Tietopaketti kaivoslaista ja kaivoshankkeiden viranomaisvaiheista (original) (raw)

Vankina kaivoksen talouskirouksessa

Poliittinen talous

Kirja-arvio: Kauppinen, Juha & Oinaala, Sampsa. Talvivaaran vangit. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Siltala, Helsinki, 2016. Erola, Marko. Kirottu kaivos. Totuuden jäljillä Talvivaarassa. Talentum, Helsinki, 2014.

Kohti ekohyvinvointivaltiota

Alue ja Ympäristö, 2021

Pääkirjoitus Alue ja Ympäristö -lehden teemanumeroon 2/2021 Kohti ekohyvinvointivaltiota.

VANHUSTEN KOTIHOIDON TYÖNJAKO - osaamisen vai resurssien sanalemaa?


Vanhusten kotihoidon työnjako on ajankohtainen kansallinen kysymys, joka nousee esille väestön ikääntyessä, resurssien vähentyessä ja työvoimapulan uhatessa. Työnjakoon vaikuttavat niin poliittiset linjaukset kuin koulutus ja työorganisaatioiden muutokset. Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vanhusten kotihoidon työnjakoa hyvinvointipoliittisen taustan valossa ja työpaikkatason työnjaon näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena näkökulmana on käsitys työnjaosta neuvoteltuna sosiaalisena järjestyksenä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään lähihoitajan rooliin työnjaossa. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin neljässä ryhmähaastattelussa, joihin osallistui 16 työntekijää kahden eteläsuomalaisen kunnan kotihoidon toimintayksiköistä. Toinen kotihoidon toimintayksikkö toimi terveyskeskuskuntayhtymän ja toinen sosiaalitoimen alaisena. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla muodostaen työnjakomalleja. Tutkielma muodostuu kahdesta osasta: kirjallisuudesta ja lähihoitajien työn...

Viljasta verkostoihin : Huoltovarmuuskeskuksen arviointi

Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, 2021

The aim of this evaluation report is to provide an insight into the operation, management and effectiveness of the security of supply organization in the national security of supply system based on a comprehensive analysis, and to present conclusions and recommendations for their development. The evaluation calls for a broader perspective on security of supply. The experience of the corona crisis has reinforced what ever-increasing global interdependence has led to throughout the 21st century: preparedness can no longer be made from the perspective of narrow, isolated sectors or industries.The National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) has a strong profile in cooperation with the business community in managing continuity. This work is carried out mainly through so called pool activities. Based on the feedback from the pool discussions and the eSurvey, the NESA can be considered to have succeeded reasonably well in this task. On the other hand, the NESA´s cooperation with ministries is somewhat less consistent. In the case of industries that clearly cover statutory tasks, cooperation with ministries is closer. In other ministries' preparedness development activities, the The National Emergency Supply Agency does not appear to be a that close partner. The assessment report pays special attention to the steering and system of governance of the overall security of supply organization. At present, the control and decision-making system appears to be somewhat unstructured in terms of security of supply decisions, the performance management and steering, and the NESA´s Board's steering role. The report draws particular attention to the lack of transparency in the use of the Security Supply Fund. The multi-annual financing of program activities through the Fund by decisions of the NESA Board does not comply with the spirit of the State Budget Act and the principle of budget completeness. The evaluation report presents three ideal models through which it would be possible to develop the Finnish security of supply system in the future. The models are: 1) the current model with minor improvements, 2) the Security of Supply Agency and 3) the National Preparedness Center. For each model, there is a separate examination of their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, at the end of the evaluation report, there are 8 development recommendations that are independent of the models described above..

Maakunta- ja sote-uudistuksen valmistelun tuki


Reform of Finland’s regional government arrangements, including health and social services, has been ongoing throughout the current governmental period. The reform would see approximately 425 organisations in local and regional governance drawn together to establish 18 new regional organisations. If the reform is implemented it will impact all levels of administration both regionally and nationally. This final report was written as a part of a research project providing cognitive and informational support to the preparation of the reform both regionally and nationally. The report summarises the experiences and perceptions of the experts who have had an essential role in the preparation and progress of the regional government, health and social services reform. The main data consist of documented preparation materials generated by the ministries and regions, two online surveys implemented regionally and nationally in the autumn of 2018 as well as interviews with key persons in the le...