TWC LOGD: A portal for linked open government data ecosystems (original) (raw)

Producing and Using Linked Open Government Data in the TWC LOGD Portal


As open government initiatives around the world publish an increasing number of raw datasets, citizens and communities face daunting challenges when organizing, understanding, and associating disparate data related to their interests. Immediate and incremental solutions are needed to integrate, collaboratively manipulate, and transparently consume large-scale distributed data.

Towards an Open-Governmental Data Web

Abstract. Up to the present day much effort has been made to publish government data on the Web. However, such data has been published in different formats. For any particular source and use (eg exploration, visualization, integration) of such information specific applications have to be written. This limits the overall usability of the information provided and makes it difficult to access information resources.

Linked Data: A Framework for Publishing FiveStar Open Government Data

International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2021

With the increased adoption of open government initiatives around the world, a huge amount of governmental raw datasets was released. However, the data was published in heterogeneous formats and vocabularies and in many cases in bad quality due to inconsistency, messy, and maybe incorrectness as it has been collected by practicalities within the source organization, which makes it inefficient for reusing and integrating it for serving citizens and third-party apps. This research introduces the LDOG (Linked Data for Open Government) experimental framework, which aims to provide a modular architecture that can be integrated into the open government hierarchy, allowing huge amounts of data to be gathered in a fine-grained manner from source and directly publishing them as linked data based on Tim Berners lee’s five-star deployment scheme with a validation layer using SHACL, which results in high quality data. The general idea is to model the hierarchy of government and classify governm...

Linked Open Government Data Research Panorama

Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, 2013

In order to increase transparency and civic participation, governments around the world sought ways to open their data and allow both to itself as to companies and the civil population a greater share in the maintenance, surveillance and optimization of the services provided. To this end, using a technology called linked data (LD), the data released by governments became easier to be understood and properly used by humans and machines alike, thus creating what today is called linked open government data (LOGD). The purpose of this article is to present the state of art of the research in LOGD through bibliometric research, ultimately presenting a feedback on the matter.

for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Public Sector Information: Example from Serbia


Abstract. To improve transparency and public service delivery, national, regional and local governmental bodies need to consider new strategies to openning up their data. We approach the problem of creating a more scalable and interoperable Open Government Data ecosystem by considering the latest advances in Linked Open Data. More precisely, we showcase how an integrated and coherent collection of aligned state of the art software tools, the LOD2 Stack, can be used to deliver trusted, open and rich collections of interlinked datasets to the public. The usage of the Tool Stack is demonstrated on the case of one of the largest data providers in the Republic of Serbia – its Statistical Office.

Data-Gov Wiki: Towards Linked Government Data


Abstract. The Data-gov Wiki is the delivery site for a project where we investigate the role of linked data in producing, processing and utilizing the government datasets found in data. gov. Towards facilitating the Web developers and users access the public government data transparently, the Data-gov Wiki currently features the following:(i) RDF dump of interlinked US government data (over 2 billion triples covering hundreds of data.

An End-to-End Framework for Integrating and Publishing Linked Open Government Data

2020 IEEE 29th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), 2020

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TWC International Open Government Dataset Catalog

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems - I-Semantics '11, 2011

The TWC International Open Government Dataset Catalog (IOGDC) integrates a diverse selection of more than 70 government dataset catalogs from around the world. IOGDC demonstrates a practical dataset catalog metadata model for integrating diverse dataset catalogs collected from the real world and linking those catalogs into Linked Data Cloud. IOGDC's faceted browsing and search interface provides a scalable and reconfigurable solution for finding and browsing open government datasets which also offers a compelling demonstration of the value of a common metadata model for open government dataset catalogs. We believe that the vocabulary choices demonstrated by IOGDC highlight the potential for useful Linked Data applications to be created from open government catalogs and will encourage the adoption of such a standard worldwide.

Open Government Data (OGD) Publication as Linked Open Data (LOD): A Survey

International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764)

Open Government Data (OGD) is a movement that has spread worldwide, enabling the publication of thousands of datasets on the Web, aiming to concretize transparency and citizen participatory governance. This initiative can create value by linking data describing the same phenomenon from different perspectives using the traditional Web and semantic web technologies. A framework of these technologies is linked data movement that guides the publication of data and their interconnection in a machine-readable means enabling automatic interpretation and exploitation. Nevertheless, Open Government Data publication as Linked Open Data (LOD) is not a trivial task due to several obstacles, such as data heterogeneity issues. Many works dealing with this transformation process have been published that need to be investigated thoroughly to deduce the general trends and the issues related to this field. The current work proposes a classification of existing methods dealing with OGD-LOD transformat...