Analysis of assessment tools used in engineering degree programs (original) (raw)

Analysis of Assessment Tools of Engineering Degrees

This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering.

Analysis of evaluation instruments on Engineering Degrees

This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group the own university, GRAPA. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.

Evaluation Methods of the Subjects and Teaching Staff at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Engineering Faculty

This work presents a series of results based on the evaluation process of the disciplines (subjects) and teaching staff at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, "Hermann Oberth" Faculty of Engineering. We will present a model of a results sheet, based on the analysis of the questionnaire. We have tried to make it as comprehensive as possible in all the aspects resulted from the statistical analysis of the questionnaires. First, we will make a statistical analysis using statistical means and modes. The modes are very effective because they represent values of a statistical series that have the most frequent appearance. The means are very useful to compare with the modes. The analysis of the disciplines and teaching staff was made for each specialization and year of study, based on the answers received from the students before the exam session in the first semester of academic year 2004/2005. The questionnaires referred to the disciplines and the teaching staff of the second semester of academic year 2003/2004. The evaluation of subjects and teaching staff had real value because each teacher received the results of his/her evaluation and they had access to the result averages of all the subjects‚ in the same year of study, and so they could compare them.

Work in Progress - Qualitative analysis of the different assessment implementation methods in a School of Engineering. Preliminary Results

One of the major challenges of the School of Engineering of Universidad del Norte has been to guarantee an education of quality to its alumni. In the last few years professors from different engineering disciplines have been implementing the Assessment project in the everyday teaching. This project is being implemented by stages. In the first stage, the learning objectives of each engineering program as well as the objectives on each course were reviewed and reformulated, and their outcomes were formulated. In this phase, the alumni profiles were reformulated from the competence approach. In the next stage, a part of the faculty implemented the Assessment in some courses. Nowadays, most professors are implementing Assessment in their courses in an autonomous way concerning tools and teaching methods used. The project has shown a great advance in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. This paper describes, in a qualitative way, the results achieved by some professors during the experience of implementing Assessment in their courses. Different methods of the assessment implementation are presented, and some preliminary conclusions about the usage of the assessment in our School of Engineering are drawn.

Statistical analysis and use of questionnaries for evaluation of the knouledge at university. A practical case

The accomplished experience, using the data processing platform Moodle, in the execution of multiple-option questionnaires with automatic evaluation; is presented. The obtained results have been utilized subsequently for their statistical analysis by means of centered measures and basic dispersion. The documented experience was implemented in the subject: Construction of Traditional Structures and Equipments (CETE), in the Technical Architecture (AT) career of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) The summary of the information includes the results obtained for a total sampling of 437 students distributed in four different groups. In those groups, three different professors taught the classes for the two available schedules. The obtained results facilitate to discern among the different professors, student typologies, student gender, different levels of acquired knowledge, relation to other evaluation techniques applied, and relation to the documented prior knowledge. It is pr...

Evaluation proposal based on the ECTS system: evaluating the four skills in a University core subject with a portfolio

This study will concentrate specifically on the use of the portfolio as an element of evaluation in the core subject English Language IV in the degree English Studies at the University of Alicante as an answer to the changes that the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requests in the teaching-learning process. This paper will emphasize the importance of the portfolio for evaluation to be a continuous process and its consequences in students having to assume the responsibility for their learning process. This article will present a detailed evaluation proposal with a portfolio, paying special attention to the different activities that are part of it. The grades students got with it during the academic year 2009-2010 being evaluated with a portfolio will be compared with those they got in 2008-2009, when the evaluation proposal was based just on a traditional final exam. The data will show that, using a portfolio, students get better grades, although this implies a considerable amount of extra work for teachers and students.

Medición y evaluación de los resultados del estudiante en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje – Lecciones aprendidas

Proceedings of the 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Communities”, 2019

The Professional School of Systems Engineering (EPIS) of the National University of San Agustin in 2018 has started the self-evaluation process for accreditation purposes under the model of the Accreditation Agency Specialized in Professional Training Programs in Computing, Engineering and Technology in Engineering (ICACIT). This model requires, in the first stage of its deployment, the preparation of the self-study report, a document that consists of several parts, one of which is based on the description of the processes of measuring the achievement of the student outcomes and improvement continues implemented in the program. To respond to this requirement, as indicated in a previous work, the EPIS through the Commission for Continuous Improvement, Self-evaluation and Accreditation (CMCAA) carried out the entire process of systematic alignment and linking of the different components of the curriculum, that constitutes the base on which the processes of measurement of the student's results were defined that allow in effect to determine the achievement of the competences on the part of the students. In this work, we show the experience obtained in the self-evaluation process of the EPIS, regarding the measurement and evaluation of the student outcomes, as well as the tools designed and implemented for that purpose, is explained.

Les Etudiants Comme Evaluateurs De Leurs Competences Une Etude De Cas


The article is devoted to the study of differences in assessment methods of face-to face and online learning of a foreign language in higher education, in particular, the issue of the effectiveness of the assessment techniques used in different formats. Numerous questions that accompanied foreign language online learning in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years, as well as contradictory reviews about the assessment methods of students' knowledge were the prerequisites of the study. The experience demonstrated that online learning differs significantly from face-to-face learning in a number of requirements for teachers and students. The aim of the study is to modify traditional methods of students' knowledge evaluation and assessment in the form of credits or examinations towards greater independence and objectivity and achieve the autonomy of the assessment process. We carried a survey of students' opinions on the effectiveness of the forms of assessment adopted at the higher education. Based on the survey results, recommendations are made for improving methods of students' knowledge assessment system with respect to the educational format. The conclusions made on the basis of data analysis provide a number of changes in the methods of online assessment both in the educational process at higher education and in staff training programs.

Proposal of statistical analysis to support the assessment method of a Brazilian Industrial Engineering course

Production Journal, 2017

The requirement to adapt the university education to demands of society and professional market is improving the teaching methodologies that try to develop skills and prepare the students to deal with day-today situations of a business environment. Therefore, this research presents the assessment method utilized in an Industrial Engineering course carried out by a Brazilian public university in partnership with a multinational company. The course had 37 participants, consisting of: 28 students divided into four groups; 1 teacher; 4 university tutors; and 4 company tutors. The main objective is to assess the consistency of grades assigned to students and their work groups using agreement, variance and correlation analyses. As conclusion, the analyses indicated a possible deficiency in the assessment method application since the values of agreement and correlation coefficients were lower than expected but also provided a positive contribution to the improvement of assessment and the course as a whole.

Validación del cuestionario de evaluación docente de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, aplicando el método de Análisis Factorial con extracción de componentes principales


This work validates a teaching evaluation instrument applied to professors in engineering, sciences and higher technological level programs of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, using the method of Factor Analysis with extraction of principal components. The database used for the research was previously examined and refined due to inconsistency, eg. outliers, out of range values, etc. The result of the method described above was a reduced survey of 15 items, which was obtained from an original study of 33 items. This new questionnaire clearly identifies the four main dimensions or aspects required: teaching development and planning, teacher-student relationship, evaluation, and a global assessment question. The reduction of the evaluation scale will allow to improve the process of integral teaching performance evaluation of the faculty at Escuela Politécnica Nacional, and this method could serve as a benchmark for the teaching evaluation process of other universities that belong to t...