eLingua : Issue 2 : December 2019 / Academy of Language Studies (original) (raw)
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Proceedings International Seminar, 2018
Upin Ipin is one of the animation entertainment that aired by television media. Upin Ipin is loved by children today, not least children in Bali. Animation Upin Ipin is not only as an entertainment, but it is able to influence the use of language, especially for children in Bali. Changes in the greater and widespread language dialects will have implications for the local and Indonesian language marginalization. This article aims to discuss the role of the media, especially television that has been able to influence the language dialects of children in Bali. The logic of the analyzed language is the change of everyday language and behavior along with the implications felt by the parents. The data were taken through observation and in-depth interviews. Observations conducted on Balinese children who tend to watch animation Upin Ipin through television media. Similarly, in-depth interviews of parents of children who have been affected by the language of Upin Ipin. The research method used qualitative method with qualitative interpretative approach. This study uses the theory of habitus proposed by Bourdieu. The results of the study show that television media is quite instrumental in influencing the language and behavior of children in Bali. Some parents feel uncomfortable with changes in their children's language dialects. They fear that regional languages will become increasingly marginalized later. Changes that occur is the implication of the animated show Upin Ipin is enough to dominate other events. Frequently hearing the language and seeing the behavior of Upin Ipin become seeping into the minds and feelings of the children. Therefore automatically form the knowledge naturally. Knowledge gained becomes intertwined so as to change the way of speech, attitude and behavior.
ELLIC is an international seminar held by University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) discussing about Language and Literature, especially in English. Raising the theme-Innovation, Trends, and Challenges in English Language Learning in the 21st Century-this conference is designed to prepare the teachers in promoting English teaching and learning which demands them to choose the appropriate approach, strategy, model as well as material which is based on the students' needs and characteristics. There are 78 presenters and 24 participants who are teachers, lecturers, undergaduate, graduate, and postgraduate students from Indonesia will be discussing various important issues on English Language and Literature in the parallel presentation sessions. The committee would like to thank the Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd and the Dean of Foreign Language and Culture Faculty, Yesika Maya Ocktarani, M.Hum for their full support. The last, we expect all presenters and participant...
Newsletter of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, Vol 1, No 2, May 2015
CEMCA works in two major sectors: Education and Livelihoods & Health. In both these sectors, it’s main focus is on the use of appropriate educational communication technologies to improve the quality of teaching and learning. CEMCA has been engaged in the promotion of low-cost open source technologies for promoting online learning in the Asian region. While it is not a technology organization, it is engaged in experimenting with learning technologies to showcase the benefits and guide others on how to use technology for learning. CEMCA has promoted the following: Educational Multimedia eLearning Radio Enabled Learning Open Educational Resources Community Radio Television Teleconference
Keberkesanan penggunaan elemen-elemen multimedia dalam penyampaian maklumat menerusi multimedia
This study sought to find out the effects of reading aloud on the utterances of early set of words in the rehabilitation of a hearing-impaired boy with cochlear implant. The subject in the study is a hearing impaired boy who hears with a sensory hearing aid. Cochlear implantation was done one and half years ago. The study uses the reading aloud treatment (R.A.T) to provide spoken language to the subject. The reading materials contain four categories of words, namely, naming things and people; actions and events; describing or modifying things and personal or social words. In the process of the rehabilitation, the reading materials were read to the subject. Then the subject read aloud by repeating what is been read. It is one of the strategies that can be used to support language development in all children. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere thanks and gratitude to all the lecturers of the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak for their kind assistance, advice and encouragement throughout the duration I had been doing this project. I would also like to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to my Project Supervisor, Mr Jayapragas Gnaniah for his unceasing effort in guiding, supporting and motivating me to complete this project paper. My appreciation is also extended to Ms Sue Walker, the headmistress and teachers of 'The Tree House' school for the assistance and cooperation they have given me. My sincere thanks and gratitude too goes to Ms Anne Anthony, lecturer of Batu Lintang Teaching's Training College for giving me invaluable insight in this project. I would also extend my gratitude to all members in my ESL-PKPG groups and friends for all their help, support and cooperation. Last, but not in the least, is my appreciation to all members of my family especially my beloved husband, Carter Ballang Kapong and children, Kedung, Lian and Agan who had been my constant source of strength and inspiration to go through this project.
The digital and technologically reigned era has brought in plethora of changes in almost all the sectors and especially the educational field is experiencing a drastic shift. Virtual learning through various methods like CALL and MALL is getting reformed day by day resulting in the usage of technologies. This research article focuses on introducing and analysing how CALL assists in enhancing the listening skill of the learners by providing a self learning platform. Sociological and psychological aspects of the respondents are taken into consideration to analyse the difference in the performance of the respondents. The role of intervention and motivation is one of the objectives as the process of research methodology is based on intervention and not on the basis of conventional and experimental group. Thus, this research work aims in analysing the listening ability of the respondents by conducting pre test through traditional method and post test through CALL.
Ayo Sinau Basa Jawa: Bahan Digital Penunjang Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jawa Berbasis Multimedia
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2020
This research aims to develop digital interactive teaching materials entitled "Ayo Sinau Basa Jawa" (Let's Learn Javanese) for students in grade I in elementary school. The research and development method used is ADDIE. The measures taken in this development research are analysis, design, development, implementation, dan Evaluation. The digital teaching method named Ayo Sinau Basa Jawa is a multimedia based interactive teaching material which provides menu called sinau (learn) and gladhen (practice) inside. The "sinau" material is presented by integrating pictures, sounds, and videos while "gladhen" is given in a form of quizzes. Products developed were validated by three experts according to the aspects assessed, namely aspects of content, language and multimedia. The content validation results obtained a score of 96%, the results of language validation obtained a score of 93%, and the results of multimedia validation scored 93%. The result of this study is that the product is valid, so it is capable of being utilized and is attractive and effective to be used by elementary school students. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan bahan ajar interaktif berupa bahan digital Ayo Sinau Basa Jawa bagi siswa kelas I Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Bahan digital Ayo Sinau Basa Jawa merupakan bahan ajar interaktif berbasis mulimedia yang menyediakan menu sinau (belajar) dan gladhen (latihan) didalamnya. Materi sinau disajikan dengan mengintegrasikan media gambar, audio dan video, sedangkan gladhen disajikan dalam bentuk kuis. Produk yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh tiga ahli sesuai aspek yang dinilai, yakni aspek isi, bahasa, dan multimedia. Hasil validasi isi memperoleh skor 96%, hasil validasi bahasa memperoleh skor 93%, dan hasil validasi multimedia memperoleh skor 93%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produk telah valid sehingga layak dan efektif digunakan oleh siswa Sekolah Dasar.
One-Day National Level Seminar Organized By-Vidyasagar College Of Education 20 th May 2023
A Study on Inclusive Education in the Light of Digitization, 2023
India's education system has needed reform for a while now to keep up with the growing demand for an inclusive, modern education system by NEP 2020. This theoretically focused article seeks to show how inclusive educational opportunities can support the development of digital education. It argues that, like inclusive education, future development in the usage of digital education will call for a rethink and revision of education. This article contends that while regulations, guidelines, and professional development in digital education are crucial, inclusive education also necessitates that digital education takes into account the deeply embedded values, presumptions, and assumptions that educators, students, parents, and society at large hold. In order to do this, great thought must be given to the systematic structuring of online learning in terms of curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. India's children and youth have become more technologically experienced, knowledgeable, and well-informed over the past decade, demonstrating a significant aptitude for and readiness to absorb and learn from digital media. Many educational stakeholders are worried about the issue of digitalization in Higher Education institutions. In one way or another, digitization improves our social, political, economic and educational life. Keywords: Inclusive Education, Digital Education, Digital Technology, Inclusive Society.