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Adolescent Psychology , 2022
In times past, the main focus of the study of psychology has been seen to be on the unacceptable and negative behavioral characteristics of humans and for that matter, adolescents. However the increase in knowledge about psychological issues in young people and especially the quest to understand their behavior, cognition and learning abilities etc., have birthed an aspect of psychology called Adolescent psychology. This aspect of psychology is aimed at understanding teenagers, helping them to understand themselves and guiding them in their milestone transition from childhood to adulthood. Hence with the study of Adolescent psychology, adolescents can be understood better and helped to navigate through their new world of growth, development and learning.
Horizons of Holistic Education, 2015
ABSTRACT This article examines the important transitory stage in human life i.e. adolescence- a life stage, that lies between childhood and adulthood. Beginning around 10, 11 or 12 years, adolescence concludes between 18-21 years of age. It is a stage, when complete metamorphosis takes place and is akin to a butterfly emerging from its cocoon which in its former stage is a caterpillar! The speed of adolescent changes varies among cultures and societies since they are contingent on the processes of socialization, training and education. Key developmental milestones are achieved during adolescence and in order to understand adolescents it is important to understand their physical, cognitive, psychological, socialemotional, moral, educational and vocational development and the ensuing changes. Sex differences exist between boys and girls when we examine all these factors. The end of this tumultuous period entails physical and sexual maturation, social and economic independence, development of identity, acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationships and roles, and the capacity for abstract reasoning. Parents, teachers, peers and the significant others in the adolescent’s environment have to be supportive and empathetic of the turmoil that they go through to enable a smooth well adjusted transition into adulthood. Keywords: adolescence, adolescents, human development, child development, child, childhood, adulthood, cognitive, social, emotional, moral, development, vocational, late maturer, early maturer, transition. Link:
Human life completes its journey through various stages and one of the most vital stages is adolescence. Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood and plays a decisive role in the formation of prosocial/antisocial adult. All of us undergo this stage which poses many challenges and is full of excitement. At the same time it demands adjustment on many fronts. When we come to this world we are completely dependent upon others and learn gradually to be independent. In India, the adolescents do most of the work themselves but the final decision regarding various domains of life is taken by their parents. For example, an adolescent wishes to enjoy movies but parents may force him/her to complete study first. Parents claim that they have more practical knowledge and experience and tend to treat adolescents like children. This lesson shall help you understand the nature of adolescence and its challenges and major tasks faced by the adolescents, the influences that shape their personality and some of the important problems faced by the adolescents. CONCEPT OF ADOLESCENCE Adolescence is a period of transition when the individual changes-physically and psychologically-from a child to an adult. It is a period when rapid physiological and psychological changes demand for new social roles to take place. The adolescents, due to these changes often face a number of crises and dilemmas. It is the period when the child moves from dependency to autonomy. It demands significant adjustment to the physical and social changes. The adolescence period in the Indian social system comes under Brahmacharya (apprenticeship).This is the first ashram (stage of life) of development stages. In this stage, the child learns the basic skills in relation to his future role as a responsible adult. It is a fact that all living beings pass through specific stages or phases of development. Erikson believed that each stage of life is marked by a specific crisis or conflict between competing tendencies. Only if individuals negotiate each of these hurdles successfully they can develop in a normal and healthy manner. During this phase adolescents must integrate various roles into a consistent self-identity. If they fail to do so, they may experience confusion over who they are.