As India strives toward equal rights, a change in the perceptions of men and women is needed to reduce gender disparity. In simple terms, empowerment means giving power or authority to an individual and empowerment of women means equipping them to be economically independent, self-reliant, in addition to providing positive self-esteem to face any difficult situation in our society. The most widespread and dehumanizing discrimination against women are on the basis of the biased perspective. Boys are preferred over girl; hence, female infanticide is a common practice in India. Women cannot take any decision of their own. They do not have equal right in society. This is due to lack of social awareness, gender bias, negligence and poor health, social problems, sexual harassment etc. But in the present scenario, a gradual change is now visible. Women now have diverse professions as doctor, engineers, pilots, taxi drivers, police etc. Empowerment is the one of the key factors in determining the success of social, economical political development. There is a need to focus on the over all development, specially social, economical and political development of women. We need to augment our efforts for empowering women and enhance their progress. It is our moral, social, and constitutional responsibility to ensure their progress by providing them with equal right and opportunities. Today women with their smartness, grace, and elegance have conquered the whole world.