Impact of Covid-19 on Routine Activities at the Sholahuddin Mosque University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia (original) (raw)

Undesignated Academic Mosque Response Toward COVID--19 Pandemic

E3S Web of Conferences

Mosque is a unique building by the function as muslim prayer room. Indonesia as the world biggest muslim country has mandated each building to provide prayer room especially mosque by issuance of Ministry of Public Work- Housing Settlement decree no.14/2017. Academic building like cam-puss also mandated to have the campus mosque to facilitate the Muslim’s civitas academia performing their prayer. However, the campus buildings commonly were not designed with mosque facility in purpose. Thus, campus designer performed remodelling their building to meet this demand. During the pandemic COVID--19 in Indonesia, some of undesignated academic mosques in Architecture Undip were responded it with various adaptation. This study purposed to investigate the responses of those mosque and try to figure the scheme of adaptation phase using descriptive analysis. The result of this study found that the places were follow the government advices and brought alone prayer into common practice.

Sikap Keberagamaan Masyarakat Menghadapi Wabah COVID-19

Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya, 2020

The purpose of this study is to describe the religious attitudes of the Muslim amid COVID-19 outbreak. Many muslims are very depressed, because the government and related authorities are trying to ban worship activities in mosques during COVID-19 pandemic. Many Muslims find it hard to leave their custom of worship together at the mosque. Many of them are still praying together in the mosque. This phenomenon is the object of the study. The results show that the pattern of worship activities carried out by Muslims amid COVID-19 pandemic has changed. At the surface level, it appears that mosques tend to be empty and closed. At a deeper level, we see a unique pattern that involves four variables: the obligation of worship, the worship participation, the encouragement of social distancing, and the rationality of Muslims.

The Islamic principle of ḥifẓ al-nafs (protection of life) and COVID-19 in Indonesia: A case study of nurul iman mosque of Bengkulu city

Heliyon, 2021

Background: The act of worshipping in mosque is often not only considered to be one of the factors causing the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19), but also a contributing factor to health protocol violations. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this paper is to examine the application of the Islamic principle of ḥifẓ alnafs (protection of life) in the practice of worshipping at the Nurul Iman mosque as it relates to the prevention of transmission of covid-19. Methods: This research uses a sociology of law perspective to the connection and the dynamics between the adoption of the principle of ḥifẓ al-nafs and the implementation of worship at the Nurul Iman mosque. As a case study, the data collection technique used includes interviews, observation, documentation reviews, and triangulation techniques, while the analysis technique used content analysis techniques. Results: The application of the principle of ḥifẓ al-nafs (protection of life) in the practices of worship at the Nurul Iman mosque have proven to be in accordance with health protocols and at the same time all members of the mosque congregation have been free from the transmission of covid-19. From an Islamic needs framework perspective, in the context of Covid-19 pandemic, the application of the ḥifẓ al-nafs principle at this mosque is a considered primary necessity (ḍar uriyy at) in that it protects life while providing spiritual continuity of collective religious worshipping, hence integrating the community together within a health and sanctity of life paradigm during this challenging time. Equally important, this research also challenges the thesis of the direct linkage between worshipping in mosque and Covid-19 transmission. Conclusion: the application of the principle of ḥifẓ al-nafs in the practices of worship in mosque has demonstrably shown that the congragants levels of health consciousness has increased and that they have also been kept safe. In essence, the effective contextualization of Islamic principle is able to provide the twin benefits of health and spirituality.

Akuntabilitas Dan Transparansi Manajemen Keuangan Masjid Agung Al Barkah Kota Bekasi

JIAI (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Indonesia)

This study aims to analyze the implementation of financial management accountability and transparency in the Great Mosque of Al Barkah Bekasi City. While the method used is descriptive qualitative by using data sources of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are from the implementation of accountability, the administrators are already responsible for the management of funds entrusted from the community and donors, although there are still some aspects that can be improved. From the application of transparency, mosque administrators have made innovations in publishing any information on activities and financial conditions using social media. Social media is also means of communicating to the public in the midst of the limitations of the pandemic.

Why Closing the Mosque: Resistance of the Indonesia’s Muslim Community to the Government PPKM Policy During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022

The closure of mosques policy has become the most controversial issue during COVID-19 prevention in Indonesia. This government policy to prevent the massive transmission of COVID-19 has been considered ignoring some Muslim communities' religious values and religious understanding. This study explores the Indonesian Muslim community's pros and cons perceptions during PPKM (Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions) implementation. It employs a qualitative descriptive approach to collect data, using observation and interviews to answer the research questions in this study. The literature study was conducted to seek data analysis concepts. This study finds various contradicted forms in understanding Islamic teachings among Muslim society during PPKM Implementation. The controversy occurs due to three factors: textual religious beliefs, habits, and the worship spirit of the Muslim community in the mosque. This condition reinforces the argument of the Muslim community, who often compares mosque closures with other places that have potential transmission of COVID-19. This condition inhibits government efforts in handling the spread of COVID-19 due to the dualism of public religious understanding, which tends to show sustenance and resistance to the implemented policy during the PPKM. Thus, an accommodative and persuasive approach involving the government, religious leaders, and community leaders is needed to handle the spread and transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic effectively.

Determining of Mosque Worshipers Caring to Ward Fatwa of MUI in Preventing Covid-19 in Boja, Kendal District

The end of 2019 was marked by the business of humankind in this hemisphere. All countries are focused on fighting against Corona Virus Disease 2019 after WHO declared a Pandemic. It is also in Indonesia, from rescuing citizens abroad as effort to prevent the spread of this virus. All forces were mobilized, including the MUI religious institution. MUI contributed to preventing Covid-19 by calling on Muslims through MUI Fatwa No. 14 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Worship in a Situation of the Covid-19 Outbreak. This article seeks to reveal how the caring of the mosque worshipers as the target of this Fatwa is carried out in daily worship. The quantitative approach of this study attempts to capture the determinants of the ummah in urban and rural areas of the Boja Kendal sub-district, from 18 Jami 'mosques in 18 villages, Boja sub-district. The population was taken from the worshipers of 10 mosques consisting of 5 urban mosques and 5 rural mosques. With the assumption of 40 active worshipers, the population will be 400 worshipers. The Kirtji-Morgan table shows a sample of at least 196 respondents, and this study uses data from 200 respondents. The results showed that the level of caring of the mosque worshipers towards the MUI fatwa was 3.27 (very care). This figure comes from 5 aspects of caring, namely the aspect of understanding others at 3.30 (very good), the aspect of feeling at 3.30 (very good), the aspect of doing something for others at 3.17 (care), the aspect of giving support for 3.34 (very caring) and aspects of supporting the spirit of others by 3.25 (care). The determinants of urban mosque worshiperscaring are 3.54 (very care) and rural areas are 3.00 (care). The contribution of understanding aspect of other people in urban are 3.64 (very care) and rural areas are 2.96 (very care), the aspect of feeling also contributes 3.51 (very care) for urban and 3.09 (care) for rural, the aspect of doing something for others, it scores 3.52 (very care) for urban and 2.81 (cares) for rural, then the value is 3.49 (very caring) urban and 3.18 (cares) the aspect of providing support, and the aspect of supporting people's enthusiasm others show a value of 3.54 (very care) for urban areas and a value of 2.96 (care) for members of rural mosques. Thus the concern of mosque worshipers in urban areas is higher than mosque worshipers in rural areas.

The Effectiveness of E-Mosque Application Management During Covid-19 Pandermic : An Analysis of Masjid Abdullah Fahim


Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. Presently, the Muslim population in Malaysia is expected to grow over with an estimated 32.7 million Muslims in 2050. This will be nearly connected to the mosque's institution as an essential medium for the religious center of the Muslim community. The institution of the mosque is not only seen as a religious activity but also as a community center, administrative center, education center, center of economic activity and others. Currently, the Covid 19 pandermic has change the roles of the mosque's institution. The new normal adaptability towards development of the mosque institution is a crucial step need to be taken by the mosque's management. The elements of social entrepreneurship clearly being shows when the mosque institutions are using some portion of their fund to assist the community who have been affected by the Covid 19 pandermic. The usability of the mosque E-application during covid-19 clearly contributed for the E-society linkages. Many efforts and writings have been gather to enhance the role of mosque institutions in Malaysia, mosque institutions as a hub for the Muslim community especially in the field of social and economic entrepreneurship have not been revived holistically especially in facing the new normal of Covid-19 pandermic.

The Impact of Covid 19 on the Umrah and Hajj Business Plus in East Jakarta

Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 2020

The purpose of this study is to find out the state of the Umrah and Hajj travel agents in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic that is currently happening. The research method used in this study is a descriptive study with a qualitative analysis approach, and uses the results of informant interviews and secondary data from correspondence reports that help provide secondary data to support this research. Corona virus or corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has made the domestic economy contract, the Ministry of Finance noted several problems caused by the outbreak of this virus increased unemployment rate 1.2 million formal sector and 265,000 informal sector, Indonesian Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) below level 50 which is only 45.3 in March 2020. Third, more than 12,703 flights at 15 airports were canceled from January to February, with details of 11,680 domestic flights and 1,023 international flights, the government of Saudi Arabia also issued rules prohibiting the use of Umrah for...

Exploring the Prevalence of Protective Measure Adoption in Mosques during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Sustainability, 2021

Muslims worship together more frequently than members of other religions. They pray in congregation at the mosque five times a day, causing the mosque to become a central hub for COVID-19 transmission. Therefore, the adoption of protective measures as a method of mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic in mosques is vital. This study aims to account for the implementation status of protective measures in mosques in Surakarta City, Indonesia, during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire sent to mosque caretakers as research participants. The mosques were chosen using a simple random sampling technique for a total sample of 247 mosques in Surakarta City. Participants were asked how often they implement the following protective measures in mosques, as recommended by the Majelis Ulama Indonesia: checking body temperature before entering the mosque, prayer distancing, carrying own prayer mat, wearing a mask when praying and no handshaking...

The Financial Management Practices of the Mosques in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review, 2013

Objective – This study is trying to investigate the financial management of the Masjid (Mosques) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. Three main issues were focused: the amount of cash flow which include the balances on hand; the application of transparency and accountability principles in financial matters, and sound practice of financial management which include budgeting, strategic formulation and performance evaluation. Methods - The study is an exploratory in nature. The Special Region of Yogyakarta consists of four counties and one city (municipality). 50 Mosques have been selected as the samples. Each county / city is represented by 10 Mosques. They are selected using sampling method. The simple descriptive analysis is conducted on the data collected. Results - Based on the data analysis, the study found that there is a significant cash flow of those selected samples, dominated by Infaq / Sodaqoh. Few Mosques recognized that they also receive Zakah and Waqaf fund. Co...