General existence of competitive equilibrium in the growth model with an endogenous labor–leisure choice (original) (raw)

2020, Journal of Mathematical Economics

We prove the existence of competitive equilibrium in the canonical optimal growth model with elastic labor supply under general conditions. In this model, strong conditions to rule out corner solutions are often not well justified. We show using a separation argument that there exist Lagrange multipliers that can be viewed as a system of competitive prices. Neither Inada conditions, nor strict concavity, nor homogeneity, nor differentiability are required for existence of a competitive equilibrium. Thus, we cover important specifications used in the macroeconomics literature for which existence of a competitive equilibrium is not well understood. We give examples to illustrate the violation of the conditions used in earlier existence results but where a competitive equilibrium can be shown to exist following the approach in this paper.

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Competitive equilibrium cycles with endogenous labor

Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2005

In this paper we study a two-sector optimal growth model with elastic labor supply. We provide a complete characterization of the production possibility frontier in terms of the capital intensity difference accross sectors. We show that the modified golden rule is saddle-point stable when the investment good is capital intensive. On the other hand, to characterize stability with a capital intensive consumption good, we focus on either additively separable or homothetic preferences. In the first specification, we compute the critical values for the elasticities of intertemporal substitution in consumption and leisure in correspondence to which the modified golden rule undergoes flip bifurcations and endogenous business cycles occur. At the same time, we show that within a utility linear in leisure the modified golden rule is always saddle-point stable. In the second specification for preferences, we show that the local dynamic properties of the optimal path depend instead on the shares of consumption and leisure into total utility. We also compute the flip bifurcation values for these parameters and we prove that endogenous fluctuations are even more likely with homothetic preferences.

A General Framework for Growth Models with Non Competitive Labor and Product Markets and


In this paper we derive the general framework for growth models with non competitive labor and output markets and disequilibrium unemployment. For the three standard ways of generating savings, the framework makes clear how capital growth depends on employment and employment on the stock of capital and how both variables depend on the real wage and the markup. Then we analyze the long run relationship between growth and unemployment for some standard wage setting rules: constant real wages, rules that imply a constant unemployment rate and rules with inertia on wages and labor incomes, paying special attention to the neoclassical production function with in nite horizon consumers, the Ramsey model (the canonical model of growth) with unemployment.

A two-sector model of endogenous growth with leisure externalities

Journal of Economic Theory, 2013

This paper considers leisure externalities in a Lucas (1988) type model in which physical and human capital are necessary inputs in both sectors. In spite of a non-concave utility, the balanced growth path is always unique in our model which guarantees global stability for comparative-static exercises. We analyze and quantify the effects of preferences toward leisure on labor supply and welfare. We find that small differences in preferences toward leisure can explain a substantial fraction of differences in hours worked between Americans and Europeans. Quantitative results indicate that these differences also explain why Europeans grow less and consume less, but still prefer their lifestyle to that of the United States.

A General Framework for Growth Models with Non-Competitive Labor and Product Markets and Disequilibrium Unemployment


In this paper we derive the general framework for growth models with non competitive labor and output markets and disequilibrium unemployment. For the three standard ways of generating savings, the framework makes clear how capital growth depends on employment and employment on the stock of capital and how both variables depend on the real wage and the markup. Then we analyze the long run relationship between growth and unemployment for some standard wage setting rules: constant real wages, rules that imply a constant unemployment rate and rules with inertia on wages and labor incomes, paying special attention to the neoclassical production function with in…nite horizon consumers, the Ramsey model (the canonical model of growth) with unemployment.

Stability Properties in an Endogenous Growth Model With Elastic Labour Supply

The inclusion of a labour#leisure choice in endogenous growth models has interesting and somewhat counter-intuitive e#ects. In existing one sector models a condition for indeterminacy is that labour demand is upwardsloping, which is di#cult to reconcile with evidence. In this paper we give conditions for indeterminacy in a one sector model with decreasing returns to labour. We show that this requires that consumption and leisure are both highly intertemporally substitutable while the factors of production are highly complementary. # We wish to thank G. Cazzavillan, R. Farmer, M. Salmon and participants in seminars in Florence, Istanbul and Warwick for helpful comments. All remaining errors are our own. 1 Introduction In this paper we study whether the market outcome can be indeterminate in a one sector model of endogenous growth, where agents elastically supply labour and there are decreasing returns to labour. Recently there has been a renewed interest in the problem of ind...


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