Stadt und Tempel von Elephantine 39./40./41. Grabungsbericht (original) (raw)

Elephantine, Ägypten: Stadt und Tempel


The site of the ancient town on Elephantine island, close to present-day Assuan, offers the nearly unique chance to explore the structures and functions of an Ancient Egyptian provincial settlement from its village origins in late prehistory to its role as an important administrative and cultic center in pharaonic and graeco-roman times even into late antiquity and the early middle ages. Work in 2012 and 2013 was centered on two main project complexes. The reconstruction of the decoration, cultic installations, and uses of the temple of Khnum resulted in new insights into the building history and the symbolic layout of this largest sanctuary on the island. A fresh start in the excavation of settlement areas, harnessing the full potential of archaeometric methodology, aims at achieving a full picture the ancient living experience in the town of Elephantine.

Elephantine, Ägypten. Gesamtprojekt Elephantine und Teilprojekt Lebenswirklichkeiten (Realities of Life). Das 50. Grabungsjubiläum und aktuelle Arbeiten

e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2, 2019

January 9th, 1969 was the first day of excavation of the DAI Cairo and its partners on Elephantine. In the year of the 50th anniversary of the project, its success was celebrated amongst other with a conference focusing on settlement archaeology. Half a century of field research has produced a wealth of data which have fundamentally advanced our conception of Ancient Egyptian culture – and the development of research questions and research methodologies inspires ongoing research in ever new directions. In 2018/2019 season the DAI’s works focused especially on the execution of archaeometric methods on newly excavated finds and the conservation of one of the last preserved buildings of the colonial period in Aswan area. Nutzungsbedingungen: Die e-Forschungsberichte 2019 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts stehen unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte Terms of use: The Research E-Papers 2019 of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut is published under the Creative-Commons-Licence BY-NC-ND 4.0 International. To see a copy of this licence visit Powered by TCPDF ( iDAI.publications

Der Chnumtempel des Neuen Reiches auf Elephantine. Bericht 2014 und 2015

The investigation of the relief decoration of the Khnum temple of the New Kingdom was continued in 2014 and 2015. The aim of this season was to complete the documentation of the blocks that had been reused in the temple house of Nectanebos II. The blocks appear to originate from at least two different buildings. The first building was a small barque station built by Queen Hatshepsut in the early part of her reign for the processional barque of Khnum. The second building was founded by Thutmosis I and finished or enlarged by Thutmosis II. Both buildings originally stood to the west of the main temple of Khnum, in the area later occupied by the temple house of Nectanebos II.

Zur Entwicklung der Verehrungsstätten des Heqaib in Elephantine

in: Czerny E., Hein I., Hunger H., Melman D., Schwab A., Timelines, Festschrift Manfred Bietak, OLA 149, Leuven 2006, I, 403-418, 2006

Cornelius von Pilgrim Cornelius von Pilgrim 400 9 Vgl. z. B. das von RICKE noch beobachtete "MR"-Steinpflaster unterhalb des östlichen Endes des Komabbruchs (RICKE 1960: 4 u. Anm. 17).

Elephantine, Ägypten. Gesamtprojekt Elephantine und Teilprojekt Lebenswirklichkeiten (Realities of Life). Die Arbeiten von Oktober 2017 bis Mai 2018

e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2, 2018

Excavations in Middle Kingdom houses on Elephantine Island in the course of the DAI project “Realities of Life” revealed a variety of production activities, which were executed for the housing and provision of the inhabitants, but also hints on personal and commercial activities. The use of standard archaeological as well as archaeometric methods allow new and unexpected insight into e.g. jewelry and bread production, space utilization, and regional connections. The project also offers training programs and study days to support the capacity building of the employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. Furthermore, a special exhibition on Arabic ostraca attesting to the history of Elephantine in the early Middle Ages was opened in the excavation museum. Nutzungsbedingungen: Die e-Forschungsberichte 2018-2 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts stehen unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte Terms of use: The e-Annual Report 2018 of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut is published under the Creative-Commons-Licence BY-NC-ND 4.0 International. To see a copy of this licence visit Powered by TCPDF (