Floristic Studies of Lajkura Coal Mines Area Jharsuguda, Odisha: An Overview (original) (raw)
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Phytosociology and Floristic composition of mining area of Lodna Coal Mines of Jharia, Jharkhand
Mining is a process which leads to significant adverse impact on the environment. It causes massive damage to earth crust, soil profile and biodiversity of the area. Native vegetation get disturbed and the habitats become impoverished due to mining, presenting a very rigorous condition for plant growth. Vegetation is an important part of the environment and is subjected to disturbance in areas close to coal mines. This results in a slowing of the rate of biomass growth, which is caused by fading of vegetation. Simultaneously, carbon stored in vegetation is constantly released, weakening vegetation ability to act as a carbon sink. In the present investigation the floristic composition and Phytosociology of vegetation in the five distinct sites of degraded land areas of Lodna coal mines, Jharia (Jharkhand) was studied. The results revealed that the mining severely alter the ecology of coalfield and it is vividly express in vegetation pattern as well as phytosociology. Dichanthium annulatum was the dominating species in control area i.e. station 5 having very high important value index 42.2. Because of this reason the vegetation type is described as Dichanthium complex. Another herb having important value index of 40.3 was Heteropogan controrus showed its remarkable presence in control area. These two herbs were conspicuously absent at mining area. There was the most notable change in vegetation pattern. Cynodon dactylon was the most significant species found in almost all coal mine area studied having high important value index. Eragrostis plumbosa and Tridex procumbens were also evenly distributed in all five stations, however, the earlier genus was better represented than the later. Demodius triflorum and Imperata cylindrical was also uniformly present in all stations. Plants with almost uniform presence exhibit tolerance of these species and capacity of ecological resilience. Presence of Echinochloa colonum and Cyperus rotundus, although in small number at control station but its complete absence in coal mine area proves its comparatively susceptible nature. It is another noteworthy change in herb diversity because of coal mining. So far as the shrubs are concerned, one species, Leonotis neptifolia was found to possess unique adaptability as the species showed impressive presence with very high important value index in all stations and in all seasons. This means that the plant is having some remarkable adaptability in coal mines and it opens a new possibility of research at molecular level. Lantana camara was also uniformly present in all stations. Eupatorium odoratum was having appreciable presence in control. Although present in coal mines also, their important value index was low. This shows that this shrub is struggling for its survival. Croton sparciflorus was also having high important value index at control area but much less value at coal mines suggesting its vulnerability to changed ecology. Xanthium strumarium was also uniform in their presence.
International Journal of Experimental Research and Review
The increase in the energy requirement of a country shows its economic advancement. Coal mining activity has increased considerably to compensate for the increased energy requirements. As a result, open-cast coal mining methods induced a drastic change in land use and seriously jeopardized the sustainability of the ecosystem. Once disrupted by open-cast or underground mining, the condition of the land cannot be entirely recovered, making it a non-renewable asset to the environment and support of human life. An attempt was made to study the existing flora of the different zones (operating, abandoned, control) of Charhi and Kuju Coal mining area, Jharkhand, India. From 2015 to 2018,173 species belonging to 75 families of angiosperms, terrestrial and aquatic ferns have been reported and identified so far from this study area. The most dominant family is Poaceae with the maximum number of species in the area, where mining has not yet been done. This paper's findings would help asses...
Vegetation and Its Phenology of Degraded Land Area of Lodna Coal Mines of Jharia, Jharkhand
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An Inventory of plant species of Coal Mine area of Darra Adam Khel was prepared on the basis of field trips conducted in different parts of the year 2009, particularly in winter, summer and monsoon. The flora consisted of 54 plant species belonging to 30 families. The dominant families were Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Solanaceae with 4 species, followed by Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Moraceae and Zygophyllaceae with 3 species. Each of the Amaranthaceae, Apocynaceae, Capparidaceae, Poaceae, Rhamnaceae, Verbenaceae had 2 species, while the remaining families had a single species. The biological spectrum showed that therophytes (16 spp., 29.6%), megaphanerophytes (14 spp., 25.9%). nanophanerophytes (10 spp., 18.5%), chamaephytes (06 spp., 11.1%), hemicryptophytes (05 spp., 9.26%), Geophytes (03 spp., 5.56%), had occurrence in the investigated area. Leaf spectra of plants consisted of microphylls (50%), mesophylls (25.9%), leptophylls (16.7%), nanophylls (5.56%) and megaphylls (1.85%). The study concludes that the dominance of therophytes indicated that the investigated area was under heavy biotic pressure.
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Floristic Composition and Ethnobotanical Observation in Angul-Talcher Mining Area, Odisha, India
An exhaustive study on floristic composition and ethnobotanical survey was conducted to collect information about the occurrence of medicinal plants and their uses by different tribes in Angul-Talcher mining area of Odisha, India. More than 300 angiospermic medicinal plant species were collected and identified from various locations of the study area. Out of these, 46 species have been found to be used very often by the local tribes or rural native populace for the treatment of various diseases. The result of the present study indicate that the tribes population as well as the rural inhabitants of the Angul-Talcher mining areas largely depend on the native plant resource to meet their primary healthcare needs.
Tropical Ecology, 2011
Composition of herbaceous and woody vegetation, which developed as a result of natural succession on mine spoil dumps of different ages in an open cast coal field in Orissa, India, was analyzed. Species richness and diversity showed increasing trends for non-grass species with increasing age of spoil. The results indicated greater contribution of grass species during initial stages of vegetation development. Four native woody forest species were recorded in addition to five planted and one weed species, namely Lantana camara. Increasing Importance Value Index (IVI) of this weed with the age of the mine spoil reflects its invasiveness and is considered to be the reason for the poor performance of most of the planted woody species.
Aim: The main aim of the study was to study the vegetation structure and species diversity of coal mine generated waste land, located in Raniganj coal field area, West Bengal. Methodology: The survey of vegetation was conducted at both study sites by using standard quadrat method. Study of different phytosociological attribute and species diversity analysis was done using standard methods. Statistical analysis was performed to represent the importance of different phytosociological attributes. Result: Distribution pattern in both wasteland indicate contagious or clumped type. Butea monosperma and Streblus asper was the most dominant tree species in the two study area respectively whereas, Cynodon dactylon was the most dominant herb species in the study areas. The diversity of herbs was much higher than the others layer of vegetation in both waste lands. Concentration of dominance or Simpson Dominance Index also exhibits variation among the vegetation layers. The Jaccard's Index of similarity for tree, herb shrub and climber vegetation was 57.14%, 71.11%, 50% and 33.33% respectively between the two waste lands. Hierarchical cluster analysis highlights 13 and 7 primary cluster in the two study area respectively based on their phytosociological attributes. Principle component analysis reveals 97.57% and 92% variance for the first two principle components in the study areas respectively. Conclusion: The present investigation can be concluded that the data of vegetation analysis might be utilized as baseline information and tool to predict the best and effective reclamation procedure of these coal mined areas.
International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 2020
Extensive coal mining activity in Talcher Coalfields of Angul district of Odisha has led to habitat degradation and a landscape dotted with mine spoils. The main aim of this study is to assess the impact of coal mining on vegetation of Talcher area. To make mining possible several forest are cleared and this leads to deforestation. The loss of vegetative land and forest land affects the vegetation of the area. Due to increase in energy consumption in India the mining of coal is also increasing causing more vegetation loss. Thus it is advisable that such activities have to strictly regulate and more plantation must done to keep control on loss of vegetation.
Plant diversity after sixteen years post coal mining in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Post coal mining areas need to be rehabilitated through reclamation and revegetation. The objective of this study was to evaluate plant diversity after 16 years of revegetation activities in a coal mining reclamation site in East Kalimantan. In an effort to restore plant diversity, the coal mining company began by planting fast growing species as pioneers, then planting local species after three years. This study compared a 20 hectare reclamation site with conditions in the pre-mining area, which covered 14,988 hectares. Vegetation sampling was conducted in 20 plots measuring 20x20 m 2 along line transects, with 100 m distance between plots. A total of 104 plant species were found in the reclamation site, consisting of 76 tree species and 28 herbaceous species. Tree species consisted of 35 planted local species (e.g., Dryobalanops aromatica, Eusideroxylon zwageri, Macaranga gigantea), 25 planted non-local species, and 16 local species that grew spontaneously (e.g., Leucaena glauca, Lansium domesticum, Shorea laevis). In comparison, 133 species were found in the pre-mining site, consisting of 132 local tree species, one non-local tree species (Acacia mangium) and 52 herbaceous species. Tree species diversity index in the reclamation site after 16 years post mining (i.e., 3.54) was still lower than in the pre-mining area (4.29); while the diversity indices for herbaceous plants were relatively similar (2.97 and 2.67 in the reclamation and pre-mining sites respectively). The slightly higher diversity of herbaceous plants in the reclamation site may be attributed to higher coverage per species in this site, despite lower species richness.