Design of an Online Laboratory Authoring Tool (original) (raw)

e-lab: an online laboratory

The present academic approach suggests that e-learning will become a normal part of the educational practice over time, complementing traditional methods, and that students will expect e-tools and experimental work to be available to enhance and support their learning. We propose a workshop using a scientific resource called e-lab, an online laboratory that we believe that will contribute for the development of a scientific generation of students. e-lab is a great tool that can help teachers to perform some experiments that are impossible to carry out at school either because of lack of material or by safety precautions, for example.

Including the virtual laboratory concept in an on-line collaborative environment


With the aim of combining the main advantages of the virtual laboratories and the collaborative learning environments, a new on-line collaborative environment is proposed in this paper. This environment includes, in addition to other common tools, simulation applets in the user interface. To make possible the collaborative learning, the simulations work in a synchronized way for the users of a same group. The main features of the first prototype of the environment and its architecture are described. This prototype has been developed as a module for the popular CMS Moodle.

A Collaborative Learning System Based on a Shared Interactive Laboratory Notebook


This paper deals with ways of further developing and using innovative tools for teaching purposes in the field of science and engineering. Recent breakthroughs in communication and information technology, along with strides made in scientific education, have yielded new training approaches. In this paper, we present the utilization of HiQ, a computing and visualization tool from National Instruments, as a remote collaborative learning tool based on the concept of a shared interactive laboratory notebook. Within the networked environment, geographically scattered participants can access distributed resources and carry out laboratory experiments or prelab presentations interactively. One or more servers manage the real or simulated data. We will also discuss the pedagogical aspects involved as well as the system validation process.

The VISIR project - an Open Source Software Initiative for Distributed Online Laboratories


Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) in Sweden has started a project known as VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) together with National Instruments in USA and Axiom EduTech in Sweden to disseminate an online laboratory concept created at BTH using open source technologies in collaboration with other universities and organizations. The concept is about adding a remote operation option to traditional instructional laboratories to make them more accessible, irrespective of whether the students are on campus or mainly off campus. The BTH option is equipped with a unique interface enabling students to recognize on their own computer screen the instruments and other equipment most of them have previously used in the local laboratory. The first remote control option implemented is for an electronics laboratory and the second one is for a signal processing laboratory with emphasis on mechanical vibration experiments. The electronics lab option features remote circuit wiring usi...

Online Resource and ICT-Aided Virtual Laboratory Setup

International Journal, 2012

The extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has enabled the development of new ways of teaching and learning. ICT provides flexibility to a learner which is denied by the traditional learning process. This paper proposes an integrated structure of virtual laboratory setup to conduct online laboratory sessions for UG/PG level courses of engineering programmes. The setup provides an access based request of multiple users from remote locations to conduct the experiments online. The web based facility enables a student to repeat the process multiple times to learn theoretical as well as practical aspects of their subjects. In our approach, we have used LabVIEW 2011 to develop the interface panels for remote triggering operation from client side. With this approach students are provided the facilities to perform experiments from remote locations. The access to the facility is through an authentication mechanism through which the students are allowed to use the resources provided in the repository. The advantage of the system is that it is re-usable and the students can repeat the experiments a number of times till their access session time is over.

The Electronic Laboratory Journal: A Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Environment for Web-Based Experimentation

Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2005

Numerous tools have been developed for supporting the collaboration between students in education, tools that mainly include facilities for sharing documents and enabling discussions. However, these environments do not emphasize the use of facilities that sustain collaborative work in the framework of remote experimentation carried out by a group of students located at different places. The Electronic Laboratory Journal (eJournal) paradigm proposed in this paper is a collaborative and cooperative environment for Web-based experimentation in engineering education. The eJournal enhances the traditional laboratory journal, by providing a group of students with Web-based tools to collect, annotate, organize and share the data chunks necessary to complete their experimentation assignments. The data chunks, called fragments, may be composed of numerous objects of any format, such as text, images, graphics, manuscripts, measurement logs or experimental results. Fragments can be uploaded from local disks or imported from Web components. The eJournal also handles the submission of results to the educators and facilitates remote supervision, assistance and tutoring of the students. The eJournal paradigm is currently assessed at the School of Engineering, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in the framework of hands-on experimentation activities focusing on remote manipulation of real setups and Web-based simulation. This paper presents the eJournal environment, its application and its evaluation as an enabling Web-based application for flexible learning.


Technology Based Education. The lessons are mainly based on practical work engaging 60% of the student total work load that includes lectures and tutorials. In this context, due to the increasing high number of various laboratory toards to design and implement, after our e x p e r i m e n t s , w e n o w b e l i e v e t h a t o n l i n e l a b o r a t o r y c o n c e p t i s a n a s s e t f o r I S E T. In this paper, we present our way of modelling online laboratories based from an analysis of the patterns of achievement of classroom based laboratory work that we are calling her " presential ". The e-learning environment used for our experimental model is called ECLATE a French acronym meaning " Laboratory and Course Environment with Education Technology " , which on purpose, we revised to take into account the recommendations of both theoretical (models) and the latest Web technologies such as service oriented Web 2.0 and Mashups as well as norms and standards of e-learning that prevails nowadays. In order to test our proposed model, we are showing how we implemented some remote laboratory activities based on a digital signal analysis kit (DSP KIT). In fact, within the framework of a given learning scenario, the implemented model allows students to write, load, execute and analyze codes to the remote device. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION


This paper presents a model of laboratory framework for the student that was developed by the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to conduct experiments on the internet employing a virtual environment based on LabVIEW. The general structure proposed is focused on web based access to real laboratory experiments by providing an advanced infrastructure offering data and computing services to learners from several application domains. In this paper, it is described how this infrastructure is used in both conventional and distance education by providing flexibility to students and teachers. As ICT plays an ever increasing role in the development of the virtual laboratory framework to meet escalating demands on laboratory resources, the system is found to be strategic imperative for engineering education involving experimental works.