Investigation of Design Parameters Facade Fire-Fighting Eaves for Prevent the Spread of Fires on Facade Structures of High-Rise Buildings (original) (raw)
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Bulletin of Lviv State University of Life Safety, 2021
Purpose. Applying FDS modelling to detect the influence of structural parameters of facade fire eaves, the effectiveness of fire prevention by vertical building structures in high-rise buildings.Methods. To calculate the temperature in the high-rise building model used Pyrosim computer system that serves as the user's shell application Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). This FDS system uses numerical algorithms to solve the complete Navier-Stokes differential equation system to determine temperature and other hazardous factors during a fire.Results. The results of FDS modelling during substantiation of constructive parameters of fire eaves, which protrude beyond the facade and located on the border of fire compartments along the contour of high-rise buildings with a nominal height of more than 73.5 m, are presented. Premises and substantiated the criteria for the destruction of external light openings (windows) as an integral factor in the spread of fire on the external vertical bui...
Bulletin of Lviv State University of Life Safety, 2022
Aim. The purpose of this work is to analyse the factors influencing the development and spread of fire on the surface of external walls with facade insulation with a ventilated air layer. As well as analysis of causes and consequences of fires on the examples of resonant fires to develop and implement optimal engineering solutions to prevent the ignition and spread of fire on the surface of such structures.Research methods. The system approach and several general scientific research methods are used in the work. The analytical research method was used to analyse domestic and foreign regulations, guidelines and technical documents, manuals, reference books, test reports and other literature sources, Internet information.Results. At present, hinged ventilated facades are widely used for insulation during the reconstruction and construction of new buildings not only in our country but also abroad. At qualitative calculation, selection of materials and installation of such systems of wa...
Fire Safety, 2021
Purpose. Using FDS modelling to investigate the influence of external vertical enclosing structures on the spread of fire on the surface of external wall structures with facade insulation with combustible insulation.Methods. Using the software package Pyrosim performed тumerical modelling of the dynamics of development and spread of fire on the surface of the thermal insulation and finishing system, which serves as a user shell for the program Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). To visualize the results of calculations, the software module of the PyroSim Smoke view system was used, which allows building appropriate graphical representations of temperature distributions. This system also allows you to monitor the dynamics of temperature fields and reproduce the heating process with animation.Results. With the help of computer modelling of fire test parameters of facade insulation system for fire propagation in FDS environment, numerical and graphical indicators were obtained by computer s...
Scientific bulletin: Сivil protection and fire safety, 2020
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The article is dedicated to the use of structures of external walls with facade insulation with plaster, which is widespread and popular in our country and abroad, as well as the problems associated with their fire hazard. The work of domestic and foreign researchers dealing with fire safety issues of facade systems has been analyzed. Classification of prefabricated systems of facade insulation is performed depending on the design decision, as well as on the main features in accordance with: the type of applied insulation material; a method of fastening a heat-insulating layer; composition of the base plaster layer; kind of decorative protective layer. The structure of prefabricated systems with complete sets of insulation with prefabrication of light, thick-layer plaster or fine-wares products is represented. The peculiarities of the processes that occur during combustion of the thermal insulation and finishing system of the outer walls of residential buildings are analyzed and rev...
Fire Resistance Analysis of Bending Timber Structures According to Eurocode 5
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Journal of Civil Protection
Проведен анализ литературных источников по вопросу влияния горизонтальных проемов в горящем помещении на параметры пожара. Показаны ограничения по использованию ранее полученных результатов исследований при моделировании пожаров. Для предварительной оценки влияния горизонтальных проемов на температурный режим пожара в помещении проведено моделирование горения древесины в административном помещении для случая наличия только вертикального дверного проема и для присутствия дополнительных горизонтальных световых проемов. По результатам моделирования установлено существенное влияние горизонтальных проемов на температурный режим пожара в помещении и отсутствие методик, позволяющих в достаточной мере оценить влияние проемов в горизонтальных ограждающих конструкциях на интегральные теплотехнические параметры объемного свободно развивающегося пожара в помещении. Предложена доработка алгоритма расчета, использованного при разработке методики СТБ 11.05.03.
Journal of Civil Protection, 2019
Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Beitrages zum Feuerwiderstand von tragenden Bauteilen: ENV 13381-4:2002. Teil 4. Brandschutzmabnahmen für Stahlbauteile Deutsche Fassung. 3 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of stuctural members: ENV 13381-2:2002.-Part 2: Vertical protective membranes. 4 Еврокод 3. Проектирование стальных конструкций. Ч. 1-2. Общие правила определения огнестойкости: ТКП EN 1993-1-2-2009 [Электронный ресурс] // Полнотекстовая информационно-поисковая система «Строй-ДОКУМЕНТ».-Электрон. текстовые дан. и прогр. (700 Мб).-Минск: НПП РУП «Стройтехнорм», 2007.-1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). Пожарная и промышленная безопасность (технические науки) Fire and industrial safety (technical sciences) 269
Assessment of fire exposure on the load bearing capacity of basement storey walls
Bases and Foundations
This paper presents the numerical modelling of the fire exposure on structural element and its static analysis taking account of the material properties reduction due to elevated temperature. The reinforced concrete wall of basement storey was subjected to one side fire exposure. Advanced calculation methods were used to assess the fire exposure on the structural element as most reliable and approximate to fire test results. Thermal analysis was performed with LIRA-CAD software by the simulating of three main heat-transfer ways: thermal conductivity, convection and radiation. As a result of the thermal analysis, temperature distribution in the concrete and reinforcement parts of the structural element cross-section was obtained. The thermal analysis of the wall structural element was performed for 120 minutes in standard fire exposure. Reduction factors for the strength of concrete and reinforcement steel were determined based on the temperature distribution in the wall structural e...