Measurement of a 1.3 m Reflectarray Antenna in Flat Panels in Ku Band (original) (raw)
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A single-layer broad-band reflectarray design using dual-frequency phase synthesis method
2012 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, 2012
To satisfy the dual-band dual-polarization requirements of satellite communications, this paper presents a single layer reflectarray design using a novel dual-frequency phase synthesis method. In this design, a ring-patch structure is used as the reflectarray element, and its phase responses at two center frequencies are synthesized to optimize the reflectarray performanceat two target bands (12.25-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz). The dual-frequency phase synthesis method is illustrated in details, and the designed results show a broadband performance that covers thefrequency range from 12.25-14.5GHz. Index Terms-Reflectarray, broad band.
An Improved Synthesis Algorithm for Reflectarrays Design
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2005
An improved synthesis procedure is presented in this letter for the design of microstrip reflectarray antennas. The iterative projection based algorithm is modified to include the effect of different incidence angles on the reflectarray elements in the evaluation of the design curve. Experimental results on an X-band prototype of unequal microstrip patch elements are reported.
Comparison of Synthesis Strategies for a Dual-Polarized Reflectarray
This paper presents and compares optimization strategies for printed reflectarrays. They are applied to synthesize a dual-polarized reflectarray using slot-loaded patches. They provide objective criteria to deal with the numerous geometrical parameters available to tune the phase. The study relies on the comparative measurements of four different prototypes for the same 22 λ0 × 22 λ0 reflectarray (with λ0 the wavelength at f0 = 14.25 GHz).
Characterization of resonant elements for passive and reconfigurable reflectarray design
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2014
The performance of individual reflectarray resonant elements drives the overall performance of the reflectarray antenna. This work proposes novel configurations of reflectarray unit cells with different slot configurations embedded on the patch elements. A detailed theoretical analysis on the scattering energy is provided for the reflectarray antenna design. The proposed designs are categorized based on the capability of frequency tunability and dynamic phase range obtained by varying the dimensions of the slots on the patch elements. Measured and simulated results demonstrate a very close agreement where rectangular slots provide a measured frequency tunability of 1.68 GHz and dynamic phase range of 332° at 9.66 GHz while the design with circular slots provides a measured frequency tunability of 1.46 GHz and dynamic phase range of 330° at 10.27 GHz.
Implementation of an Innovative Method to Design Reflectarray Antennas
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2012
A novel computed aided technique for designing reflectarray antennas is presented. The developed approach automatically generates the geometrical model of reflectarray antennas taking into account some input parameters, such as, the unit cell type and dimensions, frequency, focal length, periodicity, dielectric materials, and desired main beam radiating direction. The characteristics of the reflecting elements are selected considering the spatial phase delay at each unit cell to achieve a progressive phase shift. The implemented procedure also provides the phase characteristic of the unit element, which is rapidly computed by using a parallelized Moment Method (MoM) approach. The MoM is also used to obtain the radiation pattern of the full reflectarray antenna. In order to evaluate the new technique, a dual-interface prototype has been designed and simulated showing high-performance capability.
Reflectarray Antenna with Radar Cross-Section Reduction
This paper presents the design of a low RCS reflectarray at 8.52 GHz by replacing the solid metal sheet behind the antenna with a band stop frequency selective surface. A 50 element linear array of omni-directional elements was used to simulate the far field pattern of a reflectarray with f/D=0.325 in the plane of the elements to assess the effect of an imperfect aperture distribution on the gain and sidelobe levels. It is found that the reflection loss variation across the aperture does not have a significant effect on the radiation pattern of the antenna, because for the layout that was studied, only a few of resonant loops were predicted to give a significantly different loss than the others in the array. Simulated and measured results show that the 'in-band' reflection phase response of the structure with metal ground plane and with a periodic FSS ground plane is very similar, however the periodic ground plane reduces the 'out of band' reflectivity by more than 4 dB, thereby decreasing its RCS profile to these signals.
Design and Development of Frequency Agile Reflectarray Antenna
This paper presents the design of a frequency reconfigurable reflectarray with concentric circular rings. The PIN diode connected between a phase delay line and the ring produces reconfigured resonances at 16 GHz and 10.4 GHz. The variation in the size of the concentric rings offer a phase change of 356º during the OFF state of the PIN diode. 360° phase variation in the PIN ON condition is achieved by varying the delay line length. A 225-element centre-fed reflectarray antenna is constructed with square geometry. A simulated gain of 23 dBi is obtained with -17 dB side lobe level and -28 dB cross-polarization level at 16 GHz. In the PIN ON condition, a simulated gain of 22 dBi is obtained with -12 dB side lobe level and -28 dB cross polarization level. This reconfigurable reflectarray finds its applications in space research, satellite communication, and RADAR.