Automated Recording of Vertical Negative Phototactic Behaviour in Daphnia magna Straus (Crustacea (original) (raw)

2006, Hydrobiologia

Diurnal vertical migration is a well-known phenomenon in the circadian activity rhythms of zooplankton. Our goal was to test whether negative phototaxis in Daphnia magna clone BEAK (provoked by artificially induced light stress, alternating light and dark phases in 2 h intervals), and its interference with the endogenous rhythm of diurnal vertical migration, can be automatically registered with a biomonitor. For the first time the vertical swimming behaviour of D. magna was recorded quantitatively based on non-optical data recording in a fully automated biotest system, the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor in a new experimental setup consisting of a column of three recording units (3-level chambers). Circadian vertical migration was clearly recorded in the 3-level chambers and the rhythm was more clear with 5 than with 1 organism per chamber. The organisms clearly responded to induced light stress with negative phototaxis, however best in larger chambers. The artificially induced rhythm was influenced by the endogenous rhythm. This approach may facilitate long-term observations of vertical swimming activity of zooplankton in the future.

Effect of anthropogenic feeding regimes on activity rhythms of laboratory mussels exposed to natural light

Anthropogenic disturbance may affectanimal behaviour and should generally be minimised.We examined how anthropogenic disturbance (24 hfood deprivation) affected circadian rhythms in laboratorymussels Mytilus edulis exposed to natural lightin the absence of tides. Repeated measures data werecollected on mussel gape angle, exhalant pumping andvalve adduction using a Hall sensor system over eightconsecutive 24 h periods when exposed to two feedingconditions after 24 h food deprivation. Mussels (fedonce per day at either midday or midnight) exposed tonatural light showed a clear day–night rhythm withincreased nocturnal activity: significantly greater gapeangle, increased exhalant pumping and hadsignificantly higher valve adduction rates. However,circadian rhythms were less clear directly afteranthropogenic food deprivation, in terms of thecircadian rhythm in gape angle becoming significantlymore apparent over the following days. Unlike musselsfed at midnight, those fed at midday displayed nosignificant change in gape angle from the hour beforeto the hour after they were fed, i.e. mussels given foodat midday reacted to this food less than mussels fed atmidnight. We suggest that independent of feedingtime, laboratory mussels exposed to natural light andfree from anthropogenic disturbance increase feedingactivity at night because their circadian rhythms arestrongly influenced by light levels. This study emphasisesthat the behaviour of animals in the laboratoryand in the wild can be altered by anthropogenicdisturbances such as vibrations caused by experimentalsetups and artificial illumination at night.Keywords Anthropogenic Circadian Tidal Lunar Light Zeitgeber Bivalve Behaviour Rhythm

Biological Rhythm Research Circadian rhythm in locomotor activity in the burrower crayfish Procambarus acanthophorus (Villalobos 1948

Crayfish Procambarus acanthophorus is a burrower that spends long periods building deep tunnels to reach the water table during the dry season; thus, its survival entertains a close ecological relationship with the sediment. The aim of this work was to determine whether the properties of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity could be modified by the sediment availability. Experiments were conducted in both aquaria filled with sediment or filled with water, under cycles of Bright and Dim Illumination (BI:DI, 12:12 h) or under continuous DI:DI. The rhythm of locomotor activity was entrained with the photoperiod in aquaria with sediment or water; however, statistical differences between conditions were obtained comparing the period and the level of activity under free-running. These data suggest that the substrate's sensorial perception could be encoded as a significant ecological parameter that exerts influence in the physiological mechanisms that control the temporal order in P. acanthophorus.


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