Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students (original) (raw)
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The Implementation of Character Education In Elementary School
Journal of Educational Management and Leadership
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of character education at 006 State Elementary School. The type of research used was qualitative. The subjects in this study were principals. Data collection techniquesin this study used interview techniques and data documentation, besides the data analysis techniques through data collection and data reduction. The results of this study were: Implementation of character education in Public Elementary School 006 has been going well, this based on the results of interviews with principals that in the civilization process students pray before starting learning activities, taking pickets alternately with classmates, reviving greetings culture greet and smile, visit sick friends, donate to areas affected by natural disasters, conduct Dhuhr prayer at school, commemorate national and religious holidays and this is also supported by extracurricular activities that reflect character education such as scouts, art, dance, and sports.
Implementation of Character Education at The Elementary School Level
Jurnal Basicedu, 2021
Education has a major role in building and shaping the quality of character of the nation's children. The purpose of this study is that researchers want to identify the characters shown by SDIT Mutiara Cendekia students and describe the application of character education. The research method used is the descriptive qualitative research method, so the results of this study are: 1) Character values that are applied and shown are religious, independent and responsible, honest and wise, respectful and polite, generous, and helpful. 2) The application and concept of character education at SDIT Mutiara Cendekia by cultivating or habituation. 3). Strategies used by teachers in implementing character education such as always reminding students of good things, giving educative warnings and punishments, teachers providing examples or being role models, applying habituation, and growing awareness and desires of individual students. 4) Barriers to the implementation of character education a...