Curricular development of the eco-tourism official syllabus for the 6th year of Secondary Education at Provincia de Pastaza National High School (original) (raw)


Teaching English became a professional and academic field a half century ago. Many researches for teacher education and teacher training have been conducted in order to raise the English teachers' as well as the foreign language teachers' knowledge and capabilities in carrying out effective lessons in classrooms of English learning. During the 3 rd millennium of speedily globalized world, teaching English as a common communication tool has become even more significant than two decades ago. For introducing the history, teaching methodologies, and pedagogies of teaching English as a Second/ Foreign Language, this book is composed as a reference for English teachers. This book can be a study, which deals with the preparations and professional developments of English teachers, containing diverse ideologies for English teaching. Being an English teacher, based on your characteristic, you might be able to find appropriate pedagogies of teaching and interpretations for English teaching fitting your personality. At the same time, you will have an access to understand the other English teachers' particular ways of teaching. Besides identifying the terms and types of Teaching English as a Second Language, or as a Foreign Language, this book explains to English teachers what are the general issues in the area of teaching English nowadays. The history of teaching English from the Ancient time to the beginning of our second millennium will be described. Traditionally, how English was originally taught, and alternatively how it was suggested in the present time will be mentioned. After reading this book, you should be able to acquire most of the important familiarities of the academic ground and updated theoretical foundations in the field of teaching English. This study introduced five communication strategies in Faerch and Kasper's (1983) classification to Non-English Major freshmen of Tunghai University of Taiwan. It investigated whether the Taiwanese English as Foreign Language Learners (EFL) at a major research university acquired their communication proficiency through applying communication strategies. It examined if the communication strategies were applicable and necessary in raising their strategic communication competence and academic performances. Through quantitative analysis by SPSS, this study revealed the correlation between Taiwanese students' strategy application and their general communication competence. In sum, this study explored whether there would be a positive relation between students' communication strategy application and communicative competence.

The state of the art of english language teaching in Santa Rosa de cabal, Risaralda


This paper reports on a study focused on the state of the art of English language teaching in one high-school in the town of Santa Rosa de Cabal-Risaralda. The main objective of this study was to identify the learning scenarios of the instruction of English as a foreign language. To make this possible, the instruments used to collect the information were questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The data obtained from these elements were based on grounded theory that completed processes of coding, grouping and categorizing, among others. The present study yielded some results regarding the role of the mother tongue, the teaching tendencies in the EFL classroom and the perceptions of the participants involved in the research. In general terms, it was evidenced that L1 was used as a strategy to monitor understanding, and giving commands, and L2 was not evidenced for instruction. Different teaching tendencies were observed in the classroom which were not aligned to the procedures r...

To the Issue of Pedagogical Activity of the Teacher of Foreign Languages


The article deals with pedagogical activity of the foreign language teacher. It is defined that the modern teacher must be a skilled, well oriented in various fields of science. A teacher of foreign languages solve new professional tasks, namely the analysis and selection of strategies and technologies of teaching foreign languages, the integration of authentic materials in the educational process of foreign languages; cognitive management and communication activities of students etc. It is considerer that motivation is an important part of the process of mastering foreign language. Two types of motivation are distinguished: external and internal. The purpose of the teacher is the formation and transformation of the individual, because it controls the process of intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of the spiritual world. The main task of pedagogical activity is to serve the ultimate goal of training and education at the university. Also the features of ed...



We know that, in fact, no language teaching is devoid of a political component which cannot be disconnected either from the technical component or from pedagogical issues. How to enable our students to gain a good command of this language in Brazil, today? And what are the current issues related to the teaching of English in Brazil? And how can we extend these reflections to the teaching of other languages beyond English? This book tackles some of these pressing questions thorough a variety of points of view. We hope this book excites you, energizes your teaching practices, and gives you some good ideas to try in the classroom. You do not have to agree with the ideas presented here, of course, but we hope you become part of the conversation. The most important thing for us, educators, is to make sure our students receive our best efforts, so they can become not just better speakers of a foreign language, but mainly, that they become more aware citizens of the world who can communicate in different languages. Eva Paulino Bueno (San Antonio- Texas)

Turismo de Aventura e Educação: Desafios e Conquista de Espaços

Turismo Visao E Acao, 2003

This article discusses the results of a ludic learning activity, which was carried out as part of the discipline "Técnicas de Animação Cultural e Turística" (Techniques for Animating Culture and Tourism), of the Tourism Program of PUC-Campinas. An open questionnaire was used, with the aim of evaluating the proposed objectives: the entering and leaving behaviors of students in the teaching-learning process and the specific profile of the group. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively, in order to identify key aspects that could provoke discussion. We highlight the need for a teaching practice that is capable of incorporating ludic aspects, enabled by means of leisure education, stressing in particular, that adventure activities, which are proposed as disciplinary content, should be directly linked to Education.

Por uma Didática da invenção surda: prática pedagógica nas escolas-piloto de educação bilíngue no município do Rio de Janeiro


O problema central desta tese esta no letramento de alunos surdos, o que le-vou a reflexao sobre a constituicao do pensamento atraves de signos e seus possiveis significados construidos soci-almente. Faz-se a tentativa de preen-cher a lacuna apontada por Lebedeff (2010) sobre quais seriam as praticas pedagogicas advindas da necessidade discursiva da experiencia visual da sur-dez e a quais eventos de letramento visual se referem esses discursos. Os objetivos especificos da pesquisa foram os seguintes: 1. Identificar as caracteris-ticas das praticas pedagogicas dos ins-trutores surdos em atuacao nas escolas-piloto de educacao bilingue no munici-pio do Rio de Janeiro; 2. Analisar as inter-relacoes entre as praticas pedago-gicas dos instrutores surdos com o le-tramento visual ou o uso de recursos apoiados em imagens. 3. Caracterizar as praticas pedagogicas negociadas com o professor (ouvinte) junto ao instrutor surdo. Contudo, verificamos que ha outras praticas que estao ocorrendo diant...

Análisis de las prácticas pedagógicas en un instituto de lenguas extranjeras colombiano y sus efectos en la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes

HOW, 2015

This research report is an account of a study carried out at the Foreign Language Institute of a Colombian public university. Its main purposes were to analyze the teaching practices the participating teachers used in their English lessons, and to assess the effects of these practices on the development of students' communicative competence. A qualitative-descriptive methodology was followed by means of lesson observations and semi-structured interviews. A quantitative data analysis of test results was also undertaken to measure the development of students' communicative competence. Pre-communicative teaching practices were found to be more frequent than communicative ones. Likewise, certain aspects of the students' organizational and pragmatic competences were also enhanced.