PKM Penerapan Sistem Informasi Inventarisasi Aset Pada SMK Migas Inovasi Riau (original) (raw)
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Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Dan Inventaris SMK N 7 Padang
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika), 2014
Processing of asset management and inventarize at SMKN 7 Padang running manually such as inventarize of new stuff to be record through ledger by hand. Cause of that, the managing asset operator have troubles to manage and making asset management reports, managing and checking supply data of stuff, list of entry and ordering stuff, difficult to search data and making data stuff that already exist. To solve this problem, we made an information management system of asset management and inventaries. Scheme of the system method used system development life cycle (SDLC). It start from system design to phase scheme of detailed system, like flowmap, and DBMS (Database Of Management System) for databases, normalization, ERD (Entity Relationship diagram) and also use Java for language program and Neatbeans 7.4 for IDE. It will be implemented through the desktop. The advantages of this application is : facilitating in data processing and help the operator to manage the asset of inventaries at SMKN 7 Padang. Beside that, this program provide simplicity for students, teachers, and visitors to borrowing and repayment asset of inventarize at SMKN 7 Padang.
Sistem Informasi Inventaris Barang Pada Laboratorium SMK Negeri 5 Samarinda
Computer technology is needed everywhere including inventory activities. The existence of inventory activities can minimize defects or obscurity of each device starting from the data collection of the device entering and exiting device, data collection of consumable and non-consumable device, data collection of damaged device or items that must be destroyed. But so far the inventory activities at the SMK Negeri 5 Laboratory have not been going well and the reporting process is very ineffective. Assist in research made by the Inventory Information System of Device that will assist administrative staff, laboratory personnel and principals in inventory activities. This system was designed using the prototyping system development method. Whereas the programming language used is Visual Basic and SQL Server 2008 databases. Principals, laboratories responsible, and administrative staff have their user access according to their respective user access rights according to the access rights sp...
Measurement of Inventory Information System Asset University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu conducted to measure the quality of asset inventory information system application of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu based on user perception using McCall method. The measurement process of asset inventory information system of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu is done by several stages of measurement using several quality factors on the McCall method namely; correctness, reliability, efficiency, integrity and usability to know how far the quality and level of user utilization of the current asset inventory information system. The measurement process using the McCall method involves 18 respondents, where the results of this application measurement get the percentage of total quality of 68.4% and included in the good category. However, further development is needed to improve user utilization and the quality of the inventory asset information system itself better. Keywords : Pengukuran , Kual...
Perancangan Sistem Akuntansi Penyusutan Aset Inventaris Politeknik Jambi
Journal of Applied Accounting and Business
Politeknik Jambi is the only vocational college in Jambi Province. The process of collecting inventory assets is not optimal when searching for data because there is no calculation of depreciation on inventory assets that are still manual. With that in order to be optimal, it is recommended to use an inventory asset depreciation accounting system. The purpose of this inventory asset depreciation accounting system is to overcome problems that arise in the current system at the Politeknik Jambi and to be a good solution for universities to create a faster and more accurate system in managing inventory assets. Methods of data collection is done by means of interviews, observation, documentation and analysis of the system used by the company.
Abstrak - Perkembangan era digital mendorong banyak proses dalam perusahaan dan lembaga untuk beralih ke penggunaan sistem informasi. kondisi ini terjadi karena TIK dapat berkolaborasi dengan banyak bidang pengetahuan. Salah satu implementasi sistem informasi dalam membantu pekerjaan adalah pada koperasi simpan pinjam. SMK Mandalla Entrepreneur School merupakan sekolah menengah kejuruan yang berada di Kabupaten Karawang. Adapun sistem berjalan yang ada di Koperasi SMK SMK Mandalla Entrepreneur School meliputi dari prosedur pendaftaran anggota, simpanan dan angsuran pinjaman, pengajuan pinjaman, dan pembuatan laporan. Proses pengarsipan data dan laporan simpan pinjam masih menggunakan sistem secara manual yang disimpan dalam bentuk dokumen tertulis, dapat memungkinkan kehilangan arsip atau rusaknya arsip. Fokus tujuan koperasi ini membutuhkan sistem yang dapat mengelola data anggota dan transaksi simpan pinjam. Namun jumlah anggota koperasi yang besar belum diimbangi dengan sistem p...
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Stmik Stikom Indonesia
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer, 2018
ABSTRACTSTMIK STIKOM Indonesia electronic assets was part off fixed asset that have a long life time. In this case asset was a non saleable stuff for operational needs. STTMIKSTIKOM Indonesia assets such aslaboratory equipment that contain computer laboratory, computer network laboratory, graphical designand photography laboratory. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia assets is increasing Every year since 2008 . Itneeds a good administration rules for filing and counting depreciation of every assets. It is important tohave such a system starting from procurement, updating data and asset extermination. According to assetmanagement research by sudrajat, 2007, asset management profit have relation to accountability, servicemanagement, risk management, and finance efficiency. (1) Improve management and accountability byshowing to owners, users and stakeholders that the result is an effective and efficient service. (2) Providea basis for evaluation and balancing of services, pricing and quality. (3)...
Sistem Inventarisasi Barang Dinas Pendidikan Nasional Kuningan Jawa Barat
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer)
The national education department's inventory record is unique because the goods are in schools under service, not in the office. Inventory complexity has increased due to the procurement of different schedules and reports, not only for internal but also for other institutions concerned. A structured and accessible inventory from anywhere is the right choice for the effectiveness and efficiency of this work. This research aims to design a website-based information system for goods inventory in the National Education Office (DISDIKNAS). The software development method used in this study is the Rational Unified Process. The study results obtained a web-based application that can help DISDIKNAS inventory goods in a structured and accessible anywhere
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 2018
Dinaspendidikan provinsi riau merupakan sebuah instansi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan. pada skripsi ini dibahas mengenai bagian UPTD, SD, SLTP dan SLTA saja. dimana pada bagian ini mempunyai kesulitan dalam pembuatan laporan inventaris barang. bagian ini sudah menggunakan komputer untuk membuat laporan inventaris barang, namun masih menggunakan microsoft excell dikarenakan belum ada aplikasi khusus untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi perangkat lunak agar pekerjaan pada bagian tersebut bisa lebih mudah, cepat dan efisien.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUTIKOMP), 2018
Pengelolaan Inventarisasi di Jurusan sangat mempengaruhi kinerja operasi jurusan. Pendataan Inventarisasi di jurusan selama ini masih mengunakan aplikasi Ms. Excel Aplikasi ini membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama ketika melakukan pendataan asset. Tingkat kesalahan dalam melakukan pendataan juga menjadi tidak terkendali dimana hal tersebut membuat informasi yang di simpan menjadi tidak akurat sehingga proses yang dilakukan akan menjadi tidak maksimal. Adapun jenis penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dimana metode pengembangan sistem perangkat lunaknya mengunakan metode Extreme Programmingl sedangkan pengujiannya mengunakan metode Black Box. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi Inventaris Aset yang membantu pihak jurusan teknik informatika dalam mempermudah pendataan inventaris barang jurusan.