Vibrational spectroscopic image analysis of biological material using multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) (original) (raw)

Using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy to analyze biological materials

IR spectroscopy is an excellent method for biological analyses. It enables the nonperturbative, label-free extraction of biochemical information and images toward diagnosis and the assessment of cell functionality. Although not strictly microscopy in the conventional sense, it allows the construction of images of tissue or cell architecture by the passing of spectral data through a variety of computational algorithms. Because such images are constructed from fingerprint spectra, the notion is that they can be an objective reflection of the underlying health status of the analyzed sample. One of the major difficulties in the field has been determining a consensus on spectral pre-processing and data analysis. This manuscript brings together as coauthors some of the leaders in this field to allow the standardization of methods and procedures for adapting a multistage approach to a methodology that can be applied to a variety of cell biological questions or used within a clinical setting for disease screening or diagnosis. We describe a protocol for collecting IR spectra and images from biological samples (e.g., fixed cytology and tissue sections, live cells or biofluids) that assesses the instrumental options available, appropriate sample preparation, different sampling modes as well as important advances in spectral data acquisition. After acquisition, data processing consists of a sequence of steps including quality control, spectral pre-processing, feature extraction and classification of the supervised or unsupervised type. A typical experiment can be completed and analyzed within hours. Example results are presented on the use of IR spectra combined with multivariate data processing.

Spectral pre and post processing for infrared and Raman spectroscopy of biological tissues and cells

Vibrational spectroscopy, both infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy, have attracted increasing attention for biomedical applications, from in vivo and ex vivo disease diagnostics and screening, to in vitro screening of therapeutics. There remain, however, many challenges related to the accuracy of analysis of physically and chemically inhomogeneous samples, across heterogeneous sample sets. Data preprocessing is required to deal with variations in instrumental responses and intrinsic spectral backgrounds and distortions in order to extract reliable spectral data. Data postprocessing is required to extract the most reliable information from the sample sets, based on often very subtle changes in spectra associated with the targeted pathology or biochemical process. This review presents the current understanding of the factors influencing the quality of spectra recorded and the pre-processing steps commonly employed to improve on spectral quality. It further explores some of the most common techniques which have emerged for classification and analysis of the spectral data for biomedical applications. The importance of sample presentation and measurement conditions to yield the highest quality spectra in the first place is emphasised, as is the potential of model simulated datasets to validate both pre-and post-processing protocols.

Understanding the Molecular Information Contained in Principal Component Analysis of Vibrational Spectra of Biological Systems

K-means clustering followed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is employed to analyse Raman spectroscopic maps of single biological cells. K-means clustering successfully identifies regions of cellular cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleoli, but the mean spectra do not differentiate their biochemical composition. The loadings of the principal components identified by PCA shed further light on the spectral basis for differentiation but they are complex and, as the number of spectra per cluster is imbalanced, particularly in the case of the nucleoli, the loadings under-represent the basis for differentiation of some cellular regions. Analysis of pure bio-molecules, both structurally and spectrally distinct, in the case of histone, ceramide and RNA, and similar in the case of the proteins albumin, collagen and histone, show the relative strong representation of spectrally sharp features in the spectral loadings, and the systematic variation of the loadings as one cluster becomes reduced in number. The more complex cellular environment is simulated by weighted sums of spectra, illustrating that although the loading become increasingly complex; their origin in a weighted sum of the constituent molecular components is still evident. Returning to the cellular analysis, the number of spectra per cluster is artificially balanced by increasing the weighting of the spectra of smaller number clusters. While it renders the PCA loading more complex for the three-way analysis, a pair wise analysis illustrates clear differences between the identified subcellular regions, and notably the molecular differences between nuclear and nucleoli regions are elucidated. Overall, the study demonstrates how appropriate consideration of the data available can improve the understanding of the information delivered by PCA.

Application of chemometric methods to the analysis of multimodal chemical images of biological tissues

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020

Current histology techniques, such as tissue staining or histochemistry protocols, provide very limited chemical information about the tissues. Chemical imaging technologies such as infrared, Raman, and mass spectrometry imaging, are powerful analytical techniques with a huge potential in describing the chemical composition of sample surfaces. In this work, three images of the same tissue slice using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry, infrared microspectroscopy, and an RGB picture from a conventional hematoxylin/eosin (H/E) staining are simultaneously analyzed. These fused images were analyzed by multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS), which provided, for each component, its distribution within the tissue surface, its IR spectrum fingerprint, its characteristic mass values, and the contribution of the RGB channels of the H/E staining. Compared with the individual analysis of each of the images alone, the fusion of the three images showed the relationship between the different types of chemical/biological information and enabled a better interpretation of the tissue under study. In addition, the least-squares projection of the MCR-ALS resolved spectra of components at low spatial resolution onto the IR and RBG images at high spatial resolution, provided a better delimitation of the sample constituents on the image, giving a more precise description of their distribution on the investigated tissue. The application of this procedure can be of interest in different research areas in which a good description of the spatial distribution of the chemical constituents of the samples is needed, such as in biomedicine, food, or environmental research.

Infrared and Raman imaging of biological and biomimetic samples

Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2000

Established methods for imaging of biological or biomimetic samples, such as fluorescence and optical microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray tomography or positron emission tomography (PET) are currently complemented by infrared (both near-IR and mid-IR) as well as Raman spectroscopic imaging, whether it be on a microscopic or macroscopic scale. These vibrational spectroscopic techniques provide a wealth of information without a priori knowledge of either the spectral data or the composition of the sample. Infrared radiation does not harm the organism, no electric potential needs to be applied, and the measurements are not influenced by electromagnetic fields. In addition, no extrinsic labeling or staining, which may perturb the system under investigation, has to be added. The immense volume of information contained in spectroscopic images requires multivariate analysis methodologies in order to effectively mine the chemical and spatial information contained within the data as well as to analyze a time-series of images in order to reveal the origin of a chemical or biochemical process. The promise and limitations of this new analytical tool are surveyed in this review.

Review of multidimensional data processing approaches for Raman and infrared spectroscopy

Raman and Infrared (IR) spectroscopies provide information about the structure, functional groups and environment of the molecules in the sample. In combination with a microscope, these techniques can also be used to study molecular distributions in heterogeneous samples. Over the past few decades Raman and IR microspectroscopy based techniques have been extensively used to understand fundamental biology and responses of living systems under diverse physiological and pathological conditions. The spectra from biological systems are complex and diverse, owing to their heterogeneous nature consisting of bio-molecules such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates etc. Sometimes minor differences may contain critical information. Therefore, interpretation of the results obtained from Raman and IR spectroscopy is difficult and to overcome these intricacies and for deeper insight we need to employ various data mining methods. These methods must be suitable for handling large multidimensional data sets and for exploring the complete spectral information simultaneously. The effective implementation of these multivariate data analysis methods requires the pretreatment of data. The preprocessing of raw data helps in the elimination of noise (unwanted signals) and the enhancement of discriminating features. This review provides an outline of the state-of-the-art data processing tools for multivariate analysis and the various preprocessing methods that are widely used in Raman and IR spectroscopy including imaging for better qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological samples.

OCTAVVS: A graphical toolbox for high-throughput preprocessing and analysis of vibrational spectroscopy imaging data

Modern vibrational spectroscopy techniques enable rapid collection of thousands of spectra in a single hyperspectral image, allowing researchers to resolve spatially heterogeneous samples down to a resolution of a few μm. A number of algorithms have been developed to correct for effects such as atmospheric absorption, light scattering by cellular structures and varying baseline levels. Following such preprocessing, spectra are commonly decomposed and clustered to reveal informative patterns and subtle spectral changes. Several of these steps are slow, labor-intensive and require programming skills to make use of published algorithms and code. We here present a free and platform-independent graphical toolbox that allows rapid processing of large sets of spectroscopic images, including atmospheric correction and an algorithm for resonant Mie scattering with improved speed and stability. The software includes modules for decomposition into constituent spectra using the popular MCR-ALS ...

A Comparison of PCA-LDA and PLS-DA Techniques for Classification of Vibrational Spectra

Applied Sciences

Vibrational spectroscopies provide information about the biochemical and structural environment of molecular functional groups inside samples. Over the past few decades, Raman and infrared-absorption-based techniques have been extensively used to investigate biological materials under different pathological conditions. Interesting results have been obtained, so these techniques have been proposed for use in a clinical setting for diagnostic purposes, as complementary tools to conventional cytological and histological techniques. In most cases, the differences between vibrational spectra measured for healthy and diseased samples are small, even if these small differences could contain useful information to be used in the diagnostic field. Therefore, the interpretation of the results requires the use of analysis techniques able to highlight the minimal spectral variations that characterize a dataset of measurements acquired on healthy samples from a dataset of measurements relating to...

Data processing of vibrational chemical imaging for pharmaceutical applications

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014

Vibrational spectroscopy (MIR, NIR and Raman) based hyperspectral imaging is one of the most powerful tools to analyze pharmaceutical preparation. Indeed, it combines the advantages of vibrational spectroscopy to imaging techniques and allows therefore the visualization of distribution of compounds or crystallization processes. However, these techniques provide a huge amount of data that must be processed to extract the relevant information.

Applications of Infrared and Raman Microspectroscopy of


This paper summarizes the progress achieved over the past fifteen years in applying vibrational (Raman and IR) spectroscopy to problems of medical diagnostics and cellular biology. During this time, a number of research groups have verified the enormous information content of vibrational spectra; in fact, genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic information can be deduced by decoding the observed vibrational spectra. This decoding process is aided enormously by the availability of high-power computer workstations and advanced algorithms for data analysis. Furthermore, commercial instrumentation for the fast collection of both Raman and infrared microspectral data has rendered practical the collection of images based solely on spectral data. The progress in the field has been manifested by a steady increase in the number and quality of publications submitted by established and new research groups in vibrational biological and biomedical arenas.