Change in water circulation and its implication for distribution and abundance of salmons in the western Bering Sea in the early 21 century (original) (raw)
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Some results of researches on pacific herring in the northwestern Bering Sea in 2010-2015
Izvestiya TINRO
The data of pelagic and bottom surveys on pacific herring in the northwestern Bering Sea obtained in 2010-2015 and its stock assessments by different methods are compared. Some biological parameters of the herring are presented and its spatial distribution and migrations are described. The pelagic surveys with stepped trawling and the bottom trawl surveys are concluded as the best for the herring stock assessment and biological characteristic. The stock state in the 2010-2015 is determined as high abundant due to mass migration of herring from the eastern Bering Sea to its northwestern part that starts in June under certain oceanographic conditions. Different modes of the herring feeding migration are revealed for periods of its high and low stock. The results are used for the herring fishery regulation in the northwestern Bering Sea.
Current state of the atlantic salmon fishing in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River
Proceedings of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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The researches of the aquatic biological resources of Kamchatka and of the north-west part of the Pacific Ocean
Исследована динамика запасов нерки, горбуши, кеты и кижуча рек Налычева, Островная и Вахиль за последние 37 лет. Проанализированы биологические характеристики производителей, заходящих на нерест в р. Налычева (включая чавычу) и выполнено их сравнение с впервые полученными в 2017 г. аналогичными данными для р. Островной. Для всех видов лососей (кроме чавычи), обитающих в р. Налычева, выделены темпоральные группировки и показаны, где имеются, биологические различия. Выполнена оценка пространственно-временного разнообразия лососей в каждой из трех рек и сделан вывод о необходимости принятия мер по охране лососевых ресурсов рек Налычева и Островная.
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Izvestiya TINRO
Seasonal and interannual variability of zooplankton in the area at Cape Navarin are considered on the base of long-term surveys. This area is the main fishing grounds for Russian pollock fishery in the Bering Sea. Species composition of zooplankton changes cardinally during the feeding period: large-size copepods prevail in summer, but euphausiids, mainly the krill Thysanoessa inermis - in autumn. Year-to-year changes of the zooplankton abundance are species-specific and driven by different environmental factors. The water circulation is crucially important for such allochtonous species as krill by transporting them from the spawning areas. Advection either from the south, i.e. from the continental slope (till 2006), or from the east and west, i.e. from the shelf (in 2007-2014), was observed in the last two decades that corresponded to replacing of relatively warm oceanographic regime by relatively cold regime and could be traced by dynamics of the ice cover and the cold water pool ...
Izvestiya TINRO, 2016
Abundance and biomass of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the Bering Sea exceeded the mean values in 2015 owing to the high-abundant year-classes of 2008 and 2012 and several medium-abundant year-classes (of 2006, 2009-2011, 2013, and 2014). In contrast to rather stable distribution on its spawning grounds, distribution of feeding pollock in the northern Bering Sea is very variable and depends on both biomass of the population and long-term and short-term variations of environments, as water temperature and zooplankton abundance. In some years including recent times (2005-2007 and 2010-2014), the pollock migrated earlier and faster into the northwestern Bering Sea and returned back to the eastern shelf also early: in late summer - early autumn. This scenario is supposedly conditioned by low zooplankton abundance over the Bering Sea that forces pollock to active feeding migrations, particularly a deficit of preferable food (large-sized zooplankton) on the north-western feedin...
Salmon fishing in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River is based on the use of the spawning part of the Atlantic salmon population. Fisheries regulation measures are developed using knowledge of the biology of the species. Thus, the aim of the research is a comprehensive understanding of the biology of the spawning part of the salmon population in the Northern Dvina River basin based on the generalization of materials from commercial catches for the period 1931-2014. After feeding in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, adult salmon return to spawn at the age of 5+. The reproductive part of salmon populations is dominated by females. The average size and weight indicators of salmon making spawning migrations are 77,42 cm and 5,43 kg. It has been established that in the last decade of observations, the size and weight characteristics of the reproductive part of the Atlantic salmon populations in the Severodvinsk basin have stabilized. This allows us to conclude that t...