Distributed hole-bypassing protocol in WSNs with constant stretch and load balancing (original) (raw)

Survey on Efficient Routing Methods via Geographical Routing With Connectivity Holes in WSNs


ALBA-R, a protocol for convergecasting in wireless sensor networks. The cross-layer integration of geographic is routing with contention-based MAC for relay selection and load balancing as well as a mechanism to detect and route around connectivity holes (Rainbow). The performance of routing protocols are also evaluated solve the problem of routing around a dead end without overhead intensive techniques such as graph planarization and face routing. Our results show that ALBA-R is an energy efficient protocol that achieves remarkable performance in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end latency. Location information to provide more reliable as well as efficient routing for certain applications. An algorithm named Adaptive load balancing with rainbow is proposed, which removes some of the cons of the existing GPSR (Greedy perimeter stateless routing) position based routing algorithm. New principle of update message bandwidth. Finally the algorithm is fully distributed, provides...


IJRCAR, 2015

Sensing and data collection are monitoring applications that are implemented using Wireless Sensor networks. Geographic routing is well suited for WSN applications. In Geo routing, routing protocol obtains information of each node location. That information is very important for sensor networks. In greedy forwarding, connectivity hole are major issue. This paper presents ALBA, a protocol for geographic forwarding in Wireless Sensor network that balances the load among nodes using a hybrid metric and Rainbow mechanism, it is a node coloring algorithm for routing around dead-ends and connectivity holes without Planarization and face routing. In this paper the performance of ALBA-R in terms of packet delivery ratio, per packet energy consumption and end to end latency is evaluated using ns-2 based simulations. Our results show that ALBA-R is energy efficient protocol compared to the other routing protocol in dense WSN’s i.e., GeRaf/ IRIS, thus it is best suitable for real network deployments

Load Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connecting Holes in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network


Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm and Rainbow, a protocol for convergecasting in wireless sensor networks. Adaptive load balancing algorithm and rainbow features the cross-layer integration of geographic routing with contention-based MAC for relay selection and load balancing, as well as a mechanism to detect and route around connectivity holes. Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm and Rainbow together solve the problem of routing around a dead end. The protocol is localized and distributed, and adapts efficiently to varying traffic and node deployments. Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm and Rainbow significantly outperforms other convergecasting protocols and solutions for dealing with connectivity holes, especially in critical traffic conditions and low-density networks. Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm and Rainbow shows is an energy-efficient protocol that achieves remarkable performance in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end latency in different scenarios, thus being sui...

Coverage hole alleviation using geographic routing for WSNs

—In this paper, we propose an algorithm to alleviate coverage hole problem using geographic routing strategy for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In order to accomplish desired results, an optimal number of forwarder nodes is computed along with the selection of path that has minimum energy consumption. Moreover, at each hop residual energy of a sensor is calculated and knowledge up-to one hop neighbors of forwarder node that ensures the avoidance of energy hole problem. Simulations are conducted to validate that our claim of outperforming compared existing schemes in terms of packet delivery ratio (PDR) and energy dissipation of the network nodes.

WEAR: a balanced, fault-tolerant, energy-aware routing protocol in WSNs

International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2006

As more and more real Wireless Sensor Network's (WSN) applications have been tested and deployed over the last five years, the research community of WSN realises that several issues need to be revisited from practical angles, such as reliability and security. In this paper, we address the reliability issue by designing a general energy-efficient, load balanced, fault-tolerant and scalable routing protocol. We first abstract four fundamental requirements of any practical routing protocol based on the intrinsic nature of WSN and argue that none of previous proposed routing protocols satisfies all of them at the same time. A novel general routing protocol called WEAR is then proposed to fill the gap by taking into consideration four factors that affect the routing policy, namely the distance to the destination, the energy level of the sensor, the global location information and the local hole information. Furthermore, to handle holes, which are a large space without active sensors caused by fault sensors, we propose a scalable, hole sizeoblivious hole identification and maintenance protocol. Finally, our comprehensive simulation shows that, WEAR performs much better in comparing with GEAR and GPSR in terms of eight proposed performance metrics; especially, it extends the Lifetime of the Sensor Network (LSN) about 15% longer than that of GPSR.

Geographic routing with constant stretch in large scale sensor networks with holes

2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2011

Geographic routing is well suited for large scale sensor networks deployments, because the per node state it maintains is independent of the network size. However, due to the "local minimum" caused by holes/obstacles, the path stretch of geographic routing can grow as O(c 2 ), where c is the length of the optimal path. Recently, VIGOR, a geographic routing protocol based on the visibility graph, shows that a constant path stretch can be achieved. This, however, is possible with increased overhead. To address this issue, we propose GOAL (Geometric Routing using Abstracted Holes), a routing protocol that provably achieves a constant path stretch, with lower message, space and computational overhead. We develop a novel distributed convex hull construction (DCC) algorithm that compactly describes holes. This compact representation of a hole is leveraged by nodes to make locally optimal routing decisions. Our theoretical analysis proves the constant stretch property and average stretch of GOAL. Through extensive simulations and a hardware implementation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of GOAL and its feasibility for large-scale sensor networks. In our network settings, GOAL reduces the energy consumption by up to 32%, routing table size by an order of magnitude, when compared with VIGOR.

Energy-efficient routing in the proximity of a complicated hole in wireless sensor networks

Wireless Networks, 2021

A quest for geographic routing schemes of wireless sensor networks when sensor nodes are deployed in areas with obstacles has resulted in numerous ingenious proposals and techniques. However, there is a lack of solutions for complicated cases wherein the source or the sink nodes are located close to a specific hole, especially in cavern-like regions of large complex-shaped holes. In this paper, we propose a geographic routing scheme to deal with the existence of complicated-shape holes in an effective manner. Our proposed routing scheme achieves routes around holes with the (1+$$\epsilon$$ ϵ )-stretch. Experimental results show that our routing scheme yields the highest load balancing and the most extended network lifetime compared to other well-known routing algorithms as well.

A Distributed Geo-Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Sensors, 2009

Geographic wireless sensor networks use position information for greedy routing. Greedy routing works well in dense networks, whereas in sparse networks it may fail and require a recovery algorithm. Recovery algorithms help the packet to get out of the communication void. However, these algorithms are generally costly for resource constrained position-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose a void avoidance algorithm (VAA), a novel idea based on upgrading virtual distance. VAA allows wireless sensor nodes to remove all stuck nodes by transforming the routing graph and forwarding packets using only greedy routing. In VAA, the stuck node upgrades distance unless it finds a next hop node that is closer to the destination than it is. VAA guarantees packet delivery if there is a topologically valid path. Further, it is completely distributed, immediately responds to node failure or topology changes and does not require planarization of the network. NS-2 is used to evaluate the performance and correctness of VAA and we compare its performance to other protocols. Simulations show our proposed algorithm consumes less energy, has an efficient path and substantially less control overheads.

Repellent voids for improving geographical routing efficiency in wireless sensor networks

International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2013

The geographical routing suffers from communication voids in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Thus, several void-handling techniques are proposed in the literature, but they are limited in case of critical applications. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach handling both open and closed voids by using three complementary mechanisms. The first mechanism orients each packet that arrives on the network boundary toward the network middle by using the shortest path leading to the sink. The second mechanism is used by a node located on the boundary of a closed void to orient the received packets in optimal paths toward the sink. The third mechanism uses repellent forces generated by each closed void to repulse the packets from its boundary. To discharge the boundary nodes, our approach defines an announcement zone around each closed void and uses a two-hop forwarding mode in each boundary node. Our proposals achieved good performance.