A review of the exhibition Nikola Dobrović: Under the banners of modernist movements (SASA Gallery, Belgrade, May 24 - October 2, 2022) (original) (raw)
2022, Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta
occupies a central place in the program Marking the 125 th Anniversary of the Birth of Architect Nikola Dobrović. The curators of the exhibition decided to consider the periods of Dobrović's growing up and schooling, and then the entire independent activities of the architect, not only through a chronological display of completed buildings, competition entries, and unexecuted projects, but also through extensive correspondence between Petar and Nikola Dobrović, which chronologically fits into the Prague and Dubrovnik periods of Nikola's creative work and illuminates them from another angle, important for the cultural history of Belgrade, Serbia, as well as for the spirit of the cities and areas to which this builder belonged. The most significant source for studying Nikola Dobrović's oeuvre is his Legacy, which in 1995 Stanislava Pešić, Yugoslav and Serbian actress, after inheriting it from her aunt Ivanka Dobrović (the architect's wife), donated to the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade. 3 The extensive legacy of Petar Dobrović in the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (the SASA Archives) in Belgrade, a gift from Olga Dobrović (1993), the wife of Petar Dobrović (the SASA Archives, Historical Collection No 14758), is organized into eight classification groups and has a 24 Документарни филм доступан је на: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= HW2TgcPtNm4 Овај чланак је објављен и дистрибуира се под лиценцом Creative Commons aуторство-некомерцијално 4.