A survey on antibiotic therapy knowledge among physicians of a tertiary care and university hospital (original) (raw)


Farmacia, 2020

The research objectives have been analysing the profile of the antibiotics consumers in Romania, the causes and risks of the irrational use of antibiotics, the way of their purchasing from community pharmacies in the country and the proposal of a correct and efficient information modality of the population on the risks of irrational antibiotics consumption. An instrumental marketing research has been conducted, based on a survey using a questionnaire distributed to a representative sample, the evaluation being achieved in all counties in Romania. The obtained results have highlighted the main causes of the irrational use of antibiotics: their administration in conditions that don't require such a treatment, population's inability to clearly and accurately associate the antibiotic with the affections that it treats, sometimes the insufficient counselling provided by physicians and pharmacists regarding the posology and the risks of antibiotics consumption, and getting antibiotics from community pharmacies, in some cases, without presenting a medical prescription. In order to educate the population, an original, interactive and suggestive booklet has been accomplished, to correctly inform patients about antibiotics and the treated diseases, so they would understand the risks implied by the irrational use of antibiotics. The study results have indicated a series of problems related to the antibiotics' use in Romania. It is very important to be aware of the risks associated with an irrational consumption of antibiotics, which is the main factor of the emergence of the bacterial resistance. One proposed solution has aimed to inform the public including through the elaboration and dissemination of concludent informative materials. Rezumat Obiectivele cercetării au constat în analizarea profilului consumatorului de antibiotice din România, a cauzelor şi riscurilor aferente utilizării iraționale de antibiotice, a modului de procurare a acestora din farmaciile comunitare din țară, precum şi propunerea unei modalităţi de informare corectă şi eficientă a populaţiei privind riscurile consumului iraţional de antibiotice. S-a realizat o cercetare de marketing instrumentală, având la bază o anchetă efectuată cu ajutorul unui chestionar distribuit unui eşantion reprezentativ, cadrul de selecţie fiind la nivelul tuturor judeţelor din România. Rezultatele obținute au reliefat că principalele cauze ale consumului irațional de antibiotice sunt: administrarea lor în afecțiuni care nu necesită un astfel de tratament, incapacitatea populaţiei de a asocia clar şi corect termenul de antibiotic cu afecțiunile pe care acesta le tratează, uneori consilierea insuficientă oferită de medici și farmaciști privind posologia și riscurile aferente consumului de antibiotice, precum şi procurarea acestora din farmaciile comunitare, în unele cazuri, în lipsa prezentării unei prescripții medicale. În vederea educării populaţiei, s-a realizat o broşură originală, interactivă și sugestivă, care să ajute pacienții să înțeleagă ce este un antibiotic, care sunt afecțiunile pe care le tratează și să conștientizeze riscul la care se expun în urma consumului irațional de antibiotice. Rezultatele studiului au indicat o serie de probleme corelate cu utilizarea antibioticelor în România. Este foarte importantă conștientizarea riscurilor asociate consumului irațional de antibiotice, acesta reprezentând principalul factor al dezvoltării rezistenței bacteriene. O soluţie propusă vizează educarea populaţiei, inclusiv prin elaborarea şi distribuirea către pacienţi a unor materiale informative concludente.

The knowledge, attitude and the perception of prescribers on the rational use of antibiotics and the need for an antibiotic policy-a cross sectional survey in a tertiary care hospital

Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2013

Antibiotics are prescribed frequently and there is always an overuse with a risk of resistance and increasing costs. Rational drug prescribing is essential for minimizing the health care costs and for reducing the resistance. The implementation of a strict antibiotic policy by all the health care institutes is being made mandatory nowadays. An improving awareness among the prescribers which can be created through educational interventions, can promote the rational use of antibiotics. Hence, we considered it worthwhile to study the knowledge, attitude and the perception of the practitioners towards a rational antibiotic use. All the registered practitioners who were working in the hospital setting and were willing to give written informed consents, were enrolled in the study. All the participants who were enrolled in the study during a one month period, had to fill up a predesigned, structured and validated questionnaire which was used to assess the knowledge, attitude and the percep...

Evaluation of Family Physicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding the Rational Use of Antibiotics: A Survey Based Study

Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2022

Background and Objectives: Antibiotics are widely used all over the world, but the use of appropriate antibiotics in the appropriate dose and duration plays a critical role in reducing the development of resistance, and mortality in particular, as well as undesirable effects and treatment costs associated with infections. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of primary care family physicians regarding the rational use of antibiotics (RUA) and to raise awareness about this issue. Methods: Before the "Training for the Rational Use of Antibiotics" for family physicians of primary healthcare in Antalya in 2019, a questionnaire was distributed to the physicians. The questionnaire contained 37 questions, including 27 multiple-choice questions designed to assess physicians' general attitudes toward antibiotic rationalization. The questionnaire, which consists of ten questions, also includes a test at the end, which is calculated over a total of 100 points. The purpose of the test is to assess family physicians' knowledge of rational antibiotic use. Each correct answer was worth 10 points, and the average success and standard deviations of the physicians were computed. Results: This study included 143 family physicians in total. The mean success score standard deviation (SD) was found to be 66.5 18.51 out of 100 in the test, which measures the knowledge level of physicians prior to training. The success scores of physicians aged 55 and older were found to be statistically significantly lower than the scores of those in other age groups (55.6 21.2 points (mean SD). Other variables examined within the scope of the study were found to have no effect on the physicians' success scores. It was also discovered that physicians frequently answered incorrectly questions about the use of the Modified Centor Clinical Scoring system.The relevant records showed that only 7867 (27.4%) of 28 712 Rapid Antigen tests (RATs) distributed to family physicians by the Provincial Health Directorate were used. Conclusions: Although the majority of the participants stated that they used diagnosis and treatment guidelines when prescribing antibiotics, it was discovered that the use of the Modified Centor clinical scoring system and the RADTs was not common among them, and that there were some deficiencies in the RUA.

Investigation of the knowledge, attitude and performance of the physicians in regard to rational antibiotic prescription


Background and Aim: Excessive use or misuse of antibiotics leads to important consequences such as increased cost of treatment, bacterial resistance, treatment failure, drug toxicity and increased morbidity and mortality. Use of guidelines can result in increased knowledge of the physicians and decreased prescription of antibiotics with resultant change in the attitudes of the physicians towards this policy. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 356 physicians and was conducted in Sanandaj in 2015. The sampling method was census. The final questionnaire included 7 questions to assess knowledge, 18 questions to measure attitudes, (by means of a 5-point Likert Scale from very strong agreement to very strong disagreement), and 12 questions to assess performance. The reliability of the questionnaire was 54%. Using SPSS20 software, frequency and mean score of the questions were calculated. Results: Among 356 questionnaires, 44.2% were filled out by specialists and 45...

The Impact of Healthcare Providers' Knowledge on Appropriate Prescribing of Antibiotics

Background: In-depth knowledge of antibiotic principles is widely considered a necessary condition for appropriate prescribing of antibiotics. The study aimed at determining the impact of healthcare providers’ level of knowledge in bacteriology and principles of antibiotic prescribing on their abilities to prescribe antibiotics appropriately. Methods: A structured questionnaire survey targeting all doctors, nurses and healthcare providers within Health Service Areas abounding and including five selected public hospitals in Lesotho was carried out. The questionnaire tested respondents’ knowledge in bacteriology of infections and principles of antibiotic prescribing. Relevant data on antibiotic prescriptions were also collected concurrently with the survey. Data were analysed to establish respondents’ level of knowledge and the influence of same on their abilities to prescribe antibiotics appropriately. Results: In inpatient and outpatient departments, 53.3% and 62.5% of respondents d...

Complex Determinants Influencing Inappropriate Antibiotic Use - A Systematic Review

International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 2020

Antibiotic medicine is a kind of antimicrobial substance used to fight against the bacteria entered tothe human body and hence is considered as a most important category of antibacterial agents to fightagainst bacterial infections either by killing them or inhibiting their growth. Antibiotic medicationsare widely used both for preventing and curing infections in human beings, animals, and agricultural plants but are not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold, flu, coughs, sorethroats, etc. Even though antibiotics found their importance in fighting against bacterial infections,inappropriate use of them in humans, animals, and agricultural plants has considered as one of thereasons for developing antimicrobial resistance in them and which has several negative effects fromdifferent stakeholders’ points of view. In this paper, through a systematic review, we made anattempt to study the determinant issues and complex affecting factors whic influence the inappropriate antibiotic use and its consequences in controlling bacterial infections. The study focuson identifying and analyzing misuse of antibiotics including challenges involved in the inappropriate use of Antibiotics, the determinant factors influencing the inappropriate use of antibiotics through a systematic review, predict the determinant factors affecting the process of inappropriate use of antibiotics in an ideal situation which is the final goal of antibiotics research, developing a model by identifying the determinant factors which affects the decision of inappropriate use of antibiotics in society by various stakeholders. It also includes identifying the research gap which is the difference between current status and future anticipated optimistic ideal state and to develop research agendas based on identified research gap on inappropriate use of antibiotics and its effect on human health.

Antibiotic Use: A Cross-Sectional Survey Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices amongst Students of a School of Medicine in Italy

PloS one, 2015

Since antibiotic resistance has become a worldwide public health concern and is in part related to physicians' lack of knowledge, it is essential to focus our attention on healthcare profession students. The present study aims at evaluating the knowledge and attitudes of the School of Medicine's students towards antibiotic usage and antibiotic resistance. In December 2013, a cross sectional study was conducted amongst medical, dental, nursing and other health care profession students of the School of Medicine at the University of Torino. Students of all the academic years took part in this study. Questionnaires were submitted during regular lectures (only students who attended courses on one specific day were surveyed) and the data collected was analyzed using StataMP11 statistical software. Overall, 1,050 students were interviewed. The response rate was 100%. Around 20% of the sample stated that antibiotics are appropriate for viral infections and 15% of the students that t...

Why Do Patients Want Antibiotics and Why Do Physcians Prescribe Antibiotics?: A Cross-Sectional Study In Primary Health Care

Ankara Medical Journal, 2019

Objectives: The inappropriate use of antibiotics is a worldwide public healthcare problem. Unfortunately, Turkey has a negative reputation with a particularly high rate of antibiotic prescription. The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting Turkish primary care physicians in prescribing antibiotics and to evaluate the knowledge levels of the physicians on the rational use of antibiotics. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Family Health Centers and Community Health Centers in 8 different districts in Ankara. A self-reporting questionnaire was administered to the physicians to evaluate their level of knowledge and attitudes towards the rational use of antibiotics. The data obtained were analysed using SPSS 21.0 software. Results: The study included 200 physicians, comprising 84 (42%) males and 116 (58%) females. Of the total physicians, 38.5% stated that they had refused patient's request for antibiotics. Those who had been working for ≥11 years were seen to be affected by 'the patient's expectations and insistence' when prescribing antibiotics and those working for ≤10 years by 'the presence of comorbid disease' (p1=0.044, p2=0.012). The subjects on which the physicians were most lacking in knowledge related to antibiotics were determined to be antimicrobial resistance and cost. Conclusion: In terms of the rational use of antibiotics, physicians' knowledge level about antibiotics and rational use of antibiotics and their associated behaviour in prescribing antibiotics are extremely important. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that cause unnecessary antibiotic prescription in order to prevent inappropriate antibiotic use in the population.

To Assess Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Medical Professionals toward Antibiotics

Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences

Introduction: Antibiotics are wonderful drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases but are in danger because of a reduction in their efficacy. Antibiotic resistance is becoming a public health problem worldwide. There is number of contributing factors that are responsible for antibiotic resistance. Physicians play a vital role in antibiotic usage and prescribing practices. In the present study, we will assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of medical professionals of Hisar and Mahindergarh District of Haryana, India for antibiotics. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on medical professionals who are prescribing antibiotics through survey conducted via mail. Results: The study received 100% responses from all the participants. Among which 41% are prescribing antibiotic on 1st day of investigation and 77% are using broad-spectrum antibiotics. Although they have proper knowledge of resistance still the practicing antibiotics is not that much good. Th...