Settlements and angular distortions of shallow foundations on liquefiable soil (original) (raw)

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Site classification using equivalent soil profiles for building-liquefaction interaction Cover Page

Soil-foundation modelling for vulnerability assessment of buildings in liquefied soils


Recent events have demonstrated that earthquake-induced liquefaction can result in significant structural damage and human casualties. The consideration of soil liquefaction has primarily been the domain of geotechnical engineering; however, recent studies have shown a strong interaction between liquefaction-development and the superstructure loads. Not only does liquefaction lead to a change in the shaking demands on the superstructure, it also changes the flexibility of the soil-foundation-structure system. Meanwhile, the high static shear forces from the foundation loads can result in a reduction or increase in pore pressure development. This strong soil-liquefaction-foundation-structure interaction (SLFSI) is a challenge for both geotechnical and structural engineers. This paper develops an efficient numerical procedure for the vulnerability assessment of buildings with shallow foundations to the combined impacts of seismic shaking and liquefaction. The approach quantifies settl...

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Soil-foundation modelling for vulnerability assessment of buildings in liquefied soils Cover Page

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Foundation Systems for High-Rise Structures Cover Page

Evaluation et réduction des risques sismiques liés à la liquéfaction : modélisation numérique de leurs effets dans l’ISS


La liquefaction des sols qui est declenchee par des mouvements sismiques forts peut modifier la reponse d’un site. Ceci occasionne des degâts importants dans les structures comme a ete mis en evidence lors des tremblements de terre recents tels que celui de Christchurch, Nouvelle-Zelande et du Tohoku, Japon. L’evaluation du risque sismique des structures necessite une modelisation robuste du comportement non lineaire de sols et de la prise en compte de l’interaction sol-structure (ISS). En general, le risque sismique est decrit comme la convolution entre l’alea et la vulnerabilite du systeme. Cette these se pose comme une contribution a l’etude, via une modelisation numerique, de l’apparition de la liquefaction et a l’utilisation des methodes pour reduire les dommages induits.A cet effet, la methode des elements finis(FEM) dans le domaine temporel est utilisee comme outil numerique. Le modele principal est compose d’un bâtiment fonde sur un sable liquefiable. Comme la premiere etape...

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Evaluation et réduction des risques sismiques liés à la liquéfaction : modélisation numérique de leurs effets dans l’ISS Cover Page

Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction seismic risk : numerical modeling of their effects on SSI


Strong ground motions can trigger soil liquefaction that will alter the propagating signal and induce ground failure. Important damage in structures and lifelines has been evidenced after recent earthquakes such as Christchurch, New Zealand and Tohoku, Japanin 2011. Accurate prediction of the structures’ seismic risk requires a careful modeling of the nonlinear behavior of soil-structure interaction (SSI) systems. In general, seismic risk analysisis described as the convolution between the natural hazard and the vulnerability of the system. This thesis arises as a contribution to the numerical modeling of liquefaction evaluation and mitigation.For this purpose, the finite element method (FEM) in time domain is used as numerical tool. The main numerical model consists of are inforced concrete building with a shallow rigid foundation standing on saturated cohesionless soil. As the initial step on the seismic risk analysis, the first part of the thesis is consecrated to the characteriz...

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Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction seismic risk : numerical modeling of their effects on SSI Cover Page

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Centrifuge study into the effect of liquefaction extent on permanent settlement and seismic response of shallow foundations Cover Page

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A case study of damages of the Kandla Port and Customs Office tower supported on a mat–pile foundation in liquefied soils under the 2001 Bhuj earthquake Cover Page

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Recent Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering: A Unified and Consistent Framework


Over the past decade, major advances have occurred in both understanding and practice with regard to assessment and mitigation of hazard associated with seismically induced soil liquefaction. Soil liquefaction engineering has evolved into a sub-field in its own right, and engineering assessment and mitigation of seismic soil liquefaction hazard is increasingly well addressed in both research and practice. This rapid evolution in the treatment of liquefaction has been pushed largely by a confluence of lessons and data provided by a series of major earthquakes over the past dozen years, as well as by the research and professional/political will engendered by these major seismic events. The overall field of soil liquefaction engineering is now beginning to coalesce into an internally consistent and comprehensive framework, and one in which the various elements are increasingly mutually supportive of each other. Although the rate of progress has been laudable, further advances are occur...

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Recent Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering: A Unified and Consistent Framework Cover Page

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35R - 2003 eerc_2003_06 copy.pdf Cover Page