Lokus Kontrol dalam Pengusaha (Studi Literatur) (original) (raw)
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Zahra Yugra Aprilia, 2023
Penelitian ini menjelaskan lokus control dalam diri wirausahwan sebagai salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan mereka dalam berwirausaha. Metode dari peenlitian ini aialah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kulaitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Subjek membutuhkan dorongan dari dalam individu dan keyakinan bahwa kendali atas wirausahanya ada pada diri sendiri dalam memualai kegiatan wirausahanya. Namun, dukungan sosial seperti dari keluarga juga menjadi faktor pendukung yang mendorong Subjek dalam memulai kegiatan wirausaha.
This study aims to analyze whether the locus of control which is owned by auditor affects on job stress, job satisfaction and performance. The study also aims to determine whether locus of control as personality variable may moderate the relationship between job stress, job satisfaction and performance. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires directly to the public accounting firm where the auditors work. Population in this study was the auditor which is work on Semarang with sampling using accidental sampling. The number of questionnaires that were distributed are 53 pieces, which can be used for sample analysis are 42 pieces. The analysis tools were independent sample t-test and the residual test in SPSS Ver.17. The results of this study showed that job stress and job satisfaction that perceived by the auditor who has the locus of both internal and external control has no difference. However the job performance showed a difference. Locus of control also could not moderate the...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara job insecurity dan keluarannya (kepuasan kerja Dan komitmen), begitu juga untuk menguji peran pemoderasi an locus of control pada hubungan ini. Data dikumpulkan dari 143 karyawan dari beberapa industri yang berbeda-beda, dan dari tingkat pekerjaan yang bermacam-macam. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regress. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa job insecurity berhubungan negatif dengan kepuasan kerja Dan komitmen. Hasil juga membuktikan bahwa locus of control memoderasi hubungan ini. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi praktis bagi manajer, memberikan gambaran untuk menghindarkan efek negatif penurunan komitmen Dan kepuasan dengan locus of control.
Path goal theory leadership adalah sebuah teori kepemimpinan yang dikembangkan oleh House dalam Robbibs dan Judge (2009) yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat dua variabel kontinjensi yang menghubungkan prilaku kepemimpinan dengan hasil berupa kepuasan kerja dan kinerja yaitu variabelvariabel dalam lingkungan yang berada di luar kendali karyawan (struktur tugas, sistem otoritas formal dan kelompok kerja) serta variabel variabel yang merupakan bagian dari karakteristik personal karyawan (locus of control,
Lokus Kendali Internal dan Kemampuan Interpersonal sebagai Prediktor Kesiapan Mengelola Bisnis
Students' ability to operate their business will be determined by certain aspects. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of internal locus of control (X1) and interpersonal ability (X2) on the readiness to manage business (Y). This research uses quantitative methods with linear regression analysis. Subjects were 141 business students. Sampling method that was used in this research was a purposive sampling technique using a Likert scale. Descriptive test results indicate that most students have internal locus of control, interpersonal skills, and readiness to manage businesses that are in the medium category. Partial test shows that X1 has a positive and significant effect on readiness to manage business Y. Variable X2 has a positive and significant effect on Y. Simultaneous results show that X1 and X2 have positive and significant effects on Y. In next research researchers are expected to be able to broaden the scope of the subject and explore further about the inde...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh locus of control terhadap kinerja individu dan untuk mengathui indek persepsi pegawai pada variabel locus of control dan kinerja individu pegawai. Sample penelitian ini adalah 80 pegawai Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel digunakan purposive sampling. Uji instrument digunakan uji CFA dan cronbach alpha serta uji normalitas data dengan uji kolmogorof smirnov. Uji hipotesis dengan uji t melalui regresi tunggal. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa locus of control berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja individu dan rata-rata indeks persepsi karyawan untuk locus of control dan kinerja adalah tinggi. Hal ini menunujukkan bahwa tingkat locus of control dan kinerja karyawan rata-rata adalah baik. Kata kunci: persepsi LOC, locus of control, kinerja individu. Abstract The aims of this study are to analyze the impact of locus of control toward individual performance and to analyze indexs of locus of control based on respondents perseptions. Samples of this study are 80 employes of the University Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Technique sampling used purposive sampling. To analyze the data used t test of single regression, validity test with Confirmatory Factor Analysis dan cronbach alpha to measurement test. Normality test with kolmogorov smirnov test. The results of the hypothesis shows that locus of control had significance influence to individual performance. Mean of index perseptions was high on locus of control and employess performance. The result refer that the employes had good awerenes of locus of control and good in individual performance.
Studi Literatur Tekanan Kerja Di Perusahaan Audit
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
Work pressure is a demand in the work environment that can cause individuals to experience stress, and subsequently can have an impact on individual attitudes, intentions and behavior in carrying out tasks. In the audit firm's work environment, auditors may experience pressures that have an impact on the attitudes, intentions and behavior of the auditors in implementing the audit program; and can further affect audit quality.This article aims to describe and discuss various forms of potential pressure within audit firms and their impact on auditor behavior in implementing audit programs. To achieve this goal, the general model of job stress is used as a framework to build a model of stress in the audit firm's work environment. A review of previous research in this area is presented, and directions for future research are presented. Keywords: Pressure, Stress, Auditor Behavior
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JPEB), 2014
Writing this script has purpose to get valid and reliable data or fact, to know more the difference Entrepreneurial Intention based Locus of Control in the Students of the Faculty of Economic Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This research during three months during March until May 2014. This research used survey method with Causal Comparative Approach and using primary data (Locus of Control and Entrepreneurial Intention). The sampling technique in this research using Simple Random Sampling technique with 172 respondents in the sample, 133 students are classified to Internal Locus of Control and 39 students are classfied in the External Locus of Control. The research Method in survey method with causal comparative approach. Used this method because for get reliable data and correct to fact and actual from the resource. Entrepreneurial Intention data using instrument Likert scale. Data processing is done using Microsoft Excel Programe. Before that is has validity test and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach formula. Realibity result is 0,8715. The conclusion shown that research have the difference entrepreneurial intention based on Locus of Control.