The far-lateral craniotomy: tips and tricks (original) (raw)
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The pterional craniotomy: tips and tricks
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2012
The frontotemporosphenoidal craniotomy, usually denominated pterional craniotomy, was first described by Yasargil in 1975 and is one of the earliest landmarks of the advents of microneurosurgery 1-3 . This approach enables, specifically, the exposure of the entire frontoparietal operculum 4,5 , the opening of the entire sylvian fissure 6,7 and all anterior cisterns of the encephalon base 2,5 , which makes both the pterional craniotomy and the transylvian approach the widest used techniques in today's neurosurgery practice.
Perspective of the frontolateral craniotomies
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2010
The pterional craniotomy is one of the most frequently surgical approaches used in neurosurgery and currently it has become a mainsteam. It allows excellent microsurgical exposure of anterior and posterior regions of the arterial circle of Willis, supra and paraselar regions, the superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone, cavernous sinus, orbit, temporal lobe, midbrain and the frontal lobe. Like others techniques, the pterional craniotomy presented disadvantages related to dissection of the temporal muscle. From the first fronto lateral craniotomy described by Dandy to expose the optic chiasm and the pituitary we pass through the Yasargil's classical description of craniotomy centered in fronto-temporal sylvian fissure until reaching the recent"minipterional craniotomy", modifications of the pterional craniotomy were proposed to reduce the extra cranial tissue trauma and reduce the area of craniotomy without affecting the exposure of surgical targets, thus improving their aesthetic and functional results. An historical analysis of the frontolateral approaches has demonstrated that they have evolved from larger craniotomies to smaller ones, however only the minipterional craniotomy is able to offer similar surgical exposure.
Posterior fossa craniotomy: technical report
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2000
The use of craniotomy to approach supratentorial lesions is quite well established in the literature. The use of craniotomy for posterior fossa approaches, however, is not well described. The aim of this article is to describe the technical aspects of this approach and to delineate the important landmarks. In our cases, posterior fossa craniotomies have been utilized for treat different pathologies. Additionally, the technique has not added any additional risk, and the cosmetic results have been excellent.
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2014
This paper aims to describe the performance of the pretemporal craniotomy performed didactically from 2002 to 2012 in eighty patients. It is therefore a fundamentally descriptive text, organized in the sequence of the main stages in which such a craniotomy is performed, and describing in detail the technique with which this group of evolutionarily authors came to accomplish the task.
Surgery of the lateral skull base: a 50-year endeavour
Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 2019
Disregarding the widely used division of skull base into anterior and lateral, since the skull base should be conceived as a single anatomic structure, it was to our convenience to group all those approaches that run from the antero-lateral, pure lateral and postero-lateral side of the skull base as "Surgery of the lateral skull base". "50 years of endeavour" points to the great effort which has been made over the last decades, when more and more difficult surgeries were performed by reducing morbidity. The principle of lateral skull base surgery, "remove skull base bone to approach the base itself and the adjacent sites of the endo-esocranium", was then combined with function preservation and with tailoring surgery to the pathology. The concept that histology dictates the extent of resection, balancing the intrinsic morbidity of each approach was the object of the first section of the present report. The main surgical approaches were described in the second section and were conceived not as a step-by-step description of technique, but as the highlighthening of the surgical principles. The third section was centered on open issues related to the tumor and its treatment. The topic of vestibular schwannoma was investigated with the current debate on observation, hearing preservation surgery, hearing rehabilitation, radiotherapy and the recent efforts to detect biological markers able to predict tumor growth. Jugular foramen paragangliomas were treated in the frame of radical or partial surgery, radiotherapy, partial "tailored" surgery and observation. Surgery on meningioma was debated from the point of view of the neurosurgeon and of the otologist. Endolymphatic sac tumors and malignant tumors of the external auditory canal were also treated, as well as chordomas, chondrosarcomas and petrous bone cholesteatomas. Finally, the fourth section focused on free-choice topics which were assigned to aknowledged experts. The aim of this work was attempting to report the state of the art of the lateral skull base surgery after 50 years of hard work and, above all, to raise questions on those issues which still need an answer, as to allow progress in knowledge through sharing of various experiences. At the end of the reading, if more doubts remain rather than certainties, the aim of this work will probably be achieved. KEY WORDS: Lateral skull base surgery • Lateral approaches to the skull base • Skull base surgery • Benign tumors of the skull base • Malignant tumors of the skull base RIASSUNTO La base del cranio non è anatomicamente divisa in anteriore e laterale, ma è per semplicità che comunemente si intendono i corridoi chirurgici con direzione antero-laterale, laterale pura e postero laterale come "Approcci chirurgici della base del cranio laterale". Una relazione con titolo "Cinquant'anni di impegno", di sforzo o di dedizione, vuole essere il riconoscimento a questa chirurgia che nel corso degli anni ha sviluppato interventi sempre più complessi con una morbidità sempre minore. Il principio della chirurgia della base del cranio laterale si fonda sulla possibilità di "fare spazio", esporre adeguatamente, rimuovere osso per salvaguardare il cervello, insieme alla possibilità di preservare la funzione e adattare l'approccio chirurgico all'istologia della lesione. Il concetto che l'istologia detta l'entità della resezione chirurgica, bilanciando la morbidità intrinseca di ciascun approccio, è oggetto di trattazione nella prima sezione di questa relazione. Nella seconda sezione sono descritti i principali approcci chirurgici, intesi non come descrizione tecnica di ciascun tempo chirurgico, ma dei principi che sono alla base di ciascun approccio. La terza sezione è dedicata alle questioni aperte, quelle ancora irrisolte, inerenti alcuni tumori ed il loro trattamento. L'argomento del neurinoma sporadico dell'ottavo nervo cranico è trattato riportando l'attuale dibattito sulla osservazione, la chirurgia di preservazione dell'udito, la riabilitazione con l'impianto cocleare, la radioterapia e le ricerche recenti su marcatori tumorali predittivi di crescita. Il paraganglioma del forame giugulare è trattato nel contesto della chirurgia radicale, chirurgia parziale, osservazione e radioterapia. La terapia dei meningiomi della base del cranio analizza il punto di vista specifico dell'otochirurgo e del neurochirurgo. Cordomi e condrosarcomi, tumori del sacco endolinfatico, carcinomi dell'orecchio e colesteatoma della rocca sono le altre lesioni affrontate. Infine, nella quarta sezione è proposto un contributo a libera scelta ad autori di riconosciuta esperienza. Lo scopo di questa relazione è stato quello di fornire un aggiornamento della chirurgia della base del cranio laterale dopo 50 anni di duro lavoro e, o forse soprattutto, di permettere alle tante questioni irrisolte, alle domande che ancora non hanno risposta, di trovare espressione, affinchè il dibattito ed il progresso possano continuare con la condivisione di esperienze. Se al termine della lettura vi saranno più domande che risposte, potremo dirci che l'obiettivo di questa relazione è stato raggiunto. PAROLE CHIAVE: Chirurgia della base cranio laterale • Approcci laterali alla base del cranio • Chirurgia della base del cranio • Tumori benigni della base del cranio • Tumori maligni della base del cranio 2. Generalities on skull base surgery 2.1. Surgery of the skull base as it relates to pathology
Prof medra paper,J Craniofacial Surgery,2012
In syndromic craniosynostosis, the relation between the supraorbital area and the frontal bone is not good, and it is not possible to reform this area with 1-block advancement. To avoid this problem, the frontal bone is separated from the fronto-orbital bandeau, each is reshaped and remodeled separately, and then both are reattached.
British journal of neurosurgery, 2018
Fronto-Temporo-Orbito-Zygomatic (FTOZ) craniotomy has progressed from its humble beginnings. Numerous variations including one piece, two piece and even three piece FTOZ craniotomies have been described. The ideal technique still remains elusive and its use remains restricted to a few specialised centres even when benefits far outweigh the surgical difficulties. To analyse 11 cases in which single piece FTOZ craniotomy was used and to review the steps of surgery along with its advantages. A total of 11 cases of skull base lesions were operated over a period of 30 months and followed up for a minimum period of 6 months. They were analysed for intraoperative benefits, requirement of cerebral retraction, surgical difficulties, post op recovery, complications faced and post-op cosmetic appearance. A total of nine cases had tumours of skull base including Spheno-Petro-Clival meningiomas, Trigeminal schwannomas, Solitary fibrous histiocytoma and two had giant aneurysms of P1 segment. Intr...
En-bloc craniotomy for the pre-sigmoid infra- and supratentorial approach: technical note
Acta Neurochirurgica, 2011
The combined supra-infratentorial approach as described some 30 years ago is to date considered a standard procedure for skull base procedures. Several variants have been devised, including preservation of the mastoid process. We herein present the cosmetically most sophisticated and fastest solution. The authors describe an en bloc supra- and infratentorial pre-sigmoid combined approach. This variant of surgical technique involves a one-piece bone flap (temporal-suboccipital-mastoideal flap). We present another variant of craniotomy for the combined supra- and infratentorial pre-sigmoid approach that preserves the mastoid process and thus appears to be cosmetically much more acceptable. Eight dry cadaveric skulls were used to develop an ideal one-piece excision of the cranial vault across the transverse sinus, including portions of the mastoid. Our aim was that no further drilling of the basal skull was needed. The procedure thereafter was practiced on a fresh prepared cadaveric specimen where its feasibility was again confirmed and was then applied to a patient suffering from a huge petroclival meningioma. It was very well tolerated and produced an excellent long-term cosmetic result. The combined supra- and infratentorial pre-sigmoid approach offers the possibility of resecting complex petroclival lesions. The variant presented herein is less time consuming than previously described methods and probably offers the best possible cosmetic result. The en-bloc cranioplastic approach with preservation of the mastoid process is a new, interesting variant of a classical technique that is easy to perform and has the intention of achieving the best possible cosmetic result.
Transoral approach to the craniovertebral junction
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2007
The transoral approach provides a safe exposure to lesions in the midline and the ventral side of the craniovertebral junction. The advantages of the transoral approach are 1) the impinging bony pathology and granulation tissue are accessible only via the ventral route; 2) the head is placed in the extended position, thus decreasing the angulation of the brainstem during the surgery; and 3) surgery is done through the avascular median pharyngeal raphe and clivus. We analyzed the clinical effects of odontoidectomy after treating 38 patients with basilar invagination. The anterior transoral operation to treat irreducible ventral compression in patients with basilar invagination was performed in 38 patients. The patients' ages ranged from 34 to 67 years. Fourteen patients had associated Chiari malformation and eight had previously undergone posterior decompressive surgery. The main indication for surgery was significant neurological deterioration. Symptoms and signs included neck pain, myelopathy, lower cranial nerve dysfunction, nystagmus and gait disturbance. Extended exposure was performed in 24 patients. The surgery was beneficial to the majority of patients. There was one death within 10 days of surgery, due to pulmonary embolism. Postoperative complications included two cases of pneumonia, three cases of oronasal fistula with regurgitation and one cerebrospinal fluid leak. In patients with marked ventral compression, the transoral approach provides direct access to the anterior face of the craniovertebral junction and effective means for odontoidectomy.