurs with the earlier studied Neumark Nord 2 site. Paleomagnetic correlation to core MD95-2042 off SW Iberia indicates ca. 5 kyr diachroneity between the pollen-based onset of temperate interglacial conditions between northern and southern Europe. The onset of the Eemian in north-western and central Europe (ca. 121.0 ka) post-dates the Marine Isotope Stage 6/5e transition by ca. 10 kyr. In addition, the Rutten data provide evidence for a relatively long duration of the Blake Event of at least 8 kyr. The late onset of the temperate conditions that define the base of the Eemian, imply that NW Europe with the Eemian type area is not the most suited region to define the beginning of the Last Interglacial and Late Pleistocene for global chronostratigraphic use.

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