The Characterization Of Mathematics Students’ Metacognition Process In Solving Mathematical Problems (original) (raw)

The Characteristic of the Process of Students’ Metacognition in Solving Calculus Problems

International Education Studies, 2017

This article is the result of research aims to describe the patterns and characteristics of the process of metacognition student of mathematics in solving calculus problems. Description was done by looking at changes in awareness, evaluation, and regulation as components of metacognition. The changes in components of metacognition seen by the emergence of indicators for each indicator were described in descriptors. To see the changes, the researcher used the instrument consisting of calculus problems, metacognition questionnaires, observation sheet, and interviews. Researcher gave calculus to 23 students who followed the course of differential calculus. The research data were in the form of the works of the students, transcript think-aloud, metacognition questionnaire results, observations using the observation sheet, and a transcript of the interview. Based on research data obtained, the research subjects were categorized in the high-ability students, medium, and low. Data were ana...

The Emergence of Students’ Metacognition in the Process of Mathematical Problem Solving


Developing a problem-solving skill for important things which need to be paid attention is how the students' thinking process in solving a problem is. Thinking about what is thought in this term relates to students' awareness of their ability to develop various ways which may be taken in solving a problem is known as metacognition. The existence of metacognition is very important for students in solving mathematical problems. This is a qualitative study using the grade VII students having medium ability as the subjects. The results of the study obtained that through intervention conducted by the researchers in 5 meetings, metacognition capability emerged in the subjects so that with their own ability they are able to solve mathematical problems provided.

The Identification of Mathematics Students’ Characteristic and Metacognitive Level in Mathematical Problem Solving State University of Medan

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

Metacognition is needed in solving mathematics problem. It is defined as the knowledge, awareness, and control of one's thinking process. In solving mathematics problem, not all students are able to use their metacognitive thinking processes. The objective of this research was to describe Mathematics Students characteristics and level of metacognition in mathematical problem solving and to know students' metacognitive scaffolding question in answer the question of problem solving at second semester Universitas Negeri Medan. This research use qualitative data which is described to get the students' metacognitive representation in mathematical problems. That is why this research is included in descriptive qualitative research. The subject in this research is the whole mathematics students' who's taking Geometry analitic at State University of Medan. The students' given test then grouped into three groups that us high level ability, medium and low ability. Every group is taken two subjects to have interview to get more credible data. Then, the data is analyzed to get conclusion from each group. The result of the research is obtained that the high level ability students has reflective cognitive use. Medium level ability students have strategic metacognitive use. Low level ability students have aware use and tacit use. Scaffolding questions given in the test should be help students in completing the problem. From the result of this research is hoped will be source of information and input material for mathematics lecturer, researchers, and all side which needed especially in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science State University of Medan's environment.

Metacognitive Analysis of Students in Solving Mathematics Problem

Al Khawarizmi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika

This research is motivated by the lack of students' understanding of their thinking skills and students cannot determine the right strategy to overcome the problems encountered in solving mathematical problems. The purpose of this study was to find out how the metacognitive level of students in solving math problem solving problems in class IX.1 students of SMPN 26 Padang. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The subject of this research is class IX.1 SMP Negeri 26 Padang. The instruments used are tests and interviews. The test is used to determine the metacognitive level of students in solving problem solving problems. Interviews were used to find out more about the metacognitive level in terms of students' understanding. The results showed that as many as 35.71% of students were at the metacognitive level of Tacit Use, as many as 35.71% of students had the metacognitive level of Aware Use, and as many as 28.58% of students had the metacognitive level of Strat...

Metacognitive awareness: how it affects mathematical problem-solving process

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Problem-solving is one of the basic skills in learning mathematics where in the process needs awareness in every step. Metacognitive awareness means to be aware of how to think. This study aimed to know the effect of metacognitive awareness in the mathematical problem-solving process. This is a descriptive-qualitative study. The samples of this study are 10 students. Data of metacognitive awareness were collected using questionnaire adapted from Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) developed by Schraw and Dennison, data about mathematical problem-solving process were based on the test result. The MAI measures two components which include the knowledge about cognition and the regulation of cognition. The results indicate that the two components of metacognitive awareness, that is knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition gave the effect to mathematical problem-solving students especially for regulation of cognition. The Student with high levels of regulation of cogniti...

The development of students’ metacognition in mathematical problem-solving

THE 2ND SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (SMIC 2020): Transforming Research and Education of Science and Mathematics in the Digital Age

Every student has different thinking abilities, such as thinking activities to receive and process information. The students' thinking ability is cognitive thinking ability or known as metacognition, such as monitoring and controlling each stage conducted. Therefore, teachers need to make efforts to improve students' metacognition by using probing prompting learning techniques. This technique can encourage students' metacognition abilities in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to determine the development of students' metacognition in mathematical problem-solving. This classroom action research applied a qualitative descriptive method which was carried out in five cycles, involving four out of 22 Year 7 students in one of the islamic junior high schools in Aceh Besar, Indonesia. Data analysis of students' metacognition development was investigated through metacognition question sheets which were carried out after solving mathematical problem solving problems. Students' and teacher's activities were investigated in each lesson. The results showed that the students' metacognition in mathematical problem-solving increased in Cycle I to V based on metacognition question sheets, students' activity sheets, and teacher's observation sheets in using probing prompting techniques. The development of students' metacognition can also be seen through other supporting aspects, such as students' activities and teacher's efforts in the learning, both increased in each cycle. The results also showed that students' metacognition increased with the increase in student activities and teacher teaching abilities.

Description of student's metacognitive ability in understanding and solving mathematics problem

This research was qualitative research which was aim to describe metacognitive ability in understanding and solving problem of mathematics. The subject of the research was students of first year at computer and networking department of SMK Mega Link Majene. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. Data was abstained by using research instrument in the form of student learn achievement data by using test of study result and interview guidance. The technique of collecting data researcher had observation to ascertain the model that used by teacher was teaching model of developing metacognitive. Technique of data analysis in this research was data reduction, data presentation, and made conclusion. From the whole findings in this research it was shown that generally student metacognitive ability not yet develops optimally. It was because of limited scope of materials, it was only one discussion material and also teaching cognitive strategy not only by verbal presentation but also trained continuously in facing cognitive tasks, like understanding and solving on problem.

The Relationship Between Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and their Solutions to Similar Types of Mathematical Problems

Eurasian Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2013

This study was designed to investigate the relationship between the metacognitive awareness of university students and their solutions to the similar mathematical problem types. Participants were 97 freshmen from department of mathematics at a state university in Turkey. Two different scales were used for data collection: “Metacognitive Awareness Inventory” and “Mathematical Problem Types Test’’. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the students’ metacognitive awareness levels and their problem solving levels regarding routine and non-routine problems. There was no significant linear correlation between university students’ metacognitive awareness levels and their problem solving levels for “separation”, “combining”, and “multiplication” in routine problems. Multiple regression analysis was used to test if the metacognitive awareness significantly predicted participants’ levels of problem solving. The results of the regression indicated that metacognitive awareness significantly predicted problem solving levels and both predictors explained 45% of the total variance. Keywords: problem types, metacognitive awareness, problem solving, problem solving level

Comparison of Metacognition Awareness of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Students Based on the Ability of Mathematics

International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research

Awareness of metacognition is one of mental process that occurs when a person knows what he thinks, including the knowledge and awareness to do something or realize the reason that. The purpose of this study is (1) to describe how the metacognition awareness of mathematics student and mathematics education student based on mathematical ability, and (2) to know the difference metacognitive awareness between of mathematics students with math education students based on mathematical ability. This research subject are the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education students of Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia. This research is ex post facto by the data analysis using descriptive and inferential approach. Descriptive approach used to describe the level of metacognitive awareness of mathematics students and mathematics education students based on his mathematical abilities, whereas inferential approach used to see the difference in metacognition awareness of mathematics stu...