Analysis of Science Process Skills towards Teacher Professionalism in Islamic Elementary School (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2019
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji amalan pentaksiran Kemahiran Proses Sains (KPS) yang dijalankan oleh guru sains di sekolah menengah di Negeri Johor. Sejumlah 254 guru menjadi responden tinjauan yang menjawab 28 soalan mengenai kaedah pentaksiran yang diamalkan dalam menilai kemahiran proses sains pelajar di dalam bilik darjah. Dalam kajian ini, empat kaedah penilaian yang paling biasa dipilih berdasarkan kajian awal yang dijalankan. Empat kaedah pentaksiran tersebut adalah penyoalan lisan, kertas ujian, lembaran kerja dan kerja amali. Maklumat dalam kajian ini diperoleh melalui kaedah tinjauan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik. Responden membuat pilihan kekerapan amalan kaedah pentaksiran KPS yang digunakan oleh responden dalam bilik darjah. Indeks kebolehpercayaan responden adalah 0.90 menunjukkan nilai yang tinggi dan sangat baik dengan nilai Cronbach Alpha 0.93. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kaedah lembaran kerja adalah kaedah yang paling biasa digunakan dengan pengukuran purata-0.32 diikuti dengan kaedah kerja praktikal (-0.19), kaedah soal lisan (0.21) dan yang paling biasa digunakan untuk mengukur KPS ialah kaedah kertas ujian (0.24). Walaupun julat setiap kaedah adalah sangat kecil, ia menunjukkan empat kaedah yang digunakan oleh guru secara konsisten semasa penilaian KPS.
Analysis of Science Process Skills for Student in Basic Physics Course
Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ), 2019
The low cognitive learning outcomes and science process skills of students encourage the need for learning that not only emphasizes learning outcomes but also the learning process. The purpose of the research is to (1) find out the profile of science process skills of students when attending basic physics practicum lectures, and (2) to find out the most dominant science process skills in students while attending basic physics practicum lectures. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was chosen by purposive sampling and obtained by students of the 2017/2018 academic year Physics Education study program FKIP Sriwijaya University. The research data was collected using documentation techniques, observation, and interviews. The data obtained is then processed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, data analysis, and conclusion drawing. Data analysis was carried out descriptively, so as to increase trust in the results of the study triangulation of data collection techniques was conducted. The research that has been done obtained results that (1) science process skills of students while following the basic physics practicum lectures in the high category that is equal to 68.1%; (2) the dominant science process skills namely observing skills of 91.0% are very high categories and measure 91.1% in very high categories. The results of the study illustrate that the implementation of basic physics practicums still needs improvement to train students' science process skills.
The aim of this research was to compare the influence of learning models on the science process skills of preservice elementary school teachers. The research method was quasi-experimental with The Matching Only Design. The research population was all 5th-semester students of pre-service elementary school teachers with 350 students. The sample was class 5E, 5G, and 5H selected by Cluster Random Sampling. The instrument was the science process skills test. The data was analyzed using the Median test. The results showed a significant difference in science process skills between Inquiry Learning, Problem Based Learning, and Discovery Learning
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal
Professional teachers are required to always evolve according to the demands of dynamic change. In the perspective of Islamic education, teachers get high appreciation of the position one level below from the position of the Prophet. The Islamic appreciation of the learned men is illustrated in the hadith as quoted by Ahmad Tafsir (in Hasbullah, 1999: 193), namely: "Ulama's ink is more precious than the blood of the martyrs". The development of soft skill to improve the professional competence of teachers can be done through coaching programs such as upgrading, training/workshops, seminars or scientific meetings, e-learning, or formal activities in accordance with the needs of teachers. The development and fostering of professional competence of the teacher needs to be done continuously and comprehensively, so that will give birth to a comprehensive professional teacher as well.
ABSTRAK Kajian ini merupakan kajian tinjauan secara deskriptif bertujuan untuk melihat tahap penguasaan kemahiran insaniah pelajar kursus Pengajian Islam. Seramai 346 sampel daripada 955 orang populasi pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kursus Pengajian Islam daripada sebuah universiti awam tempatan terlibat dalam kajian. Tujuh attribut kemahiran insaniah (softskill) untuk pelajar IPT seperti yang digariskan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPTM) merangkumi kemahiran komunikasi, kepimpinan, kerja berpasukan, berfikir kritis dan penyelesaian masalah, pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, keusahawanan dan kemahiran etika moral profesional (KPT 2006) digunapakai. Data kajian ini telah diperoleh melalui soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan prisian SPSS versi 17.0. Analisis min menunjukkan pelajar menguasai enam juzuk kemahiran insaniah pada tahap tinggi kecuali kemahiran keusahawanan pada tahap sederhana tinggi. Kemahiran yang paling tinggi dikuasai ialah kemahiran kerja berpasukan diikuti kemahiran pembelajaran berterusan dan pengurusan maklumat, kemahiran kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran pemikiran kritis dan penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran komunikasi dan kemahiran etika moral dan profesional. Kemahiran keusahawanan yang paling rendah dikuasai perlu dipertingkatkan sebagai usaha menggalakkan graduan pengajian Islam menceburi bidang keusahawanan. Kajian mencadangkan pelajar Pengajian Islam menceburi bidang-bidang profesional yang lainnya tanpa melupakan peranan mulia sebagai penyebar mesej keislaman dan pendakwah dalam apa jua karier yang diceburi. Kata kunci: kemahiran insaniah, kebolehpasaran graduan ABSTRACT The study is a descriptive survey study that aims to see the level of soft skills among Islamic Studies students' courses. A total of 346 samples
TAHAP PENCAPAIAN DAN PELAKSANAAN KEMAHIRAN PROSES SAINS DALAM KALANGAN GURU PELATIH oleh YEAM KOON PENG Tesis yang diserahkan untuk memenuhi keperluan bagi Ijazah Sarjana Sastera JULAI 2007 ii PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Profesor Madya Dr. Zurida bt. Ismail, penyelia utama, yang telah meluangkan masa yang emas dengan penuh kesabaran untuk memberikan bimbingan dengan penuh dedikasi dan nasihat yang baik dan bernas, menyumbang idea yang pelbagai dan meluas, menjana buah fikiran yang kreatif dan memberi kritikan yang kritis, membina dan memotivasikan serta menjadi perangsang dan penyokong moral kepada saya untuk melengkapkan tesis ini dengan penuh keyakinan, kompetensi, ketrampilan, sistematik dan sempurna. Ucapan terima kasih juga saya tujukan kepada guru besar dan pengetua sekolah di bahagian timur-laut Pulau Pinang yang telah memberi kerja sama dan kebenaran kepada saya untuk mengutip data di sekolah mereka. Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga juga saya ucapkan kepada guru pelatih Kursus Perguruan Lepas Ijazah (SR dan SM) dengan gelaran samaran GP 1, GP 2, GP 3, GP 4, GP 5 dan GP 6 yang telah mengambil bahagian dengan penuh dalam kajian saya. Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih saya lafazkan kepada sahabat karib saya, Cik Toh Lai Chee yang telah saya kenali selama 20 tahun kerana beliau telah memberi sokongan moral yang sepenuhnya kepada saya sejak daripada permulaan proposal sehingga penulisan laporan tesis akhirnya. Tanpa sokongan dan nasihat beliau, saya tidak akan mendapat ketabahan dan keyakinan yang sepenuhnya untuk menghabiskan tesis ini. Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih saya merakamkan kepada suami saya Dr. Ong Eng Tek dan dua orang anak perempuan kesayangan saya iaitu Alicia Ong Su May dan Adeline Ong Su Lynn yang telah berada di sisi saya semasa saya menghabiskan penulisan tesis ini. Saya juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa saya yang telah kembali ke dunia akhirat iaitu iii Encik Yeam Lin Hoi dan Puan Soo Yuet Thoe kerana telah menjaga dan mendidik saya daripada kecil hingga dewasa. Akhir sekali, saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Tuhan yang Maha kuasa dan Maha besar kerana memberi saya ilham dan ketabahan yang tidak terkira untuk menyiapkan tesis ini. iv SUSUNAN KANDUNGAN Muka surat PENGHARGAAN ii SUSUNAN KANDUNGAN iv SENARAI JADUAL viii SENARAI RAJAH x SENARAI LAMPIRAN xi ABSTRAK xii ABSTRACT xiii BAB SATU : PENGENALAN 1.0 Latar belakang kajian
Jurnal Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, 2019
Science process skill is one of the important thing that students should have within natural science. Teacher must recognize their students' process skills in providing learning. The purpose of this study to determine correlation between basic science process skill of grade 7th students in Junior High School 35 Padang and their cognitive domain. The sample set consisted of 136 students. This study focus to determine correlation of basic process science skills in 6 categories, there are: observed, prediction, measurement, classification, conclusion and communication with cognitive domain. Descriptive method used in this research with students' worksheet based on basic science process skill as the instrument of measurement students' science process skill and test as measurement cognitive domain. The correlation level between basic science process skill and cognitive domain shown by rs=0,43, it is indicate that basic science process skill have the positive and significant correlation with student's cognitive domain. The correlation level between basic science process skills and cognitive domain of high level student shown by rs=0,43, this value indicate that basic science process skill have the positive and significant correlation with high level students' cognitive domain. The last correlation between basic science process skill and cognitive domain of low level student with rs=0,21, it is indicate that basic science process skill have not significant correlation with low student's cognitive domain.
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal, 2018
This research aims to describe and to analyze about: 1) how to improve professional competence of mismatch teachers in Islamic religious education (PAI) in Islamic ElementarySchool of Pecangaan, 2) the effects on teachers' pedagogic competence, 3) how far the efforts of the mismatch teachers in solving the problem.This research is a descriptive qualitaive research. Based on the object of this research, it is included in a field of research. The methods used in this research are observation, interview and documentation. The result of this research shows: 1) there are efforts reconstructed in Islamic ElementarySchool of Pecangaan used to improve the professional competence of the mismatch teacher, such as: a) involved in a training, b) supervising, c) additional book, d) MGMP; 2) professional competence of the mismatch teachers influence their pedagogic competence, 3) the mismatch teachers condition relates to pedagogic competence create some problems, however the teachers solve t...
Level of professionalisme among islamic education trainees in practical teaching
This paper sets out to study the level of professionalism among Islamic Education trainees teachers in practical teaching and also in practical field as a profession in addition. This research carried out to determine the trainees level of professionalism in writing lesson plans, the rules and regulations of the school as well as their mastery in Islamic Education subjects. 58 practical supervisors comprising Centre for Islamic Studies and Social Development (PPIPS) lecturers and cooperative teachers have been selected as the sample. This study used questionnaires to get the information needed and data obtained is evaluated using Likert Scala. It has been found that the level of professionalism among Islamic Education trainees teachers is at a high level during the practical teaching. To conclude, a few problems faced by trainees have been identified and some recommendations are suggested to improve their level of professionalism among Islamic Education trainees teachers at future.
Science Process Skills to Improve Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students
JUDIKDAS Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia, 2024
The study aims to investigate the impact of implementing a science process skills approach on the learning outcomes of elementary school students in Science subjects. The research adopts a pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. Data collection is conducted through observation, tests, and documentation, with data analysis using descriptive and inferential methods. The results show that the use of the science process skills approach significantly improves students' learning outcomes in Science. There is a significant change from low to high scores after the implementation of this approach, indicating its effectiveness in enhancing students' understanding of Science concepts. These findings provide empirical support for the success of the science process skills approach, which can serve as a basis for the development of more effective teaching practices in the future.