Santripreneurship: Internalizing the Values of Independence in the Digital Era (Case of Pondok Pesantren in Malang Raya) (original) (raw)

Nilai - Nilai Personal Pembentuk Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi

Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan

This study aims to determine the influence personal values to perceived organizational support to the Junior High School teacher. This research is a quantitative method. The subjects were high school teachers who work in the private Islamic Education Foundation inSurabaya. Measurement instrument used is the scale of values personal and organizational support perception scale. While data analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that of the top ten personal values, there are only three personal values that influence perceived organizational support that are security, conformity, tradition. This suggests that in order to improve the perception of organizational support needed teachers who value personal safety, have self-control against the wishes and encouragement that violate social norms in force, the respect, commitment and acceptance of one's will of cultural values and religious affiliations.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ...

Santripreneurship: How Does the Digital Era of Independence Value during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Pondok Islamic Boarding School ?

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

This article aims to discuss the process of independence values for students in the digital era by Islamic boarding schools in Poor Raya. the process is carried out to form anindependent person, has soft skills and mastery of technology, but there are limitations to the use of technology that can be accessed at Islamic boarding schools, so students must be able to study independently to keep up with the developments of the industrial revolutions, especially with the Covid-19 pandemics. the demands of the students for independent study make the roles of Islamic boarding schools must balance learning techniques that are in accordance with the digital era. Another obstacle that arises is that the principle of devotion to Kyai makes the mindset of the Students to b more inclined to manage the business in the Islamic boarding school. This type of research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. data collection techniques were carried out by observation and in-depth interviews. The research subjects were students and leaders of Islamic boarding schools, and ustaz. The analysis technique is carried out with the stages of input, process and output. The results of this study are applyinga santri must balance the life of the world and the hereafter. Entrepreneurship activities are carried out through training, cultivation of orchids, mushrooms, manufacturing, yogurt, printing, broadcasting, shooting services and video production. These activities can be a medium in shaping the students to become independent individuals, stimulating creative and good ideas at establishing communication with various groups.

Character Value Internalization of Responsibility of the Kampung Pulo Adat (Field research at Kampung Pulo, Kampung Ciakar, Cangkuang Village, Leles Sub-District, Garut District)


This paper aims to examine the character value internalization of responsibility of the traditional/adat community, explain the cultural values and norms adopted by the adat community as well as ways/processes of internalizing the character of responsibility to preserve the ancestral traditions they believe in. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection conducted through field research and literature study. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the Formation of character began with individual members of the community who possesses values based on the goals they were trying to achieve; the character of adat community is formed by the cultural values they adopted and then formed a personal character that was typical of adat community. These cultural values are instilled in the process of character internalization of responsibility which is a characteristic of civilized or cultured human ...

Developing Character by Applying the Model of “Makan Kembul” to Grow Attitudes of Independence, Togetherness, Responsibility, and Respect for Others


In-class learning that reflects exemplary character students are expected to have an attitude of independence, togetherness, responsibility, and respect for others and must be interactive and fun so that students have an interest and motivation for learning. However, in reality, the learning patterns in UNU Lab Elementary School Students in Blitar, Indonesia, still do not apply an interactive and fun approach because teachers have not affected the learning model that suits students’ needs. Furthermore, students yet have not shown such character in learning, so that study only produces learning goals not accompanied by attitudes of good character. The purpose of this study is to discuss the phenomenon of “makan kembul” that can affect attitudes of independence, togetherness, responsibility, and respect for others and explain something that is most influential in “Makan kembul” against manners of independence, togetherness, responsibility, and respect for others. The author uses a qua...

Internalization of Character Values Based on Spiritual Intelligence at SD Islam Bani Hasyim Malang Regency

Conciencia, 2021

SD Islam Bani Hasyim was an educational institution with a concentration on cultivating character values in students. It could be proven through heterogeneous input without selection with a quota system producing input with a diversity of learners’ intelligence and behavior. SD Islam Bani Hasyim was able to process heterogeneous input through a process based on a program-based curriculum. The program-based curriculum had relevance to the inculcation of character values in shaping spiritual intelligence was the Islamic study program and submission. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study research. The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews with school leaders, participatory observation, and recorded documentation of the work of SD Islam Bani Hasyim. Analysis of research data using interactive data analysis. The research results were as follows: First, planning for value planting through understanding the institution’s philosop...

Character Value in Karawitan Activity: A Qualitative Study at SDN Trucuk Bantul Indonesia


This study aims to describe the integrated character values in Karawitan activities and the impact of these activities on the personalities of students. A research method is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection using observation and interviews technique. The observed character values are Religious Values, Nationalism, Independence, Teamwork, and Integrity. Participants in this study were students in grades 3,4,5 at SDN Trucuk Pajangan Bantul. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling. The results showed that all the character values studied were integrated with Karawitan activities. Religious value is shown from the behavior of implementing religion, tolerance, and peace. The value of nationalism is shown in the attitude of selfishness, love for the country, and obeying the rules. The independent value of students is shown by the behavior of working hard, professionally, and not depending on others. The value of mutual cooperation is shown...

Inculcating character values (ICV) for the 21st century in Indonesia: A case study in vocational schools


This study aims to describe the inculcation of character values and describe the values of superior character and require strengthening through activities for the 21st century in vocational schools, Indonesia. Descriptive qualitative research approach was chosen to reveal the existing phenomena based on the perspective of four vocational teachers involved with the characteristics of two female vocational teachers and two male vocational teachers from public and private school status. Teaching practice experience was considered in the selection of participants, namely 13-25 years, revealing that vocational teachers are actively involved in the formation and cultivation of student character values through school activities or programs and learning practice activities. The data collection technique uses a deep interview a long time 60-90 minutes with an interview instrument of eight questions. The results of the study found as many as five main character values namely Nationalist, Religious, Integrity, Independence, Mutual cooperation with the superior character in vocational students is Integrity, but on the other hand the character is low and needs to be improved, namely Independence due to the lack of self-confidence, initiative in completing responsibilities responsibility in the form of student work. The inculcation of character values in school activities can be seen in school rules, religious activities, extracurricular (scouts, student religious organizations) as well as practical learning activities including (teamwork, 5R culture and occupational health and safety. The formation of character value is an important variable for postgraduates in vocational education and a major consideration for DUIKA in Indonesia.

Core Ethical Values of Character Education Based on Sundanese Culture Value

IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)

This paper is motivated by the moral decadence that occurs in West Java as a Sundanese society. This paper intends to re-explore ethical values that should be the basis of Sundanese people's lives in West Java. This research uses qualitative. Data taken from the author's observational that are felt and experienced in everyday life. Research shows that education takes an important role in efforts to foster a moral attitude of society. Education in question is character education based on Sundanese cultural values. So hopefully the community can become an identity that always holds the wisdom of a good Sundanese culture. Some ethical values of Sundanese culture that can be found are welfare, health, care for the environment, moderate, hard work, discipline, politeness, honesty, upholding the truth, mutual cooperation, social solidarity, positive thinking, mature calculation, education, gender management, preservation and preservation Sundanese culture. The values of Sundanese ...

Growing the Character of Responsibility Through Extra Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah at MI Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

Elementary School: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran ke-SD-an, 2022

This study aims to describe the character of responsibility through extra Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah at MI Muhammadiyah Karanganyar. The character in this study is focused on the character of responsibility. Cultivating the character of responsibility starting from planning, implementation, to inhibiting factors and supporting factors for program implementation. The research was conducted at MI Muhammadiyah Karanganyar. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Using direct observation data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and document studies using triangulation data validity tests, both triangulation of data sources and triangulation of data collection techniques. The data analysis technique uses the Miles Huberman interactive analysis model.The results of this study indicate that growing the character of responsibility through the Tapak Suci extracurricular begins with; (1) Prepare materials according to the level of students referring to the syllabus and...

The Role of Communicators in Instilling Moral Values in Adolescents at RPTRA Malinjo, South Jakarta

IJESS International Journal of Education and Social Science

The cultivation of character values ​​is very urgently needed in forming virtuous teenagers. Character education will strengthen the moral construction of teenagers so that they are not easily swayed in the face of various trials in their lives. The success of the planting cannot be separated from the role of communicators who have special characteristics as communicators. This research focuses on RPTRA Malinjo Jakarta, which is led by Pembina as a communicator. The target in inculcating character values ​​is aimed at teenagers considering that adolescence is a period of searching for identity and is a period that is vulnerable to various kinds of good or bad influences in their environment. Literature review used in this research is the concept of role, the concept of communicator characteristics, the concept of inculcating character values, the concept of youth. The research approach departs from a qualitative approach with data collection techniques with in-depth interviews with ...