Estimation of erosion rate in Cileungsi upper watershed Bogor Regency (original) (raw)

Analysis of Erosion Hazard in Upstream Ciliwung Watershed Bogor , West Java , Indonesia


Erosion is the loss of a soil or parts of soil from a place that is transported by water or wind to another place. The growing quantity of human activity makes buildings around upstream Ciliwung watershed Bogor, West Java, Indonesia increase as well. The current condition of natural and environmental resources in the upstream Ciliwung watershed is quite apprehensive where environmental damage is already severe due to inappropriate use and use of land and urgent life needs. Therefore, mapping the spatial distribution of erosion hazards in the relevant research area needs to be done. The method that researcher use to predict erosion is the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) equation. This equation is an erosion estimation model used to calculate the amount of erosion that occurs in the long term in an area. This equation can predict the average erosion rate in a plot of land at various slope steepness with a certain rain pattern for each existing cropping effort and soil management a...

Soil erosion assessment using revised universal soil loss equation model and geo-spatial technology: A case study of upper Tuirial river basin, Mizoram, India

AIMS Geosciences, 2020

Soil erosion is one of the major environmental problems in northeast India, and identifying areas prone to severe erosion loss is therefore very crucial for sustainable management of different land uses. Tuirial river basin, where shifting cultivation is a major land use, is prone to severe soil erosion and land degradation, linked to its fragile geo-morpho-pedological characteristics. Though several models are available to estimate soil erosion the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is more appropriate and practical model that can be applied at a local or regional level. The objective of the study was to estimate annual soil loss in the upper Tuirial river basin by using RUSLE where various parameters such as rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), slope length (L), slope steepness factor (S), crop management factor (C) and practice management factor (P) were taken into consideration. Land use land cover (LULC) derived from Satellite data of Sentinel 2A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were integrated into the model. Our results revealed that the river basin has an average annual soil loss of 115.4 Mg ha −1 yr −1 , and annual sediments loss to the tune of 6.161 million Mg yr −1 from the basin. About one-fourth (24.78%) of the total basin could be classed as very high to very severe soil erosion prone area that need immediate conservation measures. Besides, the erosional activities were perceived directly proportional with the slope values in the basin. However, regardless of the rugged mountainous terrain of the basin, the unscientific practice of shifting cultivation, associated with high intensity of rainfall is the principal cause of soil erosion. The results of the study is expected to contribute to adaptation of appropriate soil and water conservation measures in the basin 526 AIMS Geosciences Volume 6, Issue 4, 525-544. area, and similar studies may also be extended to other unexplored areas for proper watershed management in state of Mizoram.

Soil Erosion Modelling at Watershed Level in Indonesia: a Review

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019

Soil erosion is one of the most serious degradation problems in the world, so in Indonesia. The average level of global soil erosion ranges from 12-15 Ton/ha/yr, or it can be said that there is a surface soil loss of 0.90-0.95 mm of land. While the watershed in Indonesia is 458 in which 60 are critically heavy, 222 critical and 176 potentially critical. An action is needed to reduce erosion rates which is one of the causes of damage to the watershed. Soil erosion modeling is a method used in estimating the amount of soil erosion that occurs in an area. Various models of soil erosion are developed with the aim of producing precise erosion estimates. This study will discuss soil erosion modeling (definition, classification of models and proceed) and a review of erosion assessment models that are widely used in Indonesia (USLE, MUSLE, RUSLE, and SWAT). By knowing each erosion estimation model, hope can be able to choose the right model according to the study to be conducted.

GIS-based revised universal soil loss equation for estimating annual soil erosion: a case of lower Kulsi basin, India

SN applied sciences, 2023

Assessment and estimation of soil loss is a fundamental aspect of land and water resource conservation and management practices as it provides necessary information in the course of watershed-level development of a region. The soil loss model of Wischmeier and Smith, popularly known as the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, was selected to estimate soil loss in the lower Kulsi river basin due to its simplicity, versatility, and flexibility nature method in the Geographic information system platform. Most original governmental datasets, mainly daily gauge rainfall from 2009 to 2018, satellite images for land use land cover, digital elevation model of Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission for topographic factor, and National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land-use Planning, India soil map were utilized to estimate the average annual soil erosion. The estimated average annual soil erosion ranges from 0.0 to 6.45 thousand t ha −1 y −1 , grouped into low, moderate, high, and very high risk of soil erosion. A basin area of 36.235 km 2 (1.85%) basin area was identified as high to very high zones of soil erosion risk and needed immediate conservation measures to reduce the erosion risk. Article highlights (1) The soil loss estimate is vital for taking appropriate anti-erosion measures and enhancing surface runoff in identifying priority areas. (2) The GIS-based RUSLE model is a simple and widely acceptable soil loss estimating model for the watershed in a tropical monsoon climate. (3) Rainfall erosivity, conservation practice, and topographic factors of the basin contribute more to soil erosion.

Spatial Pattern Of Soil Erosion In Cikapundung Watershed, Indonesia

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2018

Application of GeoWEPP model in Indonesia has been facing a challenge in preparing the input data of both soil and plant management factors. Therefore, this research aims at detailing data of soil so that the model can represent well the spatial pattern of soil erosion. The research was carried out in Cikapundung watershed, West Java, Indonesia using GeoWEPP model for both watershed and flowpath methods. Soil erosion and sediment yield was analyzed based on three scenarios namely existing land cover year 2014 (scenario 1), 2030 predicted land cover (scenario 2), and allocation of land cover based on West Java's 2009-2030 regional planning (scenario 3). The result showed total runoff was amounted 410 mm of 2,093 mm yearly precipitation under existing condition. Hillslope erosion and sediment yield were approximately 359 tons/ha/year and 413 tons/ha/year, respectively. Regional planning scenario was able to reduce the amount of total runoff, hillslope soil erosion, and sediment yield of 3, 94, and 95%, respectively. Sediment yield was increased under 2030 predicted land cover scenario by 1.27%. The allocation of land cover based on 2009-2030 regional planning was the best scenario in reducing the soil erosion and sediment yield in Cikapundung watershed.

1. Report Title and Type: Development of a Methodology for Soil Erosion Hazard Assessment in Upper Kaligarang Watershed, Indonesia (Dissertation)


Soil erosion is one form of land degradation, which is caused by the interacting effects of numerous factors such as biophysical characteristics and socio-economic condition of a particular watershed. Previous erosion studies focused on the use of soil erosion models (e.g. USLE, EUROSEM, SLEMSA etc.), which have been developed under local conditions (e.g. United States, Europe, Africa, etc) and mostly use only biophysical factors as inputs to the models. In this study, a methodology that integrates both biophysical and socio-economic aspects into a framework for soil erosion hazard assessment using principal component analysis (PCA) is described. The analysis is done at the land unit level. With the particular conditions of the study area that is characterized by Inceptisols and Alfisols soil types, nine different land uses with mixed vegetation and forest area dominant in the steep slope, high annual rainfall (>2500 mm), high population with mostly low income and low education, were considered. These were used in formulating a soil erosion hazard index (EHI) equation which relates a number of key factors consisting of biophysical and socio-economic variables, namely soil texture, slope steepness, land cover, soil conservation practices, income and farmers' knowledge. Weighting and scoring of these key factors were used to develop the EHI equation and to calculate an index value of erosion hazard for every land unit. Results indicate that more than 60% of the area has erosion hazard ranging from moderate to very severe, and most of the land units with high erosion hazard were found at the mountain areas. It was also found that erosion hazard was severe in areas with high silt content, followed by high rainfall and steep slope, low crop cover without any soil conservation practices coupled with lack of awareness on soil erosion and low income. The key factors identified and level of erosion hazard obtained can be used to formulate conservation measures in critical areas which are prone to soil erosion.

Water erosion prediction using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation and GIS: A case study of Gorganrud Basin

Environmental Resources Research , 2018

Soil erosion and sedimentation processes can be considered as serious eco-environmental problems. This study aimed to estimate the basin-wide erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The soil erosion parameters included rainfall erosivity map generated from the rainfall data, soil erodibility extracted from the soil map, land cover and management map produced from supervised classification of Landsat ETM+ data, and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to generate the slope length and steepness factor (LS) maps. Support practice map was assumed as 1 as there were no significant conservation practices. Then, the six thematic layers were integrated based on RUSLE model in GIS environment, and the spatial distribution of soil loss in the Gorganrud Basin was achieved. The distribution of erosion risk was 42.5% for low, 30.33% for moderate, and 27.17% for severe classes. The highest amount of erosion occurred in the northwest to northeast and eastern regions with lithological units including loess, young terraces and alluvial deposits and agricultural use despite the fact that LS factors in these areas were less than 10. In the central and southern parts of the basin, in spite of the high values of LS factor (15-55), these areas depicted low to moderate erosion potential. This is supposed to be due to the dense forest coverage in the region that decreases the energy of rain droplets. The soil erosion risk map can be used for rapid assessment of the effects of environmental changes and watershed management interventions.

Soil erosion susceptibility of Johor River basin

Malaysia is undergoing tremendous environmental changes due to population growth, economic development and urbanization. This has stimulated a rapid land use changes which in turn has increased the rate of soil erosion and river sedimen-tation. In this study, Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) are applied within a geographical information system (GIS) to assess the spatial pattern of soil erosion susceptibility of Johor River basin, Malaysia. Geomorphological, landuse and soil information along with other hydrological data such as, annual peak flow and runoff volumes are used to estimate the parameters required for the calculation of soil erosion susceptibility. The results show that annual erosion rate varies between 0.2 and 248.2 t/ha/year according to USLE, and between 19.2 and 2179.9 thousand tons per event according to MUSLE. The land cover management is found as the major factor responsible for soil erosion in the basin.

Soil Erosion Mapping using GIS Based Modeling in Catchment Area of Panglima Besar Soedirman Reservoir, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Advances in Biological Sciences Research

The excessive use of land for farming in the catchment area of Panglima Besar (PB) Sudirman reservoir causes serious environmental problems, particularly in the form of soil erosion. A study about soil erosion is required as a basis for conservation planning. This study aims to determine the spatial distribution of soil erosion in the catchment area of the PB Sudirman Reservoir by using the RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) model in ArcGIS 10.9. Five indicators were used for the soil erosion models such as rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), slope length and slope steepness factor (LS), crop factor (C), and conservation practice factor (P). Those indicators were presented in a raster map format in 30-meter resolution. The results showed that the average value of soil erosion in the catchment area of PB Sudirman Reservoir was 104.82 tons/ha/year or equal to 4.13 mm/year (moderate category). Soil erosion with heavy and very heavy categories was found in the north and east parts of the study site. The results of this study provide a reference for determining the priorities of soil erosion control at the study site.

Estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield concentrations in Dudhganga watershed of Kashmir Valley using RUSLE & SDR model

Environment, Development and Sustainability

A systematic method, incorporating the statistical RUSLE & SDR model, remote sensing and GIS, was used to estimate the annual soil loss and to display spatial distribution of potential erosion risk in Dudhganga watershed. The RUSLE was used in this study in GIS platform based on erosional factors. The spatial and temporal trend of soil erosion in the watershed was obtained by integrating input variables of RUSLE, such as R-factor, K-factor, LS-factor, C-factor and P-factor, into a grid-based GIS method. The estimated rainfall erosivity factor of the watershed ranges from 560.93 to 342.68 MJ mm ha −1 h −1 yr −1 from the year 2000-2020, respectively. The anticipated annual amount of soil loss in the watershed varies in between 6682.37 and 0 t ha −1 yr −1 for the year 2000. Similarly, the values corresponding to annual soil loss increased to 9879.912 t ha −1 yr −1 for the year 2010. Again, in the year 2020 it marked an increase where it recorded the soil loss values of 11,825.98 t ha −1 yr −1 with mean annual soil loss estimates to be 126.89 t ha −1 yr −1 , respectively. The findings of the study revealed that the barren land is the main precarious source exposed to the process of soil erosion and has the upper hand in the rate of soil loss and sediment yield. The results of the study divulged that the most affected part of the watershed is the southwestern side where the majority of the area is occupied by barren land, and consequently, the high soil loss in the upper reaches of the watershed exhibits a close correlation to LS and K factor. It has been found in the study that anthropogenic nuisances like rapid deforestation and reckless unplanned urbanization are the principle drivers responsible for the land change systems in the study region. In the long haul, the outcome of these changes will eventually gear up the soil loss activities in the wetland catchments which in turn will lead to the generation of sediment yield and thereby give rise to sedimentation and siltation of waterbodies and, consequently, will affect their overall water holding capacity.