Weixiong Zhang | Washington University in St. Louis (original) (raw)


Papers by Weixiong Zhang

Research paper thumbnail of Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Artificial Intelligence, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Artificial Intelligence, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Breakout Revisited

Distributed breakout algorithm (DBA) is an effi- cient method for solving distributed constraint ... more Distributed breakout algorithm (DBA) is an effi- cient method for solving distributed constraint sat- isfaction problems (CSP). Inspired by its potential of being an efficient, low-overhead agent coordi- nation method for problems in distributed sensor networks, we study DBA' s properties in this paper. We specifically show that on an acyclic graph of nodes, DBA can find a solution in

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of novel and candidate miRNAs in rice by high throughput sequencing

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and Identification of MicroRNA Core Promoters in Four Model Species

PLOS Computational Biology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of MaxSolver: An efficient exact algorithm for (weighted) maximum satisfiability

Artificial Intelligence, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed problem solving in sensor networks

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Stochastic Search for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: Parallelism, Phase Transitions and Performance

Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Strategies for (Weighted) Maximum Satisfiability

It is well known that the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm for satisfiability (SAT... more It is well known that the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm for satisfiability (SAT) can be extended to an algorithm for maximum SAT (max-SAT). In this paper, we propose a number of strategies to significantly improve this max-SAT method. The first strategy is a set of unit propagation rules; the second is an effective lookahead heuristic based on linear programming; and the third strategy is a dynamic variable ordering that exploits problem constrainedness during search. We integrate these strategies in an efficient complete solver for both max-SAT and weighted max-SAT. Our experimental results on random problem instances and many instances from SATLIB demonstrate the efficacy of these strategies and show that the new solver is able to significantly outperform most of the existing complete max-SAT solvers, with a few orders of magnitude of improvement in running time in many cases.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis and application of distributed constraint satisfaction and optimization algorithms in sensor networks

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed stochastic search and distributed breakout: properties, comparison and applications to constraint optimization problems in sensor networks

Artificial Intelligence, 2005

... We experimentally show that DSA has a phase-transition or threshold behavior, in that its sol... more ... We experimentally show that DSA has a phase-transition or threshold behavior, in that its solution quality degenerates abruptly and dramatically when the degree of parallel executions of distributed agents increases beyond some critical value. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Analysis of Heuristics for the STSP

In this and the following chapter, we consider what approaches one should take when one is confro... more In this and the following chapter, we consider what approaches one should take when one is confronted with a real-world application of the TSP. What algorithms should be used under which circumstances? We are in particular interested in the case where instances are too large for optimization to be feasible. Here theoretical results can be a useful initial guide, but the most valuable information will likely come from testing implementations of the heuristics on test beds of relevant instances. This chapter considers the symmetric TSP; the next considers the more general and less well-studied asymmetric case.

Research paper thumbnail of Depth-First Branch-and-Bound versus Local Search: A Case Study

Research paper thumbnail of The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem: Algorithms, Instance Generators, and Tests

The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary report on the first broad-based experimenta... more The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary report on the first broad-based experimental comparison of modern heuristics for the asymmetric traveling salesmen problem (ATSP). There are currently three general classes of such heuristics: classical tour construction heuristics such as Nearest Neighbor and the Greedy algorithm, local search algorithms based on re-arranging segments of the tour, as exemplified by the Kanellakis-Papadimitriou algorithm [KP80], and algorithms based on patching together the cycles in a minimum cycle cover, the best of which are variants on an algorithm proposed by Zhang [Zha93]. We test implementations of the main contenders from each class on a variety of instance types, introducing a variety of new random instance generators modeled on real-world applications of the ATSP. Among the many tentative conclusions we reach is that no single algorithm is dominant over all instance classes, although for each class the best tours are found either by Zhang’s algorithm or an iterated variant on Kanellakis-Papadimitriou.

Research paper thumbnail of Divide-and-Conquer Frontier Search Applied to Optimal Sequence Alignment

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Linear-Space Search Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Truncated Branch-and-Bound: A Case Study on the Asymmetric TSP

... acknowledge helpful discussions with Richard Karp, David Johnson, Donald Miller, Joseph Pekny... more ... acknowledge helpful discussions with Richard Karp, David Johnson, Donald Miller, Joseph Pekny and Bruno Repetto, comments from David John-son ... 3] Carpaneto, G., and P. Toth, \Some new branch-ing and bounding criteria for the asymmetric trav-eling salesman problem ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Complexity Transitions on the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

Artificial Intelligence, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Frontier search

Research paper thumbnail of An Average-Case Analysis of Branch-and-Bound with Applications: Summary of Results

Research paper thumbnail of Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Artificial Intelligence, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Artificial Intelligence, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Breakout Revisited

Distributed breakout algorithm (DBA) is an effi- cient method for solving distributed constraint ... more Distributed breakout algorithm (DBA) is an effi- cient method for solving distributed constraint sat- isfaction problems (CSP). Inspired by its potential of being an efficient, low-overhead agent coordi- nation method for problems in distributed sensor networks, we study DBA' s properties in this paper. We specifically show that on an acyclic graph of nodes, DBA can find a solution in

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of novel and candidate miRNAs in rice by high throughput sequencing

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and Identification of MicroRNA Core Promoters in Four Model Species

PLOS Computational Biology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of MaxSolver: An efficient exact algorithm for (weighted) maximum satisfiability

Artificial Intelligence, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed problem solving in sensor networks

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Stochastic Search for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: Parallelism, Phase Transitions and Performance

Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Strategies for (Weighted) Maximum Satisfiability

It is well known that the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm for satisfiability (SAT... more It is well known that the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm for satisfiability (SAT) can be extended to an algorithm for maximum SAT (max-SAT). In this paper, we propose a number of strategies to significantly improve this max-SAT method. The first strategy is a set of unit propagation rules; the second is an effective lookahead heuristic based on linear programming; and the third strategy is a dynamic variable ordering that exploits problem constrainedness during search. We integrate these strategies in an efficient complete solver for both max-SAT and weighted max-SAT. Our experimental results on random problem instances and many instances from SATLIB demonstrate the efficacy of these strategies and show that the new solver is able to significantly outperform most of the existing complete max-SAT solvers, with a few orders of magnitude of improvement in running time in many cases.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis and application of distributed constraint satisfaction and optimization algorithms in sensor networks

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed stochastic search and distributed breakout: properties, comparison and applications to constraint optimization problems in sensor networks

Artificial Intelligence, 2005

... We experimentally show that DSA has a phase-transition or threshold behavior, in that its sol... more ... We experimentally show that DSA has a phase-transition or threshold behavior, in that its solution quality degenerates abruptly and dramatically when the degree of parallel executions of distributed agents increases beyond some critical value. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Analysis of Heuristics for the STSP

In this and the following chapter, we consider what approaches one should take when one is confro... more In this and the following chapter, we consider what approaches one should take when one is confronted with a real-world application of the TSP. What algorithms should be used under which circumstances? We are in particular interested in the case where instances are too large for optimization to be feasible. Here theoretical results can be a useful initial guide, but the most valuable information will likely come from testing implementations of the heuristics on test beds of relevant instances. This chapter considers the symmetric TSP; the next considers the more general and less well-studied asymmetric case.

Research paper thumbnail of Depth-First Branch-and-Bound versus Local Search: A Case Study

Research paper thumbnail of The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem: Algorithms, Instance Generators, and Tests

The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary report on the first broad-based experimenta... more The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary report on the first broad-based experimental comparison of modern heuristics for the asymmetric traveling salesmen problem (ATSP). There are currently three general classes of such heuristics: classical tour construction heuristics such as Nearest Neighbor and the Greedy algorithm, local search algorithms based on re-arranging segments of the tour, as exemplified by the Kanellakis-Papadimitriou algorithm [KP80], and algorithms based on patching together the cycles in a minimum cycle cover, the best of which are variants on an algorithm proposed by Zhang [Zha93]. We test implementations of the main contenders from each class on a variety of instance types, introducing a variety of new random instance generators modeled on real-world applications of the ATSP. Among the many tentative conclusions we reach is that no single algorithm is dominant over all instance classes, although for each class the best tours are found either by Zhang’s algorithm or an iterated variant on Kanellakis-Papadimitriou.

Research paper thumbnail of Divide-and-Conquer Frontier Search Applied to Optimal Sequence Alignment

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Linear-Space Search Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Truncated Branch-and-Bound: A Case Study on the Asymmetric TSP

... acknowledge helpful discussions with Richard Karp, David Johnson, Donald Miller, Joseph Pekny... more ... acknowledge helpful discussions with Richard Karp, David Johnson, Donald Miller, Joseph Pekny and Bruno Repetto, comments from David John-son ... 3] Carpaneto, G., and P. Toth, \Some new branch-ing and bounding criteria for the asymmetric trav-eling salesman problem ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Complexity Transitions on the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

Artificial Intelligence, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Frontier search

Research paper thumbnail of An Average-Case Analysis of Branch-and-Bound with Applications: Summary of Results

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