К изучению источников по духовной культуре олетов Хулун-Буира (original) (raw)

Языки и диалекты национальных меньшинств Хулун-Буира как объект исследования

Монголоведение (Монгол судлал), 2020

Introduction. The article examines languages of some national minorities living in the Hulun Buir Urban District of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (PRC). The study is relevant since the Han majority subjects national minorities to strong linguistic assimilation. Timely study of the languages and dialects of this region is necessary for a comparative analysis with the languages of the Mongolic and Tungus-Manchu peoples living in Russia. Goals. The research primarily aims to examine some aspects of linguistic studies in publications of Inner Mongolia’s philologists. The work solves the following tasks: 1) review of languages and dialects of Hulun Buir ethnic groups, including in publications of Russian researchers; 2) research of some works dealing with the Old Barga dialect of the Mongolian language; 3) analysis of publications on the Dagur language and one scientific article about the Evenki language. Materials. The article analyzes scientific works of researchers from Inner M...

Источники сведений о религии и культуре Тибета в «Письмах махатм»

Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 31. Тибетология и буддология на стыке науки и религии – 2020 / Отв. ред. выпуска С. Л. Кузьмин, Т. Л. Шаумян. – М.: ИВ РАН, 2021. – 440 с.: ил., 2021

За столетие, прошедшее с момента первой публикации «Писем махатм», найденные в них сведения о религии и культуре Тибета неоднократно становились предметом внимания исследователей. Это внимание, однако, чаще всего носило эпизодический и несистемный характер, и комплексная работа по выявлению источников этой информации не проводилась. На основе исчерпывающего определения источников заимствования всей присутствующей в письмах тибетской лексики, цитат из буддийской литературы и отсылок к элементам народной культуры тибетцев раскрывается также характер и обстоятельства их включения в текст писем. Это, в свою очередь, позволяет прояснить истинное отношение автора писем (Е. П. Блаватской) к тибето-буддийскому наследию/

От политики «четырех чисток» к созданию ревкомов в Хулун-Буире (к реконструкции событий начального этапа «культурной революции»)

Oriental Studies, 2020

Introduction. Peculiarities of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China’s national regions remain a poorly studied issue in modern Oriental studies. In this regard, Hulunbuir league of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region had been a strategically important and geopolitically significant region of the country. This territory bordered on the Mongolian People’s Republic and the USSR, therefore the central government of China considered its population potentially dangerous and marginal. The People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia had two party factions in Hulunbuir league: the ‘unification’ faction, and the ‘justice’ one. The Maoists viewed the ‘Mongol Unification’ faction of the People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia as a particularly dangerous, separatist trend. Goals. The paper aims to examine the political events and facts that took place in Hulunbuir league in 1965–1968. Objectives. Chronologically, the first objective is to examine the ideological and political campaigns ...

М.Е. Килуновская, П.М. Леус - Новые материалы улуг-хемской культуры в Туве // М. Kilunovskaya, P. Leus - New evidence on the Ulug-Khem culture in Tuva

Археологические Вести / Archaeological News, 2018

М.Е. Килуновская, П.М. Леус - Новые материалы улуг-хемской культуры в Туве //Археологические Вести №24, Санкт-Петербург 2018. M. Kilunovskaya, P. Leus - New evidence on the Ulug-Khem culture in Tuva // Archaeological News Nr.24, St.Petersburg 2018. Аннотация. Во II в. до н. э. в результате северной экспансии хунну территория Тувы входит в зону их культурного и политического влияния, что приводит к смене населения и, как следствие, смене археологических культур. Предшествующая уюкско-саглынская культура скифского типа исчезает, появляются новые памятники, отличные и от скифских, и от более поздних кокэльских. Эти древности А. Д. Грач в 1971 г. предложил называть «улуг-хемской культурой». Объединенные в нее археологические памятники располагались в Центральной Туве, на левом берегу Улуг-Хема (Верхний Енисей), где про- водила исследования Саяно-Тувинская экспедиция ЛОИА АН СССР. Annotation. In the 2nd century BC, the northward expansion of the Xiongnu resulted in Tuva’s territory getting into the zone of their cultural and political infuence. This event led to replacement of the population ensuing, in its turn, in the change of the archaeological cultures. The previous Uyuk-Sagly culture of the Scythian type disappears in this period and new sites, differing both from the Scythian culture and the later Kokel one, arise. A. D. Grach proposed in 1971 to attribute these new sites as belonging to an ‘Ulug-Khem’ culture. The archaeological monuments united within this culture were situated in Central Tuva on the left bank of the Ulug-Khem River (Upper Yenisey) where the Sayan-Tuva Expedition of LOIA AS USSR conducted its explorations.

Елихина Ю.И. Культы основных бодхисаттв и их земных воплощений в истории и искусстве буддизма. Монография.


At the beginning of the monograph the author gives the history of the study of the cults of the bodhisattvas of Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani. The author considers original Tibetan historical compositions on general Buddhism o f the XIX century, and historical works o f Russian and foreign experts, as well as iconographic works and art criticism. Three compositions of the fifth Dalai Lama devoted to the Avalokiteshvara cult are used in the book. It is clear from the above-stated list of publications that the cults of the bodhisattvas of Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani were widespread in all countries of the Buddhist region. The Avalokiteshvara cult had great significance not only in people’s daily religious life, but also as an important element of the sacred supreme authority and prominent lamas in different countries of the Asian region from the period of the distribution of Buddhism to the beginning of the XX century. In the monograph the brief issue of Buddhism as a religious doctrine is given. The Buddhist concept of bodhisattvas is considered. The author gives a definition of the bodhisattva. This is a being (sanskr. sattva) aiming to reach enlightenment (sanskr. bodhi). The purposes of the bodhisattva cover four main vows: 1. To achieve clearing of the ocean of Samsara for all living beings, however numerous they are; 2. To achieve refinement from all defects, however numerous they are; 3. To study all words of Buddha, however many of them there are; 4. To reach the state of Buddha, however infinite the enlightenment. Bodhisattvas represent the highest beings, growing spiritually on seven levels (sanskr. bhumi), and traveling to various worlds, where they listen to Buddha’s instructions on how to help all beings to be rescued from the infinite cycle of reincarnations. The meaning, purposes and ideals of bodhisattvas are revealed in earlyBuddhist compositions.Considering that the main purpose of Mahayana Buddhism is to liberate oneself from suffering, believers were accompanied and supported by bodhisattvas with high moral ideals. These beings were reflected in the early Buddhist compositions. Avalokiteshvara, symbolizingthe mercy of Buddha, Manjushri, representing wisdom, and Vajrapani, personifying energy and force, became the most prominent bodhisattvas. The author addresses written sources and the origin of the cults of the bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani in India, and their consequent dissemination to Eastern Turkestan. The author also considers the cults of bodhisattvas in Southeast Asia. The migration of the peoples and ideas from India has rendered a huge influence on the culture of Southeast Asia, and on shaping art, writings, mythology and sciences. In the first millennium there were three dominant ethnic groups in the continental part of South-East Asia: the Cham people along the southeast coast, the Cambodgian people in the central part of the valley of the Mekong River, and the Mon people in the west. In some countries of Southeast Asia and in Sri-Lanka there was a connection between the cult of Avalokiteshvara and state authority. Such beliefs took place in relation to various Hinduist and Buddhist deities. Philosophy dominated in all countries of Southeast Asia in which the cult of a divine origin of the kings predominated. The king was identified with a Buddhist or Hinduist deity and was considered to be the deity’s terrestrial reincarnation. Among Buddhist deities, only the cult of Avalokiteshvara was considered to be a state cult during dissemination of the philosophy of Mahayana, who was then replaced by Theravada. The cults of the bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani were very popular in China. This section of the book tells about the cult of Avalokiteshvara in China, and of his transformation from a male deity into a female one. In Chinese Buddhism both images of the bodhisattva are worshiped. The mountain Wutai Shan is a special pilgrimage place. It is connected to the cult of the Manjushri in China and is considered to be the deity’s residence. The famous terrestrial bodhisattva reincarnations in China are considered in the book. The cults of the bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapaniwere also widespread in Japan. The largest section of the monograph is devoted to the cults of the bodhisattvas in Tibet and their terrestrial reincarnations. This part of the work considers the concept of the sacred imperial authority in Tibet in the period of the Yarlung dynasty (from 95 to 846 AD). Special attention is given to the founder of the uniform Tibetan state, Songtsen Gampo (613(?)—649). He was esteemed to be a terrestrial reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara. A similar analysis is made based on data from Tibetan compositions, such as “Mani Kambum” and “Gachem-Gakolma”, The author tries to reconstruct the religious perception of the person and to compare historical events of the time. Two historical figures in Tibet — Trisong Detsen and Relpachen — are considered to be reincarnations of various bodhisattvas of Manjushri and Vajrapani. In the composition of Londol-lamaNgavan Lobsan (1719-1795), all terrestrial reincarnations of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara are described in Tibet. All Tibetan compositions confirm the ideas of heredity of imperial authority in Tibet from Avalokiteshvara and its sacred conception. These sources consider the early Tibetan governors as “kings-bodhisattvas”, and determine a line of reincarnations, including the famous teachers, leading up to Dalai-lamas. The Avalokiteshvara cult receives written confirmation as a state cult starting from the second half of the VIII century. The author gives much attention to the activity of the fifth Dalai-lama Ngavan Lobsan Gyatso (1617-1682) and to the transformation of the cult of Avalokiteshvara into a state one. The activity of the Dalai-lama as the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara and his policy, both external and internal, and spiritual practice and religious deeds are considered for the creation in Tibet of a special type of government — a theocratic monarchy, whereby spiritual and secular authority are held in the hands of one person. The line o f reincarnations of Dalai-lamas is given in the book from the beginning to the XX century, as is their activity and the historical events connected to features of the theocratic monarchy in Tibet. The author also considers the cults of bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani in Nepal and Mongolia. At the end the iconography of Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri Vajrapani, Dalai-lamas,Songtsen Gampo, Trisong Detsen and Relpachen is applied, as compiled by the author from various publications.

Тишин В.В., Серегин Н.Н. К вопросу о существовании служителей культа у древних тюрков Центральной Азии // Этнографическое обозрение. 2017. № 3. С. 76―96.

The article examines a wide range of historical data on ministers of religion among the ancient Turks of Central Asia, and is drawn on the comprehensive analysis of both written and archaeological sources. Even though there are a variety of evidences and records on spellcasters, soothsayers, diviners, healers, and sorcerers affecting the weather among the ancient Turks of the 6th‑9th centuries, it is not possible to say for certain whether that information is related to different categories of the population or a particular social group that specialized in performing sacred acts. Thus, scholars have no sufficient grounds to assert that there existed a defined social group of clergy among the ancient Turks. It is quite possible that sacred acts among the nomads were commonly carried out by heads of tribes or elders who were repeatedly mentioned in written sources. This combination of power and certain sacred functions was typical of supreme rulers among the ancient Turks of Central Asia.

Очиров Ц. С., Цыбенов Б. Д. Хулун-Буирский аймак Автономного района Внутренняя Монголия КНР в период «культурной революции» (1966–1976 гг.). – Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, 2022. – 160 с. ISBN 978-5-7925-0650-3

Хулун-Буирский аймак Автономного района Внутренняя Монголия КНР в период «культурной революции» (1966–1976 гг.)., 2022

Монография посвящена изучению «культурной революции» в Хулун-Буирском аймаке автономного района Внутренняя Монголия КНР. На основе ряда источников и публикаций зарубежных и отечественных исследователей авторами изучен ряд вопросов, связанных с проведением идеолого-политической кампании на территории ХулунБуира. В частности, изучены краткая история региона с XVII по первую половину XX в., с переходом на выявление основных предпосылок «культурной революции» в Хулун-Буирском аймаке в 60-х гг. XX в.; социально-политическая обстановка в регионе и основные векторы национальной политики ЦК КПК в отношении Хулун-Буира в годы «культурной революции». Внимание исследователей уделено и социально-экономическому развитию аймака в составе провинции Хэйлунцзян КНР. Предназначена для историков востоковедных направлений – монголоведов, китаеведов и широкого круга читателей.