Awareness of H1N1 influenza among Pakistani pharmacy students (original) (raw)


Aim — This study was aimed to investigate knowledge and attitudes of H1N1 influenza among pharmacy students. Material and Methods — A cross-sectional study was carried out among undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore from February-May 2018. A self-administered questionnaire was used to evaluate knowledge and attitudes of H1N1 influenza. All data were analyzed using SPSS 22. Results — The median age of study participants (N=420) was 20 years, with majority of females (72.4%), undergraduate students (96.7%) belonging to middle economic class (89.8%). The median knowledge score was 18, with 38.1% having poor, 55.7% moderate and 6.2% excellent knowledge score (score <17, 17-25, and 26-34, respectively). The median attitude score was 47 (9); around 52% of the participants were found to have positive attitudes. Initially, there was a significant difference of knowledge score, not attitude, among age categor...