Pengaruh Subtitusi Tepung Multigizi (Tumiz) Terhadap Daya Terima Dan Kadar Gizi Mikro Nuget (original) (raw)
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Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Ikan Tuna Terhadap Daya Terima Dan Nilai Gizi Biskuit Kelor
Journal Health & Science : Gorontalo Journal Health and Science Community
Salah satu masalah sosial yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia adalah masih rendahnya status gizi masyarakat. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengembangkan formula Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) pada balita yang lebih bermutu serta bernutrisi tinggi demi mengentaskan permasalahan gizi buruk-kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung ikan tuna terhadap daya terima (rasa, aroma, warna, tekstur) dan kandungan nilai gizi biskuit kelor. Desain pnelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental Semu (Quasi Experimental) menggunakan Rancangan Postest Only Control Group Desing. Uji tingkat kesukaan akan dilakukan pada panelis semi terlatih yaitu Mahasiswa Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kementerian Kesehatan Gorontalo sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh penambahan tepung ikan tuna terhadap daya terima (warna dan aroma) biskuit kelor. Kandungan nilai gizi biskuit kelor dengan penambahan tepung ikan tuna protein tertinggi pada f...
Daya Terima Dan Analisis Zat Gizi Pada Pempek Substitusi Tepung Mocaf
Jurnal Media Kesehatan, 2018
Mocaf flour is a flour made from cassava root (Manihot escluenta) which has a lower ash content that is around 0.4 percent, has a higher starch content and mocaf also has a higher fiber content than wheat. Mocaf flour in this research as the basic ingredient of making pempek. Pempek is a snack food made from ground corn, tapioca, salt, and water. This study aims to determine the acceptance (texture, color, flavour, taste) and to know the nutrients of energy and macro nutrients in pempek mocaf. The materials used in making pempek are mocaf flour, tapioca flour, anchovy, palm oil, carrot, garlic, salt, and water. Treatment in this research pempekis F1 flour mocaf 100%, F2 mocaf flour 75% and tapioca flour 25%, while F3 uses 50% mocaf flour and 50% tapioca flour. The method ofresearch is pempek in organoleptic test by 40 panelis then pempek most preferred analyzed nutrient energy and macro nutrient. The method of nutrient analysis used for the protein test using Kjeldahl, fat using hydrolysis-soxhlet, and carbohydrates using Luff scrhool. From the results of one way anova pempek one of the most preferred is pempek with 50 mocaf F3 flour treatment and 50% tapioca flour. There is a marked difference to texture and taste and there is no significant difference in color and flavour. While after the analysis obtained energy 173.61 calories, 5.27 grams of protein, 4.81 grams of fat, and carbohydrates 27.31 grams. From this study it can be concluded that F3 treatment contains energy, protein and fat higher than pempek which is often circulated, while carbohydrate is lower than pempek that often circulate. Suggestion for further investigators can examine more about micro nutrient found in pempek made from mocaf flour.
Pengaruh Lama Pengukusan Terhadap Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Gizi Nugget Ikan
Jurnal Pangan, Gizi dan Kesehatan, 2010
The processing of tuna fish in East Nusa Tenggara province is still very simple. For this reason, it needs a sort of processing which can increase the economic value and the variety of fishery products as well. One way is to make fish nugget. Experimental study had been applied in this research with steaming time on the fish nugget as treatment of the research. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used and there were 4 (four) treatments for the length of steaming time as followed: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. Each treatment has 3 (three) times replication. The parameters of the experiment that had been observed were: protein, fat and water content, while organoleptic test was used in order to know the people acceptance of the product in terms of aroma, color, and texture. Analysis of variance (Anova) and Least Real Different test was used to analysis the observed data. Based on the result of Anova and the Least Real Different test showed that the best treatment on organoleptic test was on 60 minutes steaming time treatment in terms of aroma, color, and texture The technique of data analysis uses ANOVA and the further testing uses the Real Smallest Different Test. While in terms of nutrient content, the highest protein content in fish nugget was in 45 minutes steaming time, the highest content of fat and water in fish nugget was in 15 minutes of steaming time treatment. Then, it may be concluded that there was a significant effect of steaming time length on the power of product acceptance and on protein and fat content of fish nugget.
Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ampas Tahu Terhadap Tingkat Kekerasan Dan Daya Terima Bakso
Pendahuluan: Bakso adalah jenis makanan yang berbentuk seperti bola yang yang berbahan dasar dari daging. Agar bakso dengan kualitas baik dan harga relatif terjangkau maka butuh penekanan harga jual sehingga dapat terjangkau oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Mengganti sebagian daging dengan bahan lain yang mempunyai kandungan protein relatif tinggi adalah salah satu usaha dalam menekan harga jual bakso. Bahan tambahan lain dengan kandungan masih berprotein tinggi dan berserat tinggi namun masih mempunyai nilai jual ekonomi masih relatif murah yaitu ampas tahu. untuk meningkatkan umur simpan ampas tahu serta lebih fleksibel dalam penggunaan misal dengan cara dibuat tepung maka memudahkan dalam penyimpanan dan lebih variatif dalam pemanfaatannya, daya simpan lebih lama dan panjang, serta lebih mudah dalam penyimpanan. Bakso ampas tahu memiliki tekstur yang lebih lunak. Tepung ampas tahu berpotensi untuk memperbaiki tekstur yang lebih baik karena kandungan air dan protein yang terdapat di tepung ampas tahu. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahi pengaruh substitusi tepung ampas tah terhadap tingkat kekerasan dan daya terima bakso Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu substitusi 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Pengujian kekerasan menggunakan alat Lloyd's Universal Testing Machine Do-FBO.STS (Zwich/Zo.5). analisis data menggunakan SPSS 17 analisis non parametrik Deskriptif Normalitas Homogenen dengan dilanjutkan uji Kruskal Wallis. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kekerasan tertinggi yaitu dengan sbstitusi 15%. Hasil uji daya terima menunjukkan bahwa daya terima warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan keseluruhanyang paling disukai yaitu susbtitusi 0% dan 5% sedangkan daya terima warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan keseluruhan yang tidak disukai yaitu substitusi 15% Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh substitusi jamur tiram terhadap kekerasan, daya terima tekstur, rasa dan keseluruhan. Sedangkan daya terima warna dan aroma tidak ada pengaruh terhadap bakso. Kata Kunci : tepung ampas tahu, tingkat kekerasan, daya terima dan bakso.
Pengaruh Subsitusi Tepung Tempe Terhadap Kualitas Nastar
The background of this research is no raw material from tempe flour used in nastar. Tempe has short lifespan, so it breaks down fast (rooten). In order to prevent traders from losing, tempe can be processed into tempe flour so that its economic value increases and reduces dependence on wheat flour. Tempe flour is the result of grinding dried tempe. The tempe flour will be used as the addition in making nastar so that the langu taste will be decrease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of substitution of tempe flour as much as 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% on the quality of shape, color, aroma, texture and taste on the nastar produced. This type of research is an experiment using a completely randomized design method. The type of data used is primary data obtained directly from 30 semi-trained panelists by filling out the organoleptic test format. Data will be analyzed by using ANAVA. If there is a significant effect, it will be followed by Duncan's test. The results s...
Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Sorgum Dan Penambahan Tepung Wortel Terhadap Daya Terima MI Basah
Media Informasi, 2017
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh variasi substitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung sorgum, dan pengaruh variasi penambahan tepung wortel pada pembuatan mi basah terhadap daya terima konsumen. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen murni. Tahapan pertama memberikan variasi perlakuan substitusi tepung sorgum A (20%), B (30%), C (40%), dan D(50%). Tahapan kedua memberikan variasi perlakuan penambahan tepung wortel A atau kontrol (0%), B (10%), C (20%), D (30%), dan E (40%). Sifat fisik dinilai dengan membandingkan mi hasil subtitusi tepung sorgum dengan mi yang ada di pasaran. Sifat organoleptik dinilai dengan menggunakan uji hedonik melibatkan 46 panelis konsumen. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji Kruskal Walllis, dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann Whitney. Formula substitusi tepung sorgum yang terbaik adalah sebesar 40% menghasilkan sifat fisik yang hampir sama dengan mi di pasaran. Penambahan tepung wortel 10% merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai oleh konsumen. Penambahan tepung sorghum yang semakin tinggi menyebabkan warna mi menjadi putih agak gelap dan muncul bintik hitam, aroma khas mi, rasa sedikit sepat, dan tekstur kurang kenyal dan mudah putus. Penambahan tepung wortel yang semakin tinggi menyebabkan warna mi menjadi kemerahan, aroma mi menjadi khas wortel, rasa menjadi agak sepat, tekstur menjadi kurang kenyal.
Daya Terima Serta Nilai Gizi Cookies Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu Dan Tempe Substitusi Tepung Ikan Gabus
Background . Utilization of purple sweet potato flour which is low on glycemic index and high in fiber and tempeh flour which is high in fiber is expected to provide additional nutritional value. Based on the potency of the two ingredients, namely sweet potato and tempeh, these two ingredients can be alternative ingredients in the manufacture of cookies / cookies. Destination . This study aims to determine how the acceptability and nutritional value of cookies with purple sweet potato flour and tempeh flour with snakehead fish meal substitution for Diabetes Mellitus patients. Method . This type of research is a kind of laboratory with a post test design research design. Acceptability was assessed based on the organoleptic test results of 25 panelists, then analyzed the nutritional content of protein and fiber. Result . The results of the research on acceptance of the aspects of color, aroma, texture and taste showed p value of 0.660, 0.524, 0.074 and 0.432 respectively, which meant...
Substitusi Tepung Labu Kuning Terhadap Elongasi Dan Daya Terima Mie Basah
Backround : Noodles is one type of staple to substitute rice. People get noodles so easy in everywhere because it’s their favorite dish, cheap, easy to make. Wheat flour does not contain β-karoten so that the need for substitution pumpkin flour on noodles. Noodles with flour of yellow pumpkin can influence elongation and acceptability. Purpose : The purpose of this observation is analysis how flour of yellow pumpkin’s influence to elongation and acceptability. Method: This method of this study is completely randomize design that use four additional variations (0%,10%,20% and 30%). Statistic analysis to elongation and acceptability use one way ANOVA with rate of significant 95%. If this analysis has influence, it will tested again by duncan multiple range test (DMRT). Result : The result of this observation is flour of yellow pumpkin influence elongation of wet noodles. Substitute yellow pumpkin flour’s 0% and 10% give high elongation to noodles. Wet noodles with substitute 10% is pa...
JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi), 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Pengaruh modifikasi tepung ubi jalar putih dan terigu terhadap kualitas dan daya terima mi kering ; (2) Pengaruh modifikasi tepung ubi jalar orange dan terigu terhadap kualitas dan daya terima mi kering; (3) Pengaruh modifikasi tepung ubi jalar ungu dan terigu terhadap kualitas dan daya terima mi kering. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Desain penelitian eksperimen ini menggunakan factorial ganda 3 x 3 yaitu pengaruh modifikasi tiga varietas tepung ubi jalar terhadap kualitas dan daya terima mi kering. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui uji mutu organoleptik dengan parameter yaitu aroma, rasa, tekstur,. Panelis yang dilibatkan sebanyak 40 orang, yang terdiri dari panelis terlatih (6 orang) dan panelis semi terlatih 34 orang. Selanjutnya data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan analisis Varian Klasifikasi Ganda (ANAVA GANDA ) dengan program SPSS for windows Versi 16 dan uji t. Hasil pene...
Pengaruh Penambahan Jenis Tepung Terhadap Daya Terima Dendeng Lumat Keong Mas
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal
Jerky found in the market is generally made from beef, while jerky with other raw materials has not been found much. Dried golden snail contains 18.00% ash content, 56.61% crude protein, 5.87% fat and also 2.99% crude fiber. The processing of golden snail as a raw material in the production of creamed jerky is expected to provide functional food. The method used in this study was an experiment with an organoleptic test, namely a hedonik test by 30 semi-trained panelists. The formula used is a jerky formula that has been standardized and divided into 3 formulas, DK standardized formula, the difference is the addition of 50 grams of wheat flour in the DKT formula and 50 grams of cornstarch in DKM. The results of the hedonik test scale that has been carried out and analyzed with the friedman statistical test and continued with the tukey advanced test show that the DK0 formula is the most preferred sample by the panelists with a score of 15.50 for the color, a score of 2.83 for the arom...