Students' Perception of the Application of Confidentiality in Counseling Practices in Selected Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria (original) (raw)

Contribution of Awareness and Understanding in Legal and Ethics towards the Practice of Confidentiality amongst Counselors

Asian Social Science, 2014

Hitherto, the arising issue concerning counselors is whether counselors understand and aware on legal and ethical issues of confidentiality amongst them. The purpose of this study, hence, was to investigate the contribution of awareness, legal and ethical understanding on the confidentiality practice amongst counselors. A survey involving a sample size of 602 was conducted by sending questionnaires to counselors in Malaysia. The linear regression analyses yielded that only the awareness amongst counselors had significant contribution towards the practice of confidentiality. Other factors such as legal and ethical understanding did not show significant contribution. This study adds to the scarce literature on the upholding practice of confidentiality in counseling which is an essential element in the process. Moreover, the study is beneficial for researchers, counselors and educators in designing guidelines or codes of ethics in an organization. Future research should look into ways to uphold confidentiality practice amongst counselors from the perspectives of clients, teachers and the public as their views can form effective guidelines and procedures to confidentiality practice in Malaysia.

Extent to Which Ethical Issues Are Handled By Counsellors Currently Serving In Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State Onovo


The paper ascertained the extent to which ethical issues are handled by counsellors in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State. The study raised three research questions and adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population for the study was 59 secondary school counsellors. Data were collected from the 59 secondary school counsellors currently serving in the 31 government owned secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. 51 out of 59 copies of the instrument were retrieved. Cronbach Alpha reliability estimate was used to ascertain the internal consistency of the entire instrument. Data collected were used to analyze the three research questions using mean, grand mean and standard deviation. The findings showed that secondary school counsellors in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State handle confidentiality, informed consent is and privileged communication/information among clients to a great extent. Therefore, the study recommended that skills training should be organized by the...

School Counselors' Constructions of Student Confidentiality

Journal of School Counseling, 2013

Confidentiality in counseling relationships helps ensure trust between clients and counselors. Yet, defining and understanding the boundaries of confidentiality in school settings is often difficult, as school counselors are engaged in multiple relationships with various stakeholders. This qualitative phenomenological study explores the experiences of nine practicing school counselors to answer the following two research questions: 1) how do professional school counselors respond to ethical issues related to student confidentiality as they perform their responsibilities within the school community? And, 2) how do school counselors believe members of the school community perceive student confidentiality? Upon analysis, two main themes emerged from participants' narratives: relationships and training. Subthemes were also present for each of the two main themes. Under relationships, subthemes include trust, school culture, teamwork and consultation. Under training, subthemes of graduate training, professional development, and experience emerged. Implications for counselor educators and school counseling graduate programs are discussed.

Emotional Openness and Attitudes Towards Self-disclosure During Counseling among Junior Secondary School Students in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria

International Journal of Educational Research, 2021

This study empirically investigates the correlation between emotional openness and attitudes towards self-disclosure, it also investigated the relationship between clients' sociocultural background and attitudes towards self-disclosure during counseling sessions. The sample comprised 400 male and female students who were randomly selected from 8 Junior Secondary Schools in Anaocha LGA of Anambara State, Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and correlation analysis were adopted to analyze the data. .The study found a significant relationship exist between emotional openness and attitudes of Junior Secondary School students towards selfdisclosure during counseling sessions, The finding also reveals a significant correlation between the sociocultural background of the students and attitude towards self-disclosure during counseling sessions. This study concludes that female students assign lower levels of emotional openness towards self-disclosure during counseling sessions compared to male students. Again, the results also reveals that, majority of the students prefer to disclose their personal problems with counselors they share the same cultural identity with. Therefore, this study recommends that government should put forward several in-service training and workshops including conferences aimed at increasing counsellor skills to reduce low self disclosure among clients during counselling. .The study also recommends that, the government; the private sectors as well as Non-governmental Organizations should intensify efforts to improve counselors-students ratios across all the Junior Secondary Schools in the study location.


This study examined students' perception of the effectiveness of guidance counsellors in the provision of guidance services in secondary schools in Owerri Educational Zone of Into State, Nigeria. The population comprised all the senior secondary school students in the Educational Zone. Through stratified random sampling technique; a sample of 500 students was selected to assess the effectiveness of 50 guidance counsellors in their schools. One research question and two hypotheses were advanced to guide the study. u The Guidance counsellors 9 Effectiveness scale" (GCES) was developed by the researcher to collect data. GCES comprised two sections; A and B. Section A consisted of biographical data, while section B was made up of twenty items designed to measure counsellors effectiveness in the provision of guidance services. Data generated front the questionnaire were analyzed by mean scores and independent t-test Results of the analyses were tested for statistical significance at the. 05 alpha level. The results indicated that guidance counsellors were only effective in providing counselling and information services. Both male and female counsellors were assessed to possess the same level of effectiveness, while married counsellors were also perceived to possess the same level of effectiveness with their unmarried counter parts. Based on these findings, the researcher made come useful recommendations such that counsellors should try to put in their best in their various working environments. Imo State government should encourage counsellors to discharge their duties effectively by providing financial assistance and other facilities.

Counsellors’ Perception of Problems Facing Guidance and Counselling Services in Nigerian Schools

Journal of Education and Practice, 2013

The study investigated problems facing Guidance and Counselling services in secondary schools as perceived by the Schools' Counsellors. The design for the study is descriptive of the survey type. The population was made of all the practicing Guidance Counsellors in Nasarawa state secondary schools .All the participatory School Counselors in an annual congress held at the state capital constituted the sample for the study. In all 100 Counsellors were used for the study. A researcher designed questionnaire titled "Counsellor's problems Perception Inventory" , validated for face and content with reliability coefficient of 0.74 by test-retest method was used to collect information from the respondents. Two hypotheses were raised at 0.05 level of significace. Result showed that the problems perceived by Counsellors were in the following order of intensity as follows; wrong idea of counselling by Principals and other members of staff, assigning counselors to duties other than counselling, lack of counselling office, lack of fund to purchase materials for counselling and non-exposure to in service training. There was no gender difference in counsellors' perception of problems facing the practice of counselling in the state. There was no significant difference in the perception of counselors' problems in schools based on Counsellors' years of experience. It was recommended that counselling should be a full-time job for Counsellors and they should be exposed to workshops and seminars.

School-Based Policies for Counselling Programme and Effective Ethical standards in Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria

International Journal of Indian Psychology

Many public secondary schools in Nigeria seemly do not have a well-coordinated and effective counselling programme for their learners. Most often the principal appoints any cool-headed or pious teacher to be in charge of the counselling department without proper and adequate training. The teacher assumes this dual responsibility without specific job description. For effective counselling in the best interest of Nigerian learners, a role description for school counsellor within counselling theoretical framework based on American school based policies; be it clinical, eclectic, or client-centre is direly needed in Nigeria. This study addresses the need of school-based policies to enable effective counselling programmes that call for proper implementation and ethical standards in Nigerian public secondary schools to function appropriately. It disclose slack of concrete therapeutic services as the main problem associated with counselling in secondary schools and presents a training and ...

The Influence of Sex, Experience and School Ownership on Counsellors’ Awareness of Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling Programmes in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria

Lwati: a journal of contemporary research, 2010

Comprehensive guidance and counselling programme (CGCP) is 21 st century school delivery system that emphasizes school guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive counselling services and system support services. It is developmental, proactive and preventive as opposed to the traditional approach that is crisis-oriented and reactive. This study sought to survey counsellors' awareness of CGCP. Specifically, this study investigated the influence of sex, working experience, and school ownership on counsellors' awareness of school comprehensive guidance and counselling programme in Edo and Delta states. The study elicited information from 128 practicing school counsellors in public and private schools in Edo and Delta states. Data were obtained through school counsellors' awareness of school comprehensive guidance and counselling questionnaire (SCASCGCPQ). Results showed that sex and school ownership do not have influence on counsellors' level of awareness of school comprehensive guidance and counselling programme; while length of working experience had influence on counsellors' level of awareness of school comprehensive guidance and counseling programme.

An Assessment of Counsellors’ Perception on Counselling Services Provided in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria


This study examined the assessment of counsellors’ perception on counselling services provided in public senior secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria and its implications for stakeholders. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The research design adopted for the study was qualitative approach. Population consists of all counselors in public secondary school in Oyo State. Purposive and convenient sampling techniques were employed to select five counsellors. An interview protocol titled “Interview Protocol on Counselling Services (IPCS)” was used to collect pertinent data. Thematic approach was employed for analysing the data collected. Result revealed that various conselling services such as placement, appraisal, evaluation, information, orientation and referral were provided for students. It was found that services provided for students are not adequate. Also, findings point out to insufficient conselling personnel and inadequate couselling facilities as major h...

The Importance of Ethical Codes in Guidance and Counseling Profession

Professional school counselors are trained to modify, help and structure students' behaviour in relation with the social norms and values of society. The codes of ethics and the policies of counseling of a professional counselor must have an impact on the execution of any problems that arises in their professional field or workplace. It is certain/ true that everybody is born with emotions, attitudes, likes and dislikes in the world based on our judgments and standards. Use and misuse of the codes of ethics in Sierra Leone maybe different from that of other countries in the world as we differ in color, race and culture. When we take into account the codes of ethics, the client's interest must be put first above all else. Counseling as a helping profession and a therapeutic relationship is now gaining popularity and taking active part in the society and the world at large. Professional counselors in most parts of the world do not have age limit though there are limitation on experiences. In the local context, professional counselors are guided by professional code of ethics and policies. These code of ethics help to clarify areas of crossover of school counselor and social workers but there are some similarities as both are using the prescribed guidelines. Counseling is generally an area of offering professional help to resolve personal or psychological problems of an individual. Counseling is a profession and humanistic in nature and in character. The rigorous and professional training in guidance and counseling helps the individual to ensure the holistic development of the child. The main aim of the counseling process is to help the child to adjust well in life. Therefore it is imperative that the counselor possesses certain qualities, attributes and moral/ ethics to empower him /her to carry out the gigantic task. Counseling by its very nature is a relationship between a person with a psychological problem and a person who is trained, qualified, and knowledgeable and has the expertise to provide the required solutions. The counselor and client relationship usually involves a degree of intimacy that usually does not exist in other professional relationships.