Fra ritorno all'Antico e innovazione. Cusano al crocevia del suo tempo (original) (raw)

2022, Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee

The aim of this paper is to reflect on the reconstruction of Cusanus' thought given by Enrico Peroli in his recent monograph on the cardinal - which takes into account all Cusanus' theoretical texts, also contextualizing his thought in the historical context of the 15th century. The analysis of Peroli's contribution will, first of all, be an opportunity to reflect on the process through which Cusanus performs a revival of Neoplatonism and its late antique sources. At the same time, in addition to the relationship with the past, it will also be possible to reflect on Cusanus' relationship with Modernity-on which Peroli himself insists in several points of his work, according to a perspective widely shared among scholars and paradigmatically expounded by Ernst Cassirer, but in which Peroli inscribes himself in a peculiar way. We will thus have the opportunity to compare this hermeneutic paradigm with some recent perspectives that have emerged in the reading of Renaissance-humanistic thought as a whole. The analysis of Peroli's work thus will become an ideal opportunity to reflect on possible future developments of our understanding of Cusanus' philosophy, considered as a peculiar expression of the broader framework of the rebirth of Platonism in the Renaissance.

Tornare dove il Tempo si ritrova. Sugli "ultimi" Pavese e Proust

Tornare dove il Tempo si ritrova. Sugli "ultimi" Pavese e Proust, in «Il Pequod», II, vol. 3, giugno 2021, pp. 22-37, ISSN: 2724-0738

Il saggio tenta un confronto tra gli ultimi capolavori di Pavese e Proust, facendo emergere analogie e differenze sul tema del ritorno nei luoghi mitici dell'infanzia.

Le radici carolinge del pensiero di Cusano


Il volume è un contributo agli studi su Niccolò Cusano (1401-1464) e le sue opere. Attraverso la ricostruzione delle fonti da lui utilizzate e dei testi presenti nella sua biblioteca (quella che oggi è l’Hospitalsbibliothek di Bernkastel-Kues), l’autore si concentra sull’importanza che le opere di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena ebbero nella formazione e nello sviluppo del pensiero filosofico del Cardinale. Particolare rilievo è dato ai manoscritti appartenuti a Cusano che oggi si trovano in varie biblioteche europee, fra cui la British Library e la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Cusano e la Repubblica di Platone

M. Borriello-A. M. Vitale (a c. di), Princeps philosophorum, Pater philosophie. Platone nell’Occidente tardo-antico medievale e umanistico, Città Nuova, Roma , 2016

Licurgo fra tradizione e innovazione

Nuova Secondaria Ricerca, 2013

This paper aims to reconsider Lycurgus and his work, in response to the diminishing interpretation of his political role by Patrice Brun. Through a complete analysis of the evidence (especially of epigraphical nature) at our disposal, I emphasize the activism of Lycurgus in domestic policy, aimed to ensure the survival of Athens in the years following the defeat of Chaeronea; I also call attention to his marked moderation in foreign policy, aimed at not compromising the city on the international level. Moreover, the policy of Lycurgus bares some similarities to that which Eubulos developed earlier: the implementation of such a political program became necessary during the 4th century BC in the aftermath of the Social War. Thus, with no intent of minimizing and denying the importance of the action of Lycurgus in Athens, we might imagine a young Lycurgus, molded inside the political group of Eubulus, developing the measures started by Eubulus himself and his entourage in the previous two decades.


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