Reconstructing Distinction Pattern of Science Education Curriculum in Indonesian Islamic Universities: An Integrated Paradigm for Science and Religion (original) (raw)
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Integrating Science and Religion at Malaysian and Indonesian Higher Education
Al-Ta lim Journal, 2021
This article analyzes the integration model between science and religion in Malaysian and Indonesian Higher Education. So far, the dichotomy of science and religion is considered to be one of the causes for the exit of the Islamic world from the Western world. In this century, educational institutions in the Islamic world began to re-select the integration pattern of science. This study uses qualitative methods, by collecting data through observation, visiting two higher education institutions studied, and conducting in-depth interviews with relevant parties, namely the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in Malaysia and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Indonesia. Data collection is also done by searching documents and referral sources in various data sources available online. From the research conducted, it was found that, integration carried out by Islamic universities in Malaysia and Indonesia was to open faculties and study programs without any religious or ...
The Implementation of Integration of Religion and Science at State Islamic Higher Education
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A comparison of Science Integration Implementation in Two State Islamic Universities in Indonesia
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman
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Integration of Religion and Science in the Indonesian State Islamic Universities
Metanexus Institute, 2005
It is said, as commonly accepted until now, that religion and science are two entities that cannot be integrated. Simply understood, religion produces "religious sciences" on the one hand, while science produces "secular sciences" on the other. Hence, religion and science are regarded as independent-they each have their own sphere in terms of what matters they approach, research methods, and truth criteria-until an institution integrates the two. For the later, in case of education in Indonesia, the Ministry of National Education is responsible for teaching the "secular sciences" such as physics, mathematics, biology, and so forth that produce skillful graduates without including any religious teachings, wheras the Ministry of Religious Affairs is responsible for teaching the "religious sciences" that produce "religious" graduates without mastery in a science and modern technology. The dichotomy of this education system in Indonesia dates back, if we were to name a scapegoat, to over three centuries of colonization that happened in Muslim countries, including Indonesia. In line with this dichotomy, it can be understood that the establishment and the rise of "Islamic Studies" in universities cannot be separated from the impact of colonialism. Generally speaking, the Islamic Studies deal traditionally with the science of Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir), the science of traditions (`ilm al-hadith), jurisprudence (fiqh), falsafah, and metaphysical theology (kalam), and excluding the natural sciences like astronomy, physics, and chemistry. In the classical period of Islamic civilization, there was no separation in mastering of religion and science. To be a religious man is to be a scientist at the same time as Ibnu Sina, al-Farabi, and many Muslim scholars of the golden age of Islam proved. More recently, some Muslim scholars have tried to introduce projects like Ismail al-Faruqi's "Islamization of Knowledge", Hossein Nasr's "Islamic Science", and Sardar's "Islamic Science". Following the ideas that were introduced by the Muslim scholars as mentioned above, the Indonesian Islamic scholars nowadays seek and formulate an ideal format to integrate science and religion in university's curricula. Three state Islamic universities in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Malang have existed to make this dream comes true. Besides seeking an ideal format for an Islamic university, there are also pragmatic reasons for integrating science and religion by establishing Islamic university. link:
Journal of World Science, 2023
In general, this policy is like the government's response to science development, which was born from the conflict between science and religion. Method: This study uses a literature review approach by citing and reviewing reading sources according to the research focus. Result: The results of this study indicate that the Policy of Integrating Islamic Sciences and Sciences in Islamic Universities has not shown the government's concern for the development of science. The integration policy through the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia following Minister of Religion Regulation Number 10 of 2010 concerning Organization and Work Procedures does not want to control the pace of scientific development. However, PTKAI's spirit of campus integration is not solely due to the policies of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion following Minister of Religion Regulation Number 10 of 2010 concerning Organization and Work Procedures, but rather the enthusiasm to continue scientific development. Conclusion: The policy of integrating Islamic knowledge and science in Islamic Religious Higher Education has not shown the government's concern for knowledge development.
A Model of the Integration of Science in State Islamic Universities in Indonesia
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2020
The transformation of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) into State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia is aimed at developing the ideal model for the integration of science with Islam. UIN is given more authority and financial supports to develop basic and applied sciences in the fields of science and technology. The development of religious knowledge and science is the basis for the integration of knowledge. Yet, the question is, how is the integration of science has been developed by UIN? To answer this question, this article will use a descriptive-analytical method, based on interview and documentation, held in three pioneering UINs: in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Malang. This research finds out that the three Islamic universities have differently formulate their concepts of science integration. The concept of science integration at UIN Jakarta is one that is called the 'content reintegration'; at UIN Yogyakarta is the integration interconnection, and at UIN Malang is the integration of textual (qauliyah) and natural (kauniyah) verses. Yet, all of them similarly develop both religious science and general science through the opening of new study programs.
The transformation of Islamic higher education into State Islamic University (Universities Islam Negeri/UIN) necessitates the changing of scientific thoughts. Before this transformation, Islamic higher education 's core business is commonly concerned with the teaching of Islamic sciences, while UIN includes the instruction of general sciences, e.g., natural and social Sciences. In fact, the two (Islamic and natural-social science) should be integrated into the Islamic high education to establish a new integrated scientific paradigm. This study focuses mainly on the philosophy and the integration of science and Islamic methodologies in Indonesia. Based on the phenomenological qualitative approach, the current study critically examines Islam and science integration. Grounded on the study of three UINs, the article shows a novel paradigm that enables the integration of science and religion in those universities. Each university offers a specific character of the integration. UIN of...
The discourse of knowledge integration found its momentum when there was a change in higher education from IAIN to UIN. Various conceptual proposals began to be debated academically, armed with a universal spirit and expanding the contribution of Islamic universities to science, universities that have held university status finally began to discuss the formulation of the integration of religion and science broadly. However, although the integration of knowledge is the starting point for academic anxiety within UIN, the interpretation and articulation are different. UIN Yogyakarta with the integration-interconnection paradigm, UIN Jakarta has the concept of reintegration of knowledge, UIN Malang with the integration of its knowledge, and UIN Jambi articulates it as the transtegration of knowledge. The diversity of this paradigm is claimed to have its own distinction. This article attempts to compare the concept of integration of knowledge applied at UIN Yogyakarta, UIN Jakarta, UIN Malang, and UIN Jambi. Sources of data are obtained from various relevant literatures, discussions, seminars, and journals to examine fundamentally the concepts of each offered paradigm. The researcher analyzes the basic concepts of the scientific paradigm applied in a number of Islamic universities in order to answer the differences and can be compared with other concepts of integration of knowledge.
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 2020
This article aims to discuss the patterns of science integration in Islamic universities in Indonesia and the development models. This study used qualitative method, the data source consists of informants and documentation, as well as data collection techniques carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation, focus group discussions and documentation review. As results, the application of science integration patterns in several Islamic universities turns out to be different, based on different understanding of the concept of science integration and local socio-cultural settings, according to the their respective established backgrounds. The State Islamic University (UIN) generally applies integration, not Islamization, by combining Islamic science and general science. This is stated in the vision and mission of higher education. As for practice, the implementation of science integration is applied to the faculty through direct policy from the university. In general,...
Khazanah : jurnal studi Islam dan humaniora, 2022
The idea of the classification of science in Islamic Religious Colleges in Indonesia can be traced historically from the spirit of the establishment of Islamic tertiary institutions in this country, which from time to time transformed dynamically to find the ideal format of sciences. The spirit of the classification of science is basically related to efforts to bring up integralistic sciences, which no longer focuses solely on the pure religious sciences, but also accommodates general sciences. The writing of this paper uses a combination of library research and field research. The aspect of the literature to be investigated is about the policies of the Indonesian government related to the classification of science in Islamic tertiary institutions in Indonesia. In the implementation aspect, it took place in three campuses: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Maliki Malang. An important finding from this research is that the implementation of the policy on science sciences at Islamic Religious Colleges in Indonesia is not completely smooth sailing. Strong resistance from below on the spirit of uniformity of nomenclature turned out to have an impact on the revocation of Minister of Religion Regulation No. 36/2009 concerning Determination of Science and Academic Degrees in the Environment of Religious Higher Education. Finally, PMA 33 Year 2016 no longer talks about the uniformity of faculty nomenclature, this regulation only talks about the names of study programs and academic degrees that are obtained.