Aarchon MUD (original) (raw)

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Aarchon is a uniquely themed MUD, primarily set in a fantasy realm while also embracing some modern themes. There are a total of 16 classes to choose from, and over 60 races (19 of which are available at the time of creation). Aarchon boasts over 85 unique zones offering nearly 10,000 rooms to explore. Throughout the world you will find thousands of items to gather and mobs to fight. Quests are scattered amongst the land, rewarding those who explore with an enriched gameplay experience. Come climb your way to the top of the leaderboards, earn achievements, buy tattoos, fight in warfares, join a clan, craft armor, brew potions, participate in quests, and much more in Aarchon!

Recent News

Sender Astark
Date Thu Jul 18 23:20:53 2024
Subject Wildwood Faire replacing Disney
Disney has been replaced with a new zone, the Wildwood Faire. The Wildwood Faire has the exact same layout as Disney, and a majority of the rooms have the same name as well. Most of the Disney gear was directly ported over, except for some items that specifically made a Disney reference, like Simba's Claw. Those items were given new names, but the type and stats were kept the same. In addition to retaining existing gear, the Wildwood Faire has a full set of level 7 equipment. There are still leveling mobs to find here, although they are 2 levels higher than Disney was, since The Initiation remains the leveling zone of choice until level 5. Your questing habits and leveling habits should largely remain the same, but we'll no longer have a zone that is largely unoriginal.
Sender Astark
Date Thu Jul 18 13:11:16 2024
Subject Rovarok Mob Level Changes
I've done a pass of Rovarok, bringing the mob levels down considerably. Prior to this change, mobs ranged anywhere from level 35 to 46, despite the gear in the zone being level 20. As a reference, Cadets in JROTC are level 24 and have level 15 gear. The named mobs in NIMH are level 38 and they have level 25 gear. Rovarok had level 35 named mobs, with level 20 gear. Play testing this with a character who's not running around in a full set of QEQ, it was nearly impossible to obtain. The leveling mobs were changed as follows: Ants : 36 -> 26 Spiders: 41 -> 30 Beetles: 46 -> 33 I know the zone has been used for AOE leveling for the very limited number of characters who have access to Goblincleaver at low levels, but the gear access was very poor. Having many level 46 mobs in a zone where the gear is level 20 doesn't make sense. You can still AOE, just probably at different levels. This also offers a more linear leveling path ahead of moving to Wyverns in Akyros. If you have objections to this change, shoot me a message to help me understand why the original values should be preserved.

Latest Changes

Time Author Description
2024-07-18 23:46:09 Astark Disney removed, replaced with new zone, Wildwood Faire
2024-07-18 13:11:29 Astark Rovarok mob levels reduced to be in line with gear level.
2024-07-14 20:33:52 Astark Heart of the Colossus (lvl 100) has been released
2024-03-18 05:07:43 Vodur Sort 'skills class' output by level
2020-04-15 05:27:58 Vodur Added achievements for leveling 1 to HERO without dying to mobs. See help achievements and help survivor.
2020-04-14 20:40:05 Vodur Add ability to change storage box keywords and description with 'tag' command.
2020-04-05 19:00:00 Vodur Fix not being able to buy when bank exceeds 21474836.
2020-04-05 19:00:00 Vodur Fix dropping then saccing over 21474836 gold results in a negative silver balance.
2019-05-03 21:07:21 Vodur 'help search' now properly ignores color.
2019-04-09 04:27:22 Vodur Add 'findqeq' imm command.

Use the 'changelog' command in-game to review the entire archive.


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