Two-dimensional massive integrable models on a torus (original) (raw)
Related papers
Recent results on integrable electronic models
Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0412532, 2004
We review the approach of generalized permutator to produce a class of integrable quantum Hamiltonians, as well as the technique of Sutherland species (SS) to map a subclass of it into solvable spinless fermions models. In particular, we apply the above scheme to construct integrable interacting electron Hamiltonians: first we review the extended Hubbard case, discussing both ground state and thermodynamics; then we pass to constrained fermion models, generating 56 integrable cases, among which both supersymmetric t − J model and infinite U Hubbard model are obtained, as well as other physically interesting cases, such as a particular t − V model. For the latter we describe how the complete spectrum can be gained by means of SS technique. Finally we speculate about possible applications to spin S models. 2003 PACS number(s): 71.10.Pm; 71.27.+a; 05.30.-d;02.30.Ik
Finite volume spectrum of 2D field theories from Hirota dynamics
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009
We propose, using the example of the O(4) sigma model, a general method for solving integrable two dimensional relativistic sigma models in a finite size periodic box. Our starting point is the so-called Y-system, which is equivalent to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations of Yang and Yang. It is derived from the Zamolodchikov scattering theory in the cross channel, for virtual particles along the non-compact direction of the space-time cylinder. The method is based on the integrable Hirota dynamics that follows from the Y-system. The outcome is a nonlinear integral equation for a single complex function, valid for an arbitrary quantum state and accompanied by the finite size analogue of Bethe equations. It is close in spirit to the Destri-deVega (DdV) equation. We present the numerical data for the energy of various states as a function of the size, and derive the general Lüscher-type formulas for the finite size corrections. We also re-derive by our method the DdV equation for the SU (2) chiral Gross-Neveu model.
Finite size lattice results for the two-boundary Temperley--Lieb loopmodel
This thesis is concerned with aspects of the integrable Temperley-Lieb loop (TL(n)) model on a vertically infinite lattice with two non-trivial boundaries. The TL(n) model is central in the field of integrable lattice models, and different values of n relate to different physical models. For instance, the point n = 0 relates to critical dense polymers and a corresponding logarithmic conformal field theory. The point n = 1 corresponds to critical bond percolation on the square lattice, and has connections with a combinatorial counting problem of alternating sign matrices and their symmetry classes. For general n, the TL(n) model is closely related to the XXZ quantum spin chain and the 6-vertex model.
Integrable Models in Condensed Matter Physics
Low-Dimensional Quantum Field Theories for Condensed Matter Physicists
The study of integrable models has a long and rich history in condensed matter physics, beginning with Bethe's solution of the one dimensional Heisenberg Model 1] and extending to our days when a variety of soluble models provide the paradigms that form much of our physical intuition. Integrable models are typically de ned on a line; they may thus describe the physics of actually linear systems such as organic conductors or the physics of higher dimensional systems where a particular rotational mode has been isolated, as is the case with impurity models. Higher dimensional models, though not integrable, often exhibit properties found in lower-dimensional relatives which can be studied non-perturbatively. This provides guidance to strongly coupled, often inaccessible, hamiltonians required to describe properties of the new materials such as heavy fermions systems and High-Temperature Superconductors. Rather than o er an overview of the theory of integrability and a list of solved models, we have chosen to present here the detailed solutions of two models (with an occasional side glance at others) which play an important role in modern condensed matter physics. The rst is the Hubbard hamiltonian, the prime example of a model incorporating strong correlations, and thus playing an important role in the e orts to understand Cuperate Superconductors. The second model is the Kondo hamiltonian, describing dilute magnetic alloys, whose properties are basic to the understanding of heavy Fermions. The models also provide examples of solutions on the lattice and in the continuum respectively. In the rst two lectures we discuss the steps leading from a given (integrable) hamiltonian to a set of algebraic equations that encapsulate the physics they contain. In the third lecture we solve the equations governing the Kondo model, and in the fourth those governing the Hubbard model. We discuss the structure and nature of the elementary excitation and their interactions, and derive the thermodynamic properties of the models by summing over all excitations. We intended originally to include a fth lecture to situate the exact solution in the framework of the Renormalization Group (RG) approach 2]. Time constraints, however, will not allow it. Instead, let me provide a brief summary. The RG approach provides a systematic way to explore the low energy physics of a hamiltonian by successively integrating out high energy
Generalised integrable Hubbard models
We construct the XX and Hubbard-like models based on unitary superalgebras gl(N |M) generalizing Shastry's and Maassarani's approach. We introduce the R-matrix of the gl(N |M) XX-type model; the one of the Hubbard-like model is defined by "coupling" two independent XX models. In both cases, we show that the R-matrices satisfy the Yang-Baxter equation. We derive the corresponding local Hamiltonian in the transfer matrix formalism and we determine its symmetries. A perturbative calculation "à la Klein and Seitz" is performed. Some explicit examples are worked out. We give a description of the two-particle scattering.
Path-integral approach to the one-dimensional large-UHubbard model
Physical Review B, 1992
A path-integral formalism for the one-dimensional Hubbard model in the strong-coupling regime, which is equivalent to the t-J model in t/U expansion but without any explicit constraint, is developed. Based on this formalism, the zero-temperature properties of the Hubbard chain are systematically studied. In the infinite-U limit, the charge and spin degrees of freedom are shown to be completely separated. Such a separation at U=~p rovides a controllable perturbative scheme to study the strongcoupling case. In the large-U regime, the spin degree of freedom is represented by a "squeezed" Heisenberg chain. We solve the {squeezed) Heisenberg chain by introducing a soliton representation. Both the charge and spin excitations are found to agree well with the exact solution. The bare electron (hole) is shown to be a composite particle of these basic excitations, i.e. , holon and spinon, together with a nonlocal string field. This string field makes the electron behave like a "semion" and plays an important role in determining various correlation functions. We analytically derive the asymptotic forms of the spinspin and density-density correlation functions as well as the single-electron and the pair-electron Green's functions. The implications of the present work to the two-dimensional model are discussed.
Effective Quantum Field Theory for the Thermodynamical Bethe Ansatz
Journal of High Energy Physics
We construct an effective Quantum Field Theory for the wrapping effects in 1+1 dimensional models of factorised scattering. The recently developed graph-theoretical approach to TBA gives the perturbative desctiption of this QFT. For the sake of simplicity we limit ourselves to scattering matrices for a single neutral particle and no bound state poles, such as the sinh-Gordon one. On the other hand, in view of applications to AdS/CFT, we do not assume that the scattering matrix is of difference type. The effective QFT involves both bosonic and fermionic fields and possesses a symmetry which makes it one-loop exact. The corresponding path integral localises to a critical point determined by the TBA equation.
New results on integrable structure of conformal field theory
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2018
We explain how to incorporate the action of local integrals of motion into the fermionic basis for the sine-Gordon model and its UV CFT. The examples up to the level 4 are presented. Numerical computation support the results. Possible applications are discussed.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014
We study the finite-temperature expectation values of exponential fields in the sine-Gordon model. Using finite-volume regularization, we give a low-temperature expansion of such quantities in terms of the connected diagonal matrix elements, for which we provide explicit formulas. For special values of the exponent, computations by other methods are available and used to validate our findings. Our results can also be interpreted as a further support for a previous conjecture about the connection between finite-and infinite-volume form factors valid up to terms exponentially decaying in the volume.
T overlineT\overline{T}overlineT-flow effects on torus partition functions
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021
In this paper, we investigate the partition functions of conformal field theories (CFTs) with the ToverlineT\overline{T}overlineT T ¯ deformation on a torus in terms of the perturbative QFT approach. In Lagrangian path integral formalism, the first- and second-order deformations to the partition functions of 2D free bosons, free Dirac fermions, and free Majorana fermions on a torus are obtained. The corresponding Lagrangian counterterms in these theories are also discussed. The first two orders of the deformed partition functions and the first-order vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the first quantum KdV charge obtained by the perturbative QFT approach are consistent with results obtained by the Hamiltonian formalism in literature.