Seismic Expressions of Thermochemical Mantle Plumes (original) (raw)

Inferring the thermochemical structure of the upper mantle from seismic data

Geophysical Journal International, 2009

We test a mineral physics model of the upper mantle against seismic observations. The model is based on current knowledge of material properties at high temperatures and pressures. In particular, elastic properties are computed with a recent self-consistent thermodynamic model, based on a six oxides (NCFMAS) system. We focus on average structure between 250 and 800 km. We invert normal modes eigenfrequencies and traveltimes to obtain best-fitting average thermal structures for various compositional profiles. The thermochemical structures are then used to predict long-period waveforms, SS precursors waveforms and radial profiles of attenuation. These examples show the potential of our procedure to refine the interpretation combining different data sets.

Seismic structure and origin of hotspots and mantle plumes

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2001

A new global tomography approach has been used to study the deep structure and dynamics of hotspots and mantle plumes. In this approach, depth variations of the Moho, 410 and 660 km discontinuities are considered, the Earth structure is expressed by ...

Synthetic seismic signature of thermal mantle plumes

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2004

The first seismic images of mantle plumes have been a source of significant debate. To interpret these images, it is useful to have an idea of a plume's expected seismic signature. We determined a set of dynamic thermal whole-mantle plumes, with parameters appropriate for the Earth's mantle and shallow-mantle temperature contrasts compatible with surface observations. We explore the sensitivity of amplitude and width of thermal plume anomalies to model parameters. The conversion of thermal to seismic structure accounts for effects of temperature, pressure, an average mantle composition including phase transitions, and anelasticity. With depth-dependent expansivity and temperatureand depth-dependent viscosity, these relatively weak plumes have lower-mantle diameters of 300^600 km at one half of the maximum temperature anomaly. To attain the narrow upper-mantle plumes inferred from surface observations and tomography, viscosity reduction by a factor 30^100 is necessary, either as a jump or as a strong gradient. All model plumes had buoyancy fluxes v 4 Mg/s and it seems difficult to generate whole-mantle thermal plumes with fluxes much lower. Due to changing seismic sensitivity to temperature with depth and mineralogy, variations in the plumes' seismic amplitude and width do not coincide with those in their thermal structure. Velocity anomalies of 24 % are predicted in the uppermost mantle. Reduced sensitivity in the transition zone as well as complex velocity anomalies due to phase boundary topography may hamper imaging continuous whole-mantle plumes. In the lower mantle, our plumes have seismic amplitudes of only 0.5^1%. Unlike seismic velocities, anelasticity reflects thermal structure closely, and yields plume anomalies of 50^100% in dln(1/Q S ). ß

Seismic, petrological and geodynamical constraints on thermal and compositional structure of the upper mantle: global thermochemical models


Mapping the thermal and compositional structure of the upper mantle requires a combined interpretation of geophysical and petrological observations. Based on current knowledge of material properties, we interpret available global seismic models for temperature assuming end-member compositional structures. In particular, we test the effects of modelling a depleted lithosphere, which accounts for petrological constraints on continents. Differences between seismic models translate into large temperature and density variations, respectively, up to 400 K and 0.06 g cm −3 at 150 km depth. Introducing lateral compositional variations does not change significantly the thermal interpretation of seismic models, but gives a more realistic density structure. Modelling a petrological lithosphere gives cratonic temperatures at 150 km depth that are only 100 K hotter than those obtained assuming pyrolite, but density is ∼0.1 g cm −3 lower. We determined the geoid and topography associated with the density distributions by computing the instantaneous flow with an existing code of mantle convection, STAG-YY. Models with and without lateral variations in viscosity have been tested. We found that the differences between seismic models in the deeper part of the upper mantle significantly affect the global geoid, even at harmonic degree 2. The range of variance reduction for geoid due to differences in the transition zone structure (i.e. from 410 to 660 km) is comparable with the range due to differences in the whole mantle seismic structure. Since geoid is dominated by very long wavelengths (the lowest five harmonic degrees account for more than 90 per cent of the signal power), the lithospheric density contrasts do not strongly affect its overall pattern. Models that include a petrological lithosphere, however, fit the geoid and topography better. Most of the long-wavelength contribution that helps to improve the fit comes from the oceanic lithosphere. The signature of continental lithosphere worsens the fit, even in simulations that assume an extremely viscous lithosphere. Therefore, a less depleted, and thus less buoyant, continental lithosphere is required to explain gravity data. None of the seismic tomography models we analyse is able to reproduce accurately the thermal structure of the oceanic lithosphere. All of them show their lowest seismic velocities at ∼100 km depth beneath mid-oceanic ridges and have much higher velocities at shallower depths compared to what is predicted with standard cooling models. Despite the limited resolution of global seismic models, this seems to suggest the presence of an additional compositional complexity in the lithosphere.

Deep Structure of Subducting Slabs and Mantle Plumes from Global Tomography


In order to better understand the deep structure and dynamics of the Earth's interior, we have attempted to develop a new model of whole mantle seismic tomography with a novel approach. We adopted a grid parameterization instead of blocks which were used in most of the global tomographic studies. Ray paths and travel times are computed with an efficient 3-D ray tracing scheme. Moreover, the topography of mantle discontinuities at 410 and 660 km depths are taken into account in the tomographic inversions. This new approach was applied to a large data set of ISC travel times (P, PP, PcP, pP) to determine a whole mantle P-wave tomography. For the shallow mantle, our new model contains the general features observed in the previous models : a low-velocity ring around the Pacific Ocean basins and high-velocity anomalies under the old and stable continents in the depth range of 0-400 km. One significant difference from the previous models is that stronger and wider high-velocity anomalies are visible in the transition zone depths under the subduction zone regions, which suggests that most of the slab materials are stagnant for a long time in the transition zone before finally dropping down to the lower mantle. Plume-like slow anomalies are visible under the hotspot regions in most parts of the mantle. The slow anomalies under hotspots usually do not show a straight pillar shape, but exhibit winding images, which suggests that plumes are not fixed in the mantle but can be deflected by the mantle winds. As a consequence, hotspots are not really fixed but can wander on the Earth's surface, as evidenced by the recent geomagnetic and numeric modeling studies. Wider and more prominent slow anomalies are visible at the coremantle boundary (CMB) than most of the lower mantle, and there is a good correlation between the distribution of slow anomalies at the CMB and that of hotspots on the surface, which suggest that most of the mantle plumes under the hotspots may originate from the CMB. However, there may be some small-scaled, weak plumes originating from the transition zone depths. 1.

Mantle plumes: Dynamic models and seismic images

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2007

1] Different theories on the origin of hot spots have been debated for a long time by many authors from different fields, and global-scale seismic tomography is probably the most effective tool at our disposal to substantiate, modify, or abandon the mantle-plume hypothesis. We attempt to identify coherent, approximately vertical slow/hot anomalies in recently published maps of P and S velocity heterogeneity throughout the mantle, combining the following independent quantitative approaches: (1) development and application of a ''plume-detection'' algorithm, which allows us to identify a variety of vertically coherent features, with similar properties, in all considered tomographic models, and (2) quantification of the similarity between patterns of various tomographic versus dynamic plume-conduit models. Experiment 2 is complicated by the inherent dependence of plume conduit tilt on mantle flow and by the dependence of the latter on the lateral structure of the Earth's mantle, which can only be extrapolated from seismic tomography itself: it is inherently difficult to disentangle the role of upwellings in ''attracting'' plumes versus plumes being defined as relatively slow, and thus located in regions of upwellings. Our results favor the idea that only a small subset of known hot spots have a lower-mantle origin. Most of those that do can be associated geographically with a few well-defined slow/hot regions of very large scale in the lowermost mantle. We find evidence for both secondary plumes originating from the mentioned slow/hot regions and deep plumes whose conduits remain narrow all the way to the lowermost mantle. To best agree with tomographic results, modeled plume conduits must take into account the effects of advection and the associated displacement of plume sources at the base of the mantle.

Thermochemical interpretation of one-dimensional seismic reference models for the upper mantle: evidence for bias due to heterogeneity

Geophysical Journal International, 2008

A 1-D reference model for the mantle that is physically meaningful would be invaluable both in geodynamic modelling and for an accurate interpretation of 3-D seismic tomography. However, previous studies have shown that it is difficult to reconcile the simplest possible 1-D physical model-1300 • C adiabatic pyrolite-with seismic observations. We therefore generate a set of alternative 1-D thermal and chemical mantle models, down to 900 km depth, and compare their properties with seismic data. We use several different body and surface wave data sets that provide complementary constraints on mantle structure. To assess the agreement between our models and seismic data, we take into account the large uncertainties in both the elastic/anelastic parameters of the constituent minerals, and the thermodynamic procedures for calculating seismic velocities. These uncertainties translate into substantial differences in seismic structure. However, in spite of such differences, subtle trends remain. We find that models which attain (1) higher velocity gradients between 250 and 350 km; (2) higher velocity gradients in the lower transition zone; and (3) higher average velocities immediately beneath the 660-discontinuity, than 1300 • C adiabatic pyrolite-either via a temporary shift to lower temperatures, and/or a change to a seismically faster chemical composition-provide a significantly better fit to the seismic data than adiabatic pyrolite. This is compatible with recent thermochemical dynamic models by Tackley et al. in which average thermal structure is smooth and monotonous, but average chemical structure deviates substantially from pyrolite above, in, and below the transition zone. Our results suggest that 1-D seismic reference models are being systematically biased by a complex 3-D chemical structure. This bias should be taken into account when attempting quantitative interpretation of seismic anomalies, since those very anomalies contribute to the 1-D average signal.

On the statistical significance of correlations between synthetic mantle plumes and tomographic models

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2008

In a recent article, Mantle plumes: dynamic models and seismic images. ] (BBS07) have reevaluated the degree to which slow seismic tomography anomalies correlate with the possible locations of plume-like mantle upwellings connected to surface hotspots. They showed that several, but not all, hotspots are likely to have a deep mantle origin. Importantly, they found that when advection of plume conduits in mantle flow is considered, such correlations are significantly higher than when conduits are assumed to be vertical under hotspots. The validity of these statements depends, however, on the definition of statistical significance. BBS07 evaluated the significance of correlation through simple Student's t tests. Anderson (personal communication, July 2007) questioned this approach, given that the true information content of published tomography models is generally unknown, and proposed, instead, to evaluate the significance of correlation by comparing tomographic results with Monte Carlo simulations of randomly located plumes. Following this approach, we show here that the correlation found by BBS07 between advected plumes and slow anomalies in S-velocity tomography is less significant than previously stated, but still significant (at the 99.7% confidence level). We also find an indication that the seismic/geodynamic correlation observed by BBS07 does not only reflect the natural tendency of plumes to cluster in slow/hot regions of the mantle: although realistically advected, and thereby biased towards such regions, our random plumes correlate with slow tomographic anomalies significantly less than the plume models of BBS07. A less significant correlation with plume models characterizes P-velocity tomography; the correlation is, however, enhanced, if flow is computed from tomographic models with amplified heterogeneity, possibly accounting for the known resolution limits of global seismic data. In summary, the conclusions of BBS07 are confirmed: even at relatively long wavelengths, tomographic models are consistent with the presence of a number of tilted, whole-mantle plume-shaped slow anomalies, connected to surface hotspots.

Time-dependent convection models of mantle thermal structure constrained by seismic tomography and geodynamics: implications for mantle plume dynamics and CMB heat flux

Geophysical Journal International, 2012

One of the outstanding problems in modern geodynamics is the development of thermal convection models that are consistent with the present-day flow dynamics in the Earth's mantle, in accord with seismic tomographic images of 3-D Earth structure, and that are also capable of providing a time-dependent evolution of the mantle thermal structure that is as 'realistic' (Earth-like) as possible. A successful realization of this objective would provide a realistic model of 3-D mantle convection that has optimal consistency with a wide suite of seismic, geodynamic and mineral physical constraints on mantle structure and thermodynamic properties. To address this challenge, we have constructed a time-dependent, compressible convection model in 3-D spherical geometry that is consistent with tomography-based instantaneous flow dynamics, using an updated and revised pseudo-spectral numerical method. The novel feature of our numerical solutions is that the equations of conservation of mass and momentum are solved only once in terms of spectral Green's functions. We initially focus on the theory and numerical methods employed to solve the equation of thermal energy conservation using the Green's function solutions for the equation of motion, with special attention placed on the numerical accuracy and stability of the convection solutions. A particular concern is the verification of the global energy balance in the dissipative, compressible-mantle formulation we adopt. Such validation is essential because we then present geodynamically constrained convection solutions over billion-year timescales, starting from present-day seismically constrained thermal images of the mantle. The use of geodynamically constrained spectral Green's functions facilitates the modelling of the dynamic impact on the mantle evolution of: (1) depthdependent thermal conductivity profiles, (2) extreme variations of viscosity over depth and (3) different surface boundary conditions, in this case mobile surface plates and a rigid surface. The thermal interpretation of seismic tomography models does not provide a radial profile of the horizontally averaged temperature (i.e. the geotherm) in the mantle. One important goal of this study is to obtain a steady-state geotherm with boundary layers which satisfies energy balance of the system and provides the starting point for more realistic numerical simulations of the Earth's evolution. We obtain surface heat flux in the range of Earth-like values : 37 TW for a rigid surface and 44 TW for a surface with tectonic plates coupled to the mantle flow. Also, our convection simulations deliver CMB heat flux that is on the high end of previously estimated values, namely 13 TW and 20 TW, for rigid and plate-like surface boundary conditions, respectively. We finally employ these two end-member surface boundary conditions to explore the very-long-time scale evolution of convection over billion-year time windows. These billion-year-scale simulations will allow us to determine the extent to which a 'memory' of the starting tomography-based thermal structure is preserved and hence to explore the longevity of the structures in the present-day mantle. The two surface boundary conditions, along with the geodynamically inferred radial viscosity profiles, yield steady-state convective flows that are dominated by long wavelengths throughout the lower mantle. The rigid-surface condition yields a spectrum of mantle heterogeneity dominated by spherical harmonic degree 3 and 4, and the plate-like surface condition yields a pattern dominated by degree 1. Our exploration of the time-dependence of the spatial heterogeneity shows that, C 2012 The Authors 785 Geophysical Journal International C 2012 RAS by guest on May 12, 2016 Downloaded from P. Glišović, A. M. Forte and R. Moucha

Thermochemical interpretation of 1-D seismic data for the lower mantle: The significance of nonadiabatic thermal gradients and compositional heterogeneity

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009

1] Equation-of-state (EOS) modeling, whereby the seismic properties of a specified thermochemical structure are constructed from mineral physics constraints, and compared with global seismic data, provides a potentially powerful tool for distinguishing between plausible mantle structures. However, previous such studies at lower mantle depths have been hampered by insufficient evaluation of mineral physics uncertainties, overestimation of seismic uncertainties, or biases in the type of seismic and/or mineral physics data used. This has led to a wide, often conflicting, variety of models being proposed for the average lower mantle structure. In this study, we perform a thorough reassessment of mineral physics and seismic data uncertainties. Uncertainties in both the type of EOS, and mineral elastic parameters, used are taken into account. From this analysis, it is evident that the seismic variability due to these uncertainties is predominantly controlled by only a small subset of the mineral parameters. Furthermore, although adiabatic pyrolite cannot be ruled out completely, it is problematic to explain seismic velocities and gradients at all depth intervals with such a structure, especially in the interval 1660-2000 km. We therefore consider a range of alternative thermal and chemical structures, and map out the sensitivity of average seismic velocities and gradients to deviations in temperature and composition. Compositional sensitivity is tested both in terms of plausible end-member compositions (e.g., MORB, chondrite), and via changes in each of the five major mantle oxides, SiO 2 , MgO, FeO, CaO, and Al 2 O 3 . Fe enrichment reduces both P and S velocities significantly, while Si enrichment (and Mg depletion) increases P and S velocities, with a larger increase in P than in S. Using purely thermal deviations from adiabatic pyrolite, it remains difficult to explain simultaneously all seismic observations. A superadiabatic temperature gradient does improve the seismic fit in the lowermost mantle, but should be accompanied by concurrent bulk chemistry changes. Our results suggest that the most plausible way to alter bulk chemistry in the lowermost mantle, simultaneously fitting density, bulk velocity and shear velocity constraints, is an increasing contribution of a hot, basalt-enriched component with depth. Citation: Cobden, L., S. Goes, M. Ravenna, E. Styles, F. Cammarano, K. Gallagher, and J. A. D. Connolly (2009), Thermochemical interpretation of 1-D seismic data for the lower mantle: The significance of nonadiabatic thermal gradients and compositional heterogeneity,