Embarazo en adolescentes y sus complicaciones materno perinatales (original) (raw)

Introduction The pregnancy during adolescence has been associated to a higher number of complications and poor perinatal results, such as low weight, and prematurity, increasing the maternal and perinatal morbidity. Material and methods A transversal study with control group was done in the Juan I. Menchaca Civil Hospital of Guadalajara with 330 postpartum women and a control group (20 to 30 years old); Socio-demographical, prenatal attention, information about the evolution and the termination of the pregnancy, somatometry, and appraisal of the newborn, as well as the complications presented on the mothers or their newborns with the objective of comparing the maternal morbidity and perinatal among the groups. The statistical Chi2 test was used for the qualitative variables to know the statistical significance, considering p ≤0.05 significant. Results The most frequent marital status was civil union, as well, the majority were first-time mothers and homemakers. Among the most freque...