The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level (original) (raw)
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Awareness, mobilisation and dissemination actions
METANET4U The central objective of the Metanet4u project is to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services, encompassing both datasets and software tools, for speech and language processing, and supports a new generation of exchange facilities for them. This central objective is articulated in terms of the following main goals: Assessment: to collect, organize and disseminate information that permits an updated insight into the current status and the potential of language related activities, for each of the national and/or language communities represented in the project. This includes organizing and providing a description of: language usage and its economic dimensions; language technologies and resources, products and services; main actors in different areas, including research, industry, government and society in general; public policies and programs; prevailing standards and practices; current level of development, main drivers and roadblocks; etc. Collection: to assemble and prepare language resources for distribution. This includes collecting languages resources; documenting these language resources; upgrading them to agreed standards and guidelines; linking and cross-lingual aligning them where appropriate. Distribution: to distribute the assembled language resources through exchange facilities that can be used by language researchers, developers and professionals. This includes collaboration with other projects and, where useful, with other relevant multinational forums or activities. It also includes helping to build and operate broad interconnected repositories and exchange facilities. Dissemination: to mobilize national and regional actors, public bodies and funding agencies by raising awareness with respect to the activities and results of the project, in particular, and of the whole area of language resources and technology, in general. METANET4U is a project in the META-NET Network of Excellence, a cluster of projects aiming at fostering the mission of META. META is the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance, dedicated to building the technological foundations of a multilingual European information society.
ERA-NETs and the realisation of ERA: increasing coordination and reducing fragmentation
The primary objective of the ERA-NET scheme was to support the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). With the new impetus recently given to the ERA concept by Europe 2020, Innovation Union, the development of Horizon 2020 and the consultation on the ERA Framework it is an appropriate time to consider whether this objective is being met. This brief draws on the European Commission's information platform on transnational research collaboration, NETWATCH. Through analysis of its comprehensive database on the nature and operation of ERA-NETs and other collaborative networks, it develops an overview of the scheme's success. There is clear evidence that cooperation has taken place between research programme actors, leading to benefits in terms of mutual learning and joint activities, most notably the number of joint calls launched. The extent to which this represents genuine coordination of European research programmes and has led to a reduction in duplication and fragm...
An assessment of the impact of the FP7 ERA-NET scheme on organisations and research systems
The NETWATCH online platform collects and presents information to support the analysis of transnational research programme cooperation. Its content centres on the participants and activities of ERA-NETs and ERA-NET Plus. Building on these data, this report sets out an assessment of the impact of the FP7 ERA-NET scheme on stakeholder organisations and on the research systems in which they operate. In July 2012, the European Commission's ERA Communication gave renewed impetus to the realisation of ERA, targeting its completion in 2014. Transnational coordination of research at the programming level was identified as playing a prominent role in this, with ERA-NETs being a key instrument. These developments highlight the need to understand better the impact of the ERA-NET scheme. NETWATCH has accumulated substantial information on transnational research programme collaboration, which provides a solid basis for this impact assessment, together with complementary data from various sec...
This brief explores the wide variety of objectives, activities and outcomes of transnational research programming in Europe. Going beyond the goal of mobilising shared research funds, it examines how collaborative networks can contribute to the achievement of a broad range of objectives related to research and innovation. It centres on the development of an analytical framework, focusing on the key motivations for establishing and participating in collaborative networks and the subsequent outcomes.Case studies are used to explore how collaborative research programming networks can contribute to a broad set of objectives related to research and innovation, ranging from the primary aims that are at the core of the programme collaboration to secondary aims with regard to research and even tertiary network aims going beyond research policies.The results have relevance for the way progress to the ERA is measured, for developing indicators for measuring impact of programme collaboration n...
Options for Assessing the Impact of the ERA-NET Scheme: an exploration of methodological approaches
The NETWATCH on-line platform collects information in support of analysis of transnational research programme cooperation. Its content centres on ERA-NETs and ERA-NET Plus, however, information is also collected on Article 185s and networks that continue but no longer receive EU support (known as self-sustaining networks). The information collected is used to map and monitor the transnational research programme landscape and to produce policy briefs on issues pertinent to the policy debate, which are also published on the platform. This report constitutes the first NETWATCH impact assessment and focuses on ERA-NETs and the development of an approach to assess their impact against the policy goals, including wider European Research Area (ERA) objectives.
Effectiveness assessment of the METANET demonstration
A quantitative methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of evolving systems that will undergo a series of demonstrations is presented. Emphasis is placed on the design of the demonstration by assessing the effectiveness of alternative system configurations. While the methodology has been motivated by METANET, a network of heterogeneous networks, the approach is illustrated through a simple network that consists of heterogeneous components.
The transformation of armed forces towards network oriented principles poses a number of methodological challenges for the field of defence analysis. This paper presents Project Metanet, an undertaking at the Swedish Defence Research Agency, with the aim to monitor developments within the broadly defined field of Network Analysis, and outlines three specific challenges. The first two have to do with extending the tools of network reliability theory to handle the case of complex, hybrid communication systems, where the set of nodes and the state of their communication links is rapidly changing over time. The other is the problem of how to find resources in such a dynamic, distributed system using only local topological information. The paper concludes with a discussion of general-purpose Network Information Systems.