Border Problems in Central Asia and Opportunities to Solve Them (original) (raw)
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Государственные границы в Азии
Введение в исследования границ, 2015
В этой главе будет дан краткий обзор государственных границ в Азии. Поэтому первая наша задача состоит в том, чтобы определить, что следует считать границами самой Азии, так как ее положение как «Другого» Европы часто принимается за нечто само собой разумеющееся. Названные термины берут свое начало в Древней Греции, отсылая к двум берегам водных путей, соединяющих Мраморное море с Босфором, Черным и Азовским морями, и как заметил Тойнби, «ошибка географа заключается здесь в попытке перевести утилитарный элемент навигационной номенклатуры на язык политики и культуры» 1 . Аргументы географов XIX в., таких как Александр фон Гумбольдт и Оскар Пешель, в пользу того, что Европа была лишь продолжением Азии, показывают, что это разделение является произвольным, но натурализовавшимся благодаря многократному использованию. Именно путем такой натурализации Европа в значительной степени вытеснила понятие «христианского мира» как «сплоченного культурного региона» 2 .
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“Border” Problems: Real and Otherwise
American expert community emerged as an influential component of the national political establishment and is able to affect significantly foreign policy of the country. The article seeks to analyze the current state of the foreign policy expertize in the U.S. It identifies functional objective determining activities of the expert community, related both to the clarification of foreign policy ideology and to the achieving greater efficiency in foreign policy. The author also studies the issues related to funding of expertise, including the amount of accumulated financial resources and numerous private sources it comes from. Finally, he examines the foreign policy discourse in the U.S., defined by competing approaches developed by multiple think tankers.
Borderland Studies in International Relations: Space and Time in Thai-Lao Relations
Faculty of Asian and African Studies, University of Saint Petersburg, 2021
This presentation reconceptualises the Thai-Lao relations in terms of space and time and proposes that post-geopolitics is able to reveal a human dimension in International Relations as a discipline. While employing John Agnew’s concept of territorial trap (1994) that includes the conceptualisation of dichotomous understanding of inside/outside, self-contained state and border reification monopolised by the elites, this presentation in tandem proposes the concept of temporal trap to criticise the existing literature in International Relations. The temporal trap includes the homogenous time of the state, unilinear historicism and temporality monopolised by the elites. This critical point of view can be enriched further by incorporating a human dimension in other related literatures that do not name themselves as part of International Relations as a discipline. However, as their focus covers the area of the Thai-Lao border that shed light on the interstate movements of the unheard people on the contiguous space of the two states.
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The Islamic factor on the territory of Central Asia
Megatrend revija
The countries of Central Asia belong mainly to Turkish speaking area, thus the Islamic religion and culture. Islam began to spread across this territory through new cultural contacts around 700 AD as a result of conquest, distant trade and missionary activities. Tendencies of Russia and Turkey towards Central Asia are increasing the danger of the conflict outbreak in the critical areas of the region. From the early 2000s until now, Central Asia has become much more divided interethnically than it was during the Soviet period. At the end of 1970s the establishement of new Islamic Movements began. The most active movements today are: Hizb Ut-Tahrir, The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan. Extremism and radicalism are the most active, but also the smallest part of the Islamic movement in the whole world, including Central Asia. These movements have different tactics that are manifested in the form of various methods and means used for achieving objectives.
Региональный конфликт: сценарий для Центральной Азии
This article is methodological by nature and describes the procedure of scenario planning applied by the authors during their work for a number of analytical and research institutions in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The situation in Central Asia is the case considered in the article. Despite being based on actual developments in the regions, according to the authors, the case given in the article is not a full scenario and shall be primarily seen as illustrative.