The Dynamic Traveling Repair Problem: Examination of an Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm (original) (raw)
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The dynamic traveling repairman problem
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The orienteering problem with stochastic travel and service times
Annals of Operations Research, 2011
In this paper, we introduce a variant of the orienteering problem in which travel and service times are stochastic. If a delivery commitment is made to a customer and is completed by the end of the day, a reward is received, but if a commitment is made and not completed, a penalty is incurred. This problem reflects the challenges of a company who, on a given day, may have more customers than it can serve. In this paper, we discuss special cases 2 of the problem that we can solve exactly and heuristics for general problem instances. We present computational results for a variety of parameter settings and discuss characteristics of the solution structure.
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Heuristics for the traveling repairman problem with profits
Computers & Operations Research, 2013
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Proceedings of the …, 2003
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