Augmenting Named Entity Recognition with Commonsense Knowledge (original) (raw)
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Cornell University - arXiv, 2021
The inception of modeling contextual information using models such as BERT, ELMo, and Flair has significantly improved representation learning for words. It has also given SOTA results in almost every NLP task-Machine Translation, Text Summarization and Named Entity Recognition, to name a few. In this work, in addition to using these dominant context-aware representations, we propose a Knowledge Aware Representation Learning (KARL) Network for Named Entity Recognition (NER). We discuss the challenges of using existing methods in incorporating world knowledge for NER and show how our proposed methods could be leveraged to overcome those challenges. KARL is based on a Transformer Encoder that utilizes large knowledge bases represented as fact triplets, converts them to a graph context, and extracts essential entity information residing inside to generate contextualized triplet representation for feature augmentation. Experimental results show that the augmentation done using KARL can considerably boost the performance of our NER system and achieve significantly better results than existing approaches in the literature on three publicly available NER datasets, namely CoNLL 2003, CoNLL++, and OntoNotes v5. We also observe better generalization and application to a real-world setting from KARL on unseen entities.
Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers
arXiv, 2020
The goal of this work is to improve the performance of a neu-ral named entity recognition system by adding input features that indicate a word is part of a name included in a gazetteer. This article describes how to generate gazetteers from the Wikidata knowledge graph as well as how to integrate the information into a neural NER system. Experiments reveal that the approach yields performance gains in two distinct languages: a high-resource, word-based language, English and a high-resource, character-based language, Chinese. Experiments were also performed in a low-resource language, Rus-sian on a newly annotated Russian NER corpus from Reddit tagged with four core types and twelve extended types. This article reports a baseline score. It is a longer version of a paper in the 33rd FLAIRS conference (Song et al. 2020).
Improving Low Resource Named Entity Recognition using Cross-lingual Knowledge Transfer
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Neural networks have been widely used for high resource language (e.g. English) named entity recognition (NER) and have shown state-of-the-art results. However, for low resource languages, such as Dutch and Spanish, due to the limitation of resources and lack of annotated data, NER models tend to have lower performances. To narrow this gap, we investigate cross-lingual knowledge to enrich the semantic representations of low resource languages. We first develop neural networks to improve low resource word representations via knowledge transfer from high resource language using bilingual lexicons. Further, a lexicon extension strategy is designed to address out-of lexicon problem by automatically learning semantic projections. Finally, we regard word-level entity type distribution features as an external languageindependent knowledge and incorporate them into our neural architecture. Experiments on two low resource languages (Dutch and Spanish) demonstrate the effectiveness of these additional semantic representations (average 4.8% improvement). Moreover, on Chinese OntoNotes 4.0 dataset, our approach achieves an F-score of 83.07% with 2.91% absolute gain compared to the state-of-the-art systems.
A Morpho-Syntactically Informed LSTM-CRF Model for Named Entity Recognition
We propose a morphologically informed model for named entity recognition, which is based on LSTM-CRF architecture and combines word embeddings, Bi-LSTM character embeddings, part-ofspeech (POS) tags, and morphological information. While previous work has focused on learning from raw word input, using word and character embeddings only, we show that for morphologically rich languages, such as Bulgarian, access to POS information contributes more to the performance gains than the detailed morphological information. Thus, we show that named entity recognition needs only coarse-grained POS tags, but at the same time it can benefit from simultaneously using some POS information of different granularity. Our evaluation results over a standard dataset show sizeable improvements over the state-of-the-art for Bulgarian NER.
Neural Named Entity Recognition for Kazakh
ArXiv, 2020
We present several neural networks to address the task of named entity recognition for morphologically complex languages (MCL). Kazakh is a morphologically complex language in which each root/stem can produce hundreds or thousands of variant word forms. This nature of the language could lead to a serious data sparsity problem, which may prevent the deep learning models from being well trained for under-resourced MCLs. In order to model the MCLs' words effectively, we introduce root and entity tag embedding plus tensor layer to the neural networks. The effects of those are significant for improving NER model performance of MCLs. The proposed models outperform state-of-the-art including character-based approaches, and can be potentially applied to other morphologically complex languages.
Robust Lexical Features for Improved Neural Network Named-Entity Recognition
Neural network approaches to Named-Entity Recognition reduce the need for carefully hand-crafted features. While some features do remain in state-of-the-art systems, lexical features have been mostly discarded, with the exception of gazetteers. In this work, we show that this is unfair: lexical features are actually quite useful. We propose to embed words and entity types into a low-dimensional vector space we train from annotated data produced by distant supervision thanks to Wikipedia. From this, we compute — offline — a feature vector representing each word. When used with a vanilla recurrent neural network model, this representation yields substantial improvements. We establish a new state-of-the-art F1 score of 87.95 on ONTONOTES 5.0, while matching state-of-the-art performance with a F1 score of 91.73 on the over-studied CONLL-2003 dataset.
FlexNER: A Flexible LSTM-CNN Stack Framework for Named Entity Recognition
Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, 2019
Named entity recognition (NER) is a foundational technology for information extraction. This paper presents a flexible NER framework 6 compatible with different languages and domains. Inspired by the idea of distant supervision (DS), this paper enhances the representation by increasing the entity-context diversity without relying on external resources. We choose different layer stacks and sub-network combinations to construct the bilateral networks. This strategy can generally improve model performance on different datasets. We conduct experiments on five languages, such as English, German, Spanish, Dutch and Chinese, and biomedical fields, such as identifying the chemicals and gene/protein terms from scientific works. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of this framework.
A Survey on Recent Advances in Named Entity Recognition from Deep Learning models
ArXiv, 2018
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a key component in NLP systems for question answering, information retrieval, relation extraction, etc. NER systems have been studied and developed widely for decades, but accurate systems using deep neural networks (NN) have only been introduced in the last few years. We present a comprehensive survey of deep neural network architectures for NER, and contrast them with previous approaches to NER based on feature engineering and other supervised or semi-supervised learning algorithms. Our results highlight the improvements achieved by neural networks, and show how incorporating some of the lessons learned from past work on feature-based NER systems can yield further improvements.
TLR at BSNLP2019: A Multilingual Named Entity Recognition System
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
This paper presents our participation at the shared task on multilingual named entity recognition at BSNLP2019. Our strategy is based on a standard neural architecture for sequence labeling. In particular, we use a mixed model which combines multilingualcontextual and language-specific embeddings. Our only submitted run is based on a voting schema using multiple models, one for each of the four languages of the task (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian) and another for English. Results for named entity recognition are encouraging for all languages, varying from 60% to 83% in terms of Strict and Relaxed metrics, respectively.
Neural language model embeddings for Named Entity Recognition: A study from language perspective
Publisher: NLP Association of India, 2024
Named entity recognition (NER) models based on neural language models (LMs) exhibit stateof-the-art performance. However, the performance of such LMs have not been studied in detail with respect to finer language related aspects in the context of NER tasks. Such a study will be helpful in effective application of these models for cross-lingual and multilingual NER tasks. In this study, we examine the effects of script, vocabulary sharing, foreign names and pooling of multilanguage training data for building NER models. It is observed that monolingual BERT embeddings show the highest recognition accuracy among all transformerbased LMs for monolingual NER models. It is also seen that vocabulary sharing and data augmentation with foreign named entities (NEs) are most effective towards improving accuracy of cross-lingual NER models. Multilingual NER models trained by pooling data from similar languages can address training data inadequacy and exhibit performance close to that of monolingual models trained with adequate NER-tagged data of a single language.