Overview of Some Mechanical Terms in the System of Speech Connections in Accordance with the English Language (original) (raw)

Overview of Some Mechanical Terms in the System of Speech Connections in Acoordance with the English Language


he view of the base terminology of the given field takes a specific value, since a part of its units have usage not only in other fields of knowledge, up to the general language like sustë, bulon, vidhë, but these do come across even in the explanatory dictionaries. Therefore, from this viewpoint, their layout and place in both languages takes importance, and in a particular way also the reflection in explanatory dictionaries, where deficiencies become apparent in the level of their representation in these dictionaries, and the symmetric withholding of definitions, as it is seen in the terms kushinetë (bearing), sustë (spring) etc. Likewise the view of these terms in the system of word forming connections brings out on the first level the review of the terms not only in the conceptual aspect, but also on the true meaning of comprehension, by making the term an object of its appearance in other parts of speech as well, except the noun, as in the adjective, the verb, the adverb. This makes the representation of these forms in the terminological dictionaries necessary, particularly when those connect with the word forming system (term forming) and express the specificity of the field, like: mekanikë and mekanik-e-mekanikisht (përpunoj), lëvizje-lëviz-i lëvizshëm-lëvizëse, as in English: mechanics-mechanic-mechanically, (to) move-movement-moving-movable etc.

Proximity Stages of the Semantic Connections of Terms of Applied Mechanics to Those Terms and Other Types of Vocabulary

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016

These connections have an interest to be studied from the side of the conceptual volume of expression, which are put in relationship from the form, for the respective expression of the conceptual volume, from the widest to the narrowest one, from where three forms of terms get distinguished: base terms, which become the object of this study: base terms (zinxhir, mekanizëm/chain, mechanism), foundation term (mainly two worded) (mekanizëm katërhallkësh/four-bar mechanism and peripheral terms (mainly more than twoworded) (mekanizëm katërhallkësh i çernieruar/hinged-four-bar mechanism). This classification directs the studies in the field of the terminological vocabulary of the respective field, in subordination (depending) on the volume of the concept, as well as from the side of the form of expression of the concept, therefore, of the term itself.

Single-Word Terms and Word-Groups in the Basic Vocabulary of the Terminology of Mechanics in the Albanian Language


Among the terminology of the various fields of knowledge, especially the science of applied sciences, the terminology of mechanics constitutes a vocabulary of special research interest. On the one hand this relates to the mechanics itself as a technical base of science with a wide application range within its own goals, while, on the other hand, its integration into many other areas of knowledge, while, on the other hand, with its integration into many other areas of knowledge, starting with the more traditional areas (electricity, construction) as well as with the most modern ones (electronics, computer science, etc.). In addition, the core concepts of all fundamental sciences such as mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry lie at the base of its theoretical and practical basis. This complex and diverse connection of mechanics, as a science with many fields of knowledge makes its terminology vocabulary widely applicable and as such has attracted and continues to attract the at...

"Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics" Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | June 2023

Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics, 2023

Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in linguistics is a newly founded international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the modern Slavic and Balkan languages from the perspective of theoretical, areal-typological, and contrastive linguistics. The Journal intends to promote high-quality scholarly work on all topics relevant to the theoretical description and analysis of Slavic and Balkan languages in synchrony as well as in diachrony. The main areas of interest include, but are not limited to, their structural make-up, contact in space and time, variation and microvariation in the Balkan-Slavic area, first and second language acquisition in bilingual and multilingual environments. Although it is based at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Journal aims at providing an international academic platform where scholars and researchers working within both the traditional and the more recently developed experimental frameworks can share novel ideas and advance theoretical proposals in the field of Slavic and Balkan linguistics.

Semantic network of the Basse Mandinka BANTA form. Linguistics (Jezikoslovlje) 14/1:1-31.

Stress change and phonological variation in early Modern English, British and American 33-46 SAŠA JAZBEC -BRIGITA KACJAN Phraseophil oder phraseophob -ist das eigentlich überhaput eine Frage? Eine qualitative empirische Fallstudie 47-63 MILENA ŽIC FUCHS -VLATKO BROZ -NINA TUĉMAN VUKOVIü Communication technologies and their influence on language: the notion of convention revisited 65-84 ALMA VANþURA The story of the tortoise and the hare -Speech rate in simultaneous interpretation and its influence on the quality of trainee-interpreters performance 85-99 MARIJA MALNAR Fonologija govora Tršüa u Gorskom kotaru 101-128 BOJANA MARKOVIü Kreativna upotreba frazema i drugih višerjeþnica u djelima Mladena Kerstneramoguünosti i namjere 129-159 IVANA JOZIü Semiotiþki aspekti u analizi reklamnih poruka za automobile 161-195 GORAN MILIü Pristup zoosemiji u okviru teorije konceptualne metafore i metonimije 197-213 KLARA BILIü MEŠTRIü Gramatika dijaloga: teorijski prikaz 215-233

Актуальні Питання Іноземної Філології Structural and Semantic Peculiarities of Phraseological Units Containing the Somatic Component "Hand

The article deals with the substantivized, adverbial and verbal phraseological units of modern English with the somatic component "hand". This study has demonstrated that the somatic component "hand" is characterized by high productivity, in the sense that it is the basis of generating a great number of substantivized and verbal phraseological units. With respect to adverbial PhUs, it has been shown that they are not numerous (about 30). The most common structural type of substantivized PhUs is the structure involving attributive word-combination, for adverbial PhUs-it is a combination of one structural and one notional word and a subordinate word combination that consists of two components; for verbal PhUs the structure of subordinate word combination is the most relevant. All the PhUs which were investigated fall into one of the following three varieties in terms of phraseological meaning: idiomatisms, idiophraseomatisms, phraseomatisms. A great majority of PhU...



The article deals with a topical problem of general semasiology, namely the investigation of phenomenon of semantical development regularity in the vocabulary of two groups into Indo-European genetic family of languages. The approach with regard to analysis of semantics with taking into account of coverage of several lexical-and-semantic systems enables a researcher to imagine a fuller picture about extension of lingual phenomena and gives the solid ground for synthesis. Especially interesting is observing the vocabulary of languages, whose speakers are bearers of different cultures, including cultures and traditions of communication. Typological analogies in semantics of communication of ethnic groups, which have different cultures, indicate either typology of language thinking or implementation of common patterns, which have been formed in the epoch of the Proto-Indouropean language, either language contacts in different times. Lexicon of Iranian and Slavic languages is used as the object of observing because it hasn’t been widely devised in the aspect of its comparative semasiologi- cal description and highlighting of typologically common peculiarities in correlation of basic and derivative meanings. Preliminary observing entitles the author to highlight the semasiological parallels: 1) role-play situation when a child should be found on the road as a way to trick death, which hunting down all newborns in the family; 2) conferring of symbolic importance to a knot, tying, which can be taken as an agreement, an oath, a vow for consolidating all subjects of legal relationship; 3) very close link of hand with the idea of help (perhaps, also in ritual sense). Other semasiological parallels: human desire to reflect in lexical semantics the objects of environment by the way of comparison these with body parts; traces of an archaic view on relations between family members through blood, saved in semantics; change verba facere → verba dicere; figurative usage of the verbs with etymological meaning ‘sway, rock’ as ‘go’, ‘wolk, stroll’; implementation of semantical potential to denote something useless through caritive prefix and root with meaning ‘case, thing’; change ‘sweep, broom’ → ‘steal’ and ‘sweep, broom’ → ‘chase away’ and other. Key words: semantics, etymology, typology, derivative, verb.

Somatic Lexemes in the Kartvelian Linguistic Space

European Journal of Language and Literature

Comparative-historical study of languages makes it possible to represent the diachronic process of structuring the world and forming the corresponding concepts. The abovementioned process is inherently integral and reflected in such socio-cultural areas of human life as language, art, religion, farming, ethno-traditional customs, culture (in its broadest sense), etc. The proto-language reconstructed as a result of the comparative-historical study and the picture of its diachronic development provide some information about the genetic relations between the people speaking the corresponding related languages, about their original homeland and the directions of their historical migrations, about their knowledge, ideas and representations. This time we have analyzed the semantic field of the lexemes denoting the human body parts, which are reconstructed at the Proto-Kartvelian language and exist in the contemporary Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Megrelian, Laz, and Svan) and some diale...