Modern training strategies used in e-learning (original) (raw)


In Romania, e-learning as a teacher training activity is at the beginning and has o lot of opponents, due to technical, economical, social and ethical problems associated with it. Some of these problems are the subject of this paper.


The article discusses the issue of e-learning courses as an alternative to traditional face-to-face courses or the support of the face-face courses. The main aim of the article is not to decide which alternative is more effective, but to find out whether there are students with particular learning style who are pre-disposed to e-learning. There were eight hypothesis postulated and tested in the research. However, we bring only four of them in this article. Hypothesis were verified by means the statistical analysis of a pedagogical experiment and results gained in the standardized questionnaires. The data were elaborated by the statistical software SPSS. The final conclusions are formulated based on the results of the research achieved by the author of the article.


Rezumat E-learning este o modalitate moderna de educatie cu ajutorul IT&C (Information Tehnology and Comunication) si care se bazeaza pe WWW(World Wide Web). E-learning este definit ca o reţea sau învăţare online care are loc într-un context formal şi foloseste tehnologiile multimedia. Acesta este în esenţă un sistem de învăţare care este susţinut de hardware şi software, fie online (sincrone), fie offline (asincrone). Învăţarea se realizează fie individual sau bazată pe un grup mic sau mare şi poate fi folosită ca un hibrid al formatului faţă-în-faţă sau exclusiv în învăţământul deschis şi la distanţă. Prin urmare, e-learning-ul nu se limitează la formatul online dar include şi formatul offline care foloseşte orice formă de media electronică pentru a facilita procesele de predare şi învăţare. În această lucrare vom încerca prezentarea câtorva argumente în favoarea utilizării e-learning-ului ca metodă de predare foarte eficientă.

E-Learning contribution to the process of learning: two-year research results

The impact of the ICT-supported instruction within the university education is the problem dealt in this paper. It is solved within the research running at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Kralove, which focuses on comparison of study results which students reached in the traditional face-to-face lessons and in ICT-supported instruction in two subjects -Database Systems 2 and IT English. The sample group consists of more than 550 students and final results prove no statistically significant difference between the approaches.

About the Benefits of Adopting E-Learning in the Current Romanian Educational System

Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies

Starting from the current context, of the transition of educational activities in the online environment, we will try to outline some aspects that e-learning covers. Through this study, we aim to synthesize the general perception of those involved in the Romanian education system, where it was possible to obtain relevant information. Based on the online discussions with the students, as well as based on the meetings we had with colleagues, we decided to present the perception of the interviewees regarding online education. Equally, following the answers received, we aimed to expose the favorable (pros) and less favorable (cons) aspects of the transition to e-learning in the Romanian education system. Their exemplification was made taking into account the options of the main actors involved in education; for each of them (teachers or formators, students, parents) the possible benefits or disadvantages were highlighted in relation to the education carried out exclusively online.


The accelerated development of the information and communication technologies determined universities, companies and educational institutions to implement alternatives to the traditional teaching methods, thereby leading to the development of e-courses. New Information and Communication Technologies mediating learning represent an important component of education and training systems. In Romania, issues connected to eLearning are comparatively little known, as there are no relevant studies regarding the present situation of eLearning use or of the ways of increasing the level of use of Information and Communication Technologies along with an increase in the efficiency of higher education. The purpose of the study is to explore the level of dissemination of eLearning in the Romanian higher education, regarding both awareness about eLearning as a model and actual participation in such courses, to assess the respondents' opinion on eLearning, to analyze the perspectives of using elearning, and the students' opinions concerning e-learning in comparison with traditional educational model. The paper reports the results of a research that was conducted in Iasi, at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University. Through the application of appropriate statistical methods, the research' aim was to describe and assess to what extent computers are used for learning of the students in order to highlight any important differences in terms of gender, specialty, and the preferred form of learning for postgraduate courses.

Requirements for the use of E-learning in university education

Global Journal of Information Technology: Emerging Technologies

E-learning is one of the most important modern methods of education, as it helps in solving the problem of the knowledge explosion, the increasing demand for education, expanding opportunities for admission to education, being able to train, educate and rehabilitating workers without and educating housewives, which contributes to raising the percentage of learners and eliminating on illiteracy. To reach scientific results in this research, the researcher was interested in analysing the concept and its definition and then its applications by analysing and synthesising many results from previous studies and writings without resorting to a field study or analysis of the content of textbooks. This study found that there is weak knowledge of the uses of e-learning in university education and the administration's lack of interest in developing teachers' skills in using e-learning in their teaching. Keywords: Education, E-learning, interactive technology, modern methods;