Prevalensi Malaria Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sosio Demografi (original) (raw)
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Background: Malaria was a problem in tropical countries including Indonesia. Purworejo regency lay on Central Java Province is a low malaria endemic area but in the end of year 2010 outbreak occurred. Malaria influenced by behavior, social economic condition include the population density. Objective: To determine the relationship between malaria incidence and population density using GIS tool (spatial statistic). Methods: This type of study is analytic research with GIS as tool analysis. Sample time frame is Nov 2010-March 2011 and the unit research for population density is village. Results: Majority Village in Purworejo categorized in low population density. Malaria incidence at Nov 2010-March 2011 lay on the village with low population density. Result of Spatial statistic (using Geoda) spatially weighted regression shows that no relationship between malaria incidence and population density, z value =-0,800; p= 0,432 (p > 0, 05) Conclusion: There was no relationship between malaria incidence and population density (spatial statistic using Geoda).
Faktor Sosiodemografi dan Riwayat Klinis Malaria Terhadap Insidensi Malaria di Manokwari
Malaria is an endemic disease in Manokwari. Malaria transmission was influenced by sociodemographic and geographic factor. However, clinical manifestation of malaria in endemic area was various from asymptomatic, mild to heavy manifestation. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence, sociodemographic, geographic factors, and clinical manifestation of Plasmodium infection in Manokwari. This was a cross sectional study, in August 2019 in two endemic villages, that is Amban and Wosi village, Manokwari district, West Papua. The number of subject involved in this study was 100. 55 subjects came from Amban and 45 from Wosi village. The sociodemographic characteristics of subject such as age, gender, address, education and occupation were recorded. Blood smear examination and Giemsa staining were performed to identify Plasmodium sp on each subject. Results of this study showed that 3% of population were infected by Plasmodium sp. Plasmodium sp. infection. more experienced by men,...
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning, 2018
Upaya mencari obat baru untuk mengobati penyakit malaria di negara Indonesia telah dilakukan, dimana banyak daerah endemis di Indonesia masih dijumpai penyakit Malaria seperti wilayah kepulauan Papua dan Maluku. Berbagai etnis di Indonesia memiliki khasanah budaya yang berbeda. Pada setiap etnis, terdapat beranekaragam kearifan lokal masyarakat, termasuk di dalamnya adalah pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pengobatan tradisional. Masyarakat adat kesultanan Jailolo merupakan salah satu etnis yang masih menggunakan tanaman sebagai obat tradisional. Pengetahuan lokal ini merupakan potensi untuk pengembangan obat dan ramuan anti malaria baru terstandar. Kebijakan terhadap pengembangan ramuan obat ini perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari maraknya Biopiracy dan Intellectual Property yang dilakukan oleh pihak luar terhadap kekayaan plasma nutfah Indonesia. Tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai ramuan obat anti Malaria masyarakat adat Kesultanan Jailolo yaitu tumbuhan Justicia ganarussa, Alstonia scholais L. Carica papaya L. Orthosiphon aristatus, Tinospora crispa Miers, Lansium domesticum, Ficus septica Brum L.Phyllanthus niruri L. dan Curcuma domestica Val.. Temuan penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat memanfaatkan 9 tumbuhan obat yang diramu dalam tiga ramuan campuran dan enam ramuan tunggal.
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Jurnal Vektor Penyakit : Journal of Disease Vector, 2021
Malaria in the Reproductive Age Group of Women and Children in Indonesia: Analysis of Riskesdas 2013 Infants, toddlers, and pregnant women are high-risk groups that often experience deaths from malaria. Difficulty in accessing health services is one of the contributing factors, besides poverty, expensive health costs, lack of health workers, and limited health facilities. This study aims to look at the relationship between socioeconomic factors, distance, environment, and community behavior with malaria incidence. This type of research is non-intervention observation with a cross-sectional design description and approach. The study population is all malaria-endemic areas in Indonesia, while a sample of all selected households in the census block (BS). The dependent variable is the incidence of malaria in children 0-14 years and women of childbearing age (WUS), the independent variable is the respondent's characteristics, preventative behavior, environment, and access to health services. The results of the linear regression analysis of the characteristics (age, education, and occupation) of WUS and children aged 0-14 years plus the sex of the child to the incidence of malaria showed a significant relationship. The results of the analysis of prevention behavior towards malaria-borne mosquito bites and the availability of health care facilities in the WUS group were almost all significant variables with the incidence of malaria. While the results of the analysis of prevention behavior against malaria-transmitted mosquito bites such as using the mosquito nets, repellent, and insect spray and then availability of health care facilities for children aged 0-14 years for the presence of health centers / auxiliary health centers and poskesdes / poskestren are significant.
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications
A method that can be used if there is a spatial factor and if overdispersion happens in a count data is Geographically Weighted Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression (GWZIPR). This research aimed to analyze the number of malaria cases in every regency/city of Sumatra Land using the GWZIPR method and distribution mapping of factors affecting the number of malaria cases in Sumatra Land. Data involved in this research was the number of malaria cases as the response variable and the predictor variable as a percentage of households that have access to proper sanitation, a percentage of households that have access to proper water resources, and a percentage of the number of public health centers. The results were for each area which had distinctive models based on significant variables. The distribution mapping of factors affecting the number of malaria cases in every regency/city was commonly divided into three groups based on significant variables on ln and logit models. The mapping did not ...
Malaria is a common public health problem in the rainy season that can result in transmission to others and even death. Most neighborhoods in the Asian Region underscore immediate effective preventive measures such as control strategies especially in young children and pregnant women. Efforts can be made in vector control of malaria disease by studying the level of knowledge and environmental management around their homes. The objective of the study was to identify the prevalence of malaria and its relation with the level of knowledge in the community. Research design was cross sectional design in South Baturinggit in July-December 2017. The sample was 148 families. The variables measured were malaria prevalence and knowledge level as the main variable. While supporting variables such as gender and age. Data were analyzed using chi square statistic test (χ2) with significant level p<0,05. The results showed that sex factor did not have significant relationship to malaria incidence with p>0,05. The prevalence of malaria was quite high in the South Baturinggit Environment caused by the environmental management factor around the house and the low level of public knowledge.
Proposal Gambaran Kejadian Malaria di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Tahun 2014
Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit yang ditularkan melalui vektor nyamuk anopheles dan menjadi masalah kesehatan di banyak daerah tropis dan subtropis. Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kematian terutama pada anak-anak dan ibu hamil yang mudah terinfeksi ). WHO menyatakan setiap tahunnya malaria menyebabkan kematian lebih dari 600 juta jiwa (WHO, 2012). Indonesia terdapat 343.527 kasus positif malaria pada tahun 2013 (Liputan 6,2014). Kasus malaria tersebut banyak ditemukan di daerah Indonesia Timur yaitu Nusa Tenggara Timur 16,37%, Papua 42,65 %, dan Papua Barat 38,44% (Zanel Farha Wilda. 2014) .
Faktor Risiko Malaria DI Indonesia (Analisis Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007)
To select priority of intervention to control malaria, identgfication of risk factors which injuenced the disease incidence is very important. The aim of this stzrdy is to determine malaria risk Jactors in Indonesia. This study iss an extended analysis of Baseline Health Research, conducted on the year of 2007. The result showed that people who lived in rural area, male, below postgraduate education, school children, housewife and other occupations, cattle shed outside the house, >5 kms distance and 2 one hour consumed to reach health facility were risk factors for malaria incidence. It was concluded that area type, sex, education, occupation, house hold expenses per capita, the position of cattle shed, distance and time to reach the health facilities were the risk factorsfor malaria incidence in Indonesia. The highest risk is time to the reach health facilities which is 2 3 hours (Odds Ratio / OR = 2.95; 95 % CI: 1.85-4.72), and the most protective factor is when the position of...
Analisis Faktor Risiko Malaria di Asia Tenggara
Malaria is a disease caused by the parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which are transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. All tropical countries, including Southeast Asia, reported malaria cases. Several factors related to human behavior and the environment in which people live cause the incidence of malaria. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk factors for malaria in Southeast Asia and determine which risk variables had the greatest impact on the prevalence of malaria. This study is a review of the literature with a narrative review model using English and Indonesian journals from 2017 to 2021. The journals were obtained through the health journal provider databases Pubmed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Researchgate, and Malaria risk factors in Southeast Asia are influenced by behavioral and environmental factors. Behavioral factors include not use of mosquito nets, being active at night, male gender, and risky work. Environmental facto...